Jun 21st 2015 08.45 Holy Communion 10.30 Morning Worship 18.30 Evening Worship Morning Prayer 7.30-8.00am Weekdays in the Lounge Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Jun 29th Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 14.00 18.00 19.45 10.00 10.00 19.30 19.30 10.30 13.15 19.00 19:30 18.00 10.00 08.45 10.30 2015 Music & Movement Funasize Table Tennis Working Party Sevenoaks Footsteps Soul Survivor Meeting Silent Prayer Toddlers Drama Group Music Ministry Team Rainbows Prayer Barn Holy Communion Morning Worship 18.00 19.30 Brownies Nexus 10.00 18.00 19.30 Olive Branch Shipshapes Guides 14.00 19.30 21.00 19.30 14.00 18.30 Dorcas TGWNN Night Prayer Youth Club One Group Ignite Communion This is HOMEGROUP Week 14.00 18.00 19.00 19.45 10.00 18.00 19.30 10.30 13.15 18.00 Music & Movement Brownies Bible Study Table Tennis Working Party Shipshapes Guides Silent Prayer Toddlers Rainbows 14.00 18.00 19.45 Nightingales Funasize Key Leaders 10.00 19.15 Olive Branch Holiday Club Planning 19.30 19.30 Ignite Gathering Youth Club 08.45 10.30 Holy Communion All Age Worship 18.30 Evening Praise Prayer List Denis, Tom, Helen Wilks, Jana Cartmell, Sue Walker, Audrey Methven, Anne Hartley. . Ethel Hinton would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their lovely cards, gifts and flowers, and to all who kindly gave to the charity of their own choice. Thank you to all who helped to make it a successful day. God bless you all. The DCF would like to thank everyone who supported us last Saturday with their help and donations. We raised £617 for wheelchairs for the world. The One Group. Next meeting Sat 27th June 2.00pm. Mr & Mrs Fletcher coming to talk about the National Garden Scheme. Everyone welcome Walking Group Next walk Wed 24th June, Bull Beck, Caton. Slightly undulating, 5 miles. Meet Car Park 10.00am. Now to November: The next two prayer walks will start at 2pm on Mondays 22nd and 29th June. Meet at the junction of Luton Road and Beryl Avenue. Party Party Can you imagine us travelling away, as a church, for a weekend next year or the year after? Do you see where we will be going and what we will be doing? Are you getting excited at what might happen on such a time away? If this is you, I want your name! I’m not saying this will happen, but if we can meet and talk it might well do, and be a great gift to us all. I want some dreamers and planners. No previous experience necessary. Stef IMPORTANT 1 Please do not leave cups on chairs as you enjoy refreshments. We have had a few spills and breakages. Would appreciate your cooperation. 2 Thank you to the many of you who volunteer and keep things running smoothly in so many areas of church. Please check when you are on a rota, and if you cannot make it, please arrange a swap, or let someone know, so you can be covered. Cherish 2016 for ladies of all ages. It’s cheaper if you book and pay before the end of June. Contact Mandy Taylor or Ann Dnistrianskyj. Cleveleys Churches Together Summer Event at the Baptist Church on Wednesday June 24th, when Rev. Dr. Bill Davies will speak on the topic: Is the God of the Old the God of the New? Prayer Barn 27th Jun. Andrew and Jenny Daniels, missionaries to the All Nations For Christ Bible Institute in Nigeria, will be joining us,10.00am Meeting Room. All welcome. David Tarbuck. New Chairs. £3920 generously given so far. Many thanks. Rev Stef Dnistrianskyj 823978 dnists@gmail.com Rev Steve Haskett 07980 248917 stevehaskett78@gmail.com PCC Secretary: Yvonne Davies 863547 All Saints Church: 823904 allsaintsanchorsholme@gmail.com Web Site: www.anchorsholme.org All Saints Church is a charity registered with the Charity Commission no. 1132756
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