Jul 5th 2015 08.45 Holy Communion 10.30 All Age Worship 18.30 Evening Worship Morning Prayer 7.30-8.00am Weekdays in the Lounge Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun 14.00 18.00 19.45 10.00 10.00 19.30 10.30 13.15 19.00 19:30 18.00 Music & Movement Funasize Table Tennis Working Party Sevenoaks Footsteps Silent Prayer Toddlers Drama Group Music Ministry Team Rainbows 18.00 19.30 Brownies Nexus 10.00 18.00 19.30 Olive Branch Shipshapes Guides 14.00 19.30 21.00 19.30 Dorcas TGWNN Night Prayer Youth Club 08.45 10.30 Morning Prayer Holy Communion 18.30 Ignite Jul 13th 2015 Mon 14.00 18.00 19.00 19.45 10.00 18.00 10.30 13.15 19.30 18.00 Music & Movement Brownies Bible Study Table Tennis Working Party Shipshapes Holy Communion Toddlers Music Ministry Team Rainbows 14.00 18.00 19.45 Nightingales Funasize PCC 10.00 19.30 Olive Branch Guides 19.30 TGWNN 19.30 Youth Club 08.45 10.30 Holy Communion Morning Worship 18.30 Healing Service Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun This is HOMEGROUP Week If you wish to find further information about the activities and group listed above, please visit the website, or ask. There are leaflets with further details of the Nexus programme and Homegroups in reception. Prayer List Jacqueline Kerwin, Anne Parker, Sallie Schofield, Kevin Arnott, Edith Bradley, Helen Wilks, Sue Walker. . George Ellison IMPORTANT Marjorie and family would like to thank you 1 Please do not leave cups on chairs as very much for all your cards, emails, phone you enjoy refreshments. We have had a calls and prayers following the sad death of few spills and breakages. Would appreciate George. They were a great comfort. Thank your cooperation. you, too, to all the people who helped in the 2 Thank you to the many of you who church and hall on the day of the funeral. volunteer and keep things running George was a lovely man and we miss him smoothly in so many areas of church. very much. Please keep praying for us in Please check when you are on a rota, and the months ahead as we adjust to our loss. if you cannot make it, please arrange a Walking Group Next walk Sat 11th July, swap, or let someone know, so you can be Silverdale is CANCELLED. covered. Now to November: The next two prayer walks will start at 2pm on Mondays 6th and 13th July. Meet at the junction of Fleetwood Road and Russell Avenue on the 6th. Meet at the junction of Rockville Avenue and Seabrook Drive on the 13th. We will resume on Monday 7th September. CCT Monthly Prayer Diary CLEVELEYS URC. PLEASE PRAY FOR: 1. The success of the Barnabas Fund, our church's chosen charity for this year. The fund supports persecuted churches in the Middle East and Africa. Donations A considerable number of envelope boxes (weekly giving) have still not been taken. If you would like to use giving envelopes then please see Norma Elkington. 2. The people we reach through our Global Crisis Fund; and those helped through our support for Missionary Aviation Fellowship, which works in many underdeveloped countries. Tax Returns If you would like a record of your annual giving to church (for tax purposes) please add your name to the list on the table at the back of church (adjacent to the sound desk) 3. The continuing success of Stepping Stones, an outreach to local people who have been bereaved. . Party Party Can you imagine us travelling away, as a church, for a weekend next year or the year after? Do you see where we will be going and what we will be doing? Are you getting excited at what might happen on such a time away? If this is you, I want your name! I’m not saying this will happen, but if we can meet and talk it might well do, and be a great gift to us all. I want some dreamers and planners. No previous experience necessary. Stef 4. For the Parent and Toddler Group. 5. For our Social Committee, and the Summer Fair planned for July 11th 6. For the 4 United Reformed Churches in the North Fylde Pastorate, as they work more closely through occasional joint services and other activities. Rev Stef Dnistrianskyj 823978 dnists@gmail.com Rev Steve Haskett 07980 248917 stevehaskett78@gmail.com PCC Secretary: Yvonne Davies 863547 All Saints Church: 823904 allsaintsanchorsholme@gmail.com Web Site: www.anchorsholme.org All Saints Church is a charity registered with the Charity Commission no. 1132756
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