WELCOME Sunday 10th May Sixth Sunday of Easter 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion 11.30 a.m. Morning Prayer beginning on page 180 in the Book of Common Prayer Epistle Reading: 1 John 5.1-6 page 1161 in Bible Gospel Reading: John 15.9-17 page 1023 in Bible beginning on page 101 in the Book of Common Prayer. 10.00 a.m. Celebrate An informal service, where the Bible is read and taught, and we respond to God in praise and prayer. Near the beginning of this service we confess our sin to God and admit our need for Jesus, using this prayer: Heavenly Father, you have loved us with an everlasting love, but we have gone our own way, and rejected your will for our lives. We are sorry for our sins and turn away from them. For the sake of your Son who died for us, forgive us, cleanse us, and change us. By your Holy Spirit, enable us to live for you, and to please you in every way; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Bible Reading: Acts 17.16-34 page 1051 in Bible 11.00 a.m. Refreshments in the Cathedral Hall Please stand as the choir and clergy enter at the start of the service. Greeting page 101 Processional Hymn 231 My song is love unknown omit v4 & v5 Venite page 103 Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 66.18-24 page 715 in Bible Psalm 98 Hymn 710 Sing to God new songs of worship New Testament Reading: Acts 17.16-34 page 1051 in Bible Te Deum, part 1 page 107 Sermon Offering Hymn 456 Lord, you give the great commission Apostles’ Creed, Collects and Prayers page 112 Hymn 443 Sent forth by God’s blessing Going Out as God's People page 116 6.00 p.m. Evening Prayer beginning on page 101 in the Book of Common Prayer. Hymn 20 The King of love, my shepherd is Psalm 45 page 643 Reading 1 Corinthians 15.35-58 page 1092 in Bible Hymn 606 As the deer pants for the water Hymn 627 What a friend we have in Jesus Hymn 373 To God be the Glory Our preacher at the mid-morning services is Revd David Luckman, BCMS Crosslinks Team Leader in Ireland. BCMS Crosslinks is an Anglican mission agency, with the motto: God's Word to God's World Parish Fellowship A time to meet to look at the Bible, discuss and pray. Wednesday at 8.30 p.m. in the Rectory. All welcome. Mothers’ Union Car Boot Sale Saturday 16th May 9.30 to 12.00 noon in the Cathedral Hall car park. Teas, coffee and scones will be served in the hall. Tables are available at a cost of £5 and it is also possible to set up in the hall if weather is too wet for outdoors. Someone will be on duty from 8.45 a.m. so come early if you want a prime position in the car park. Men’s Breakfast Not to be outdone by the ladies’ breakfast at Easter, the men are warmly invited to enjoy a cooked breakfast and conversation on Saturday 23rd May. The speaker is the Revd Bill Press, rector of Knockbreda, and the cost of the morning will be £6.00. Please indicate to the Rector or churchwardens if you would like to come, and any others you might wish to invite. Prayer Walk on Wednesday 27th May In Hillsborough church grounds - starting from 7.30 p.m., followed in the church at 8.30 p.m. and then tea in the church hall. All members are welcome including those who wish to walk very little or not at all. Let Helen or Shirley know, as we need to submit numbers of those attending. Thursday 14th May Ascension Day 8.00 p.m. Holy Communion Sunday 17th May Seventh Sunday of Easter 10.00 a.m. Celebrate with Holy Communion 11.30 a.m. Morning Prayer 6.00 p.m. Holy Communion Thank you for serving 10th May Flower Rota 17th May Donor: Vacant Mrs P McKeown Sound Team 11.30 B Mackey H Wallace Can you help with the sound or visuals? We'd love to hear from you. Refreshments C Wallace, S Wilson N Stewart, K Haslem May Refreshments rota on notice board in Cathedral Hall Crèche at 11 a.m. N Coffey, S Shepherd H Forsythe, C Bickerstaff A Scott C Mackey P Cherry G Lough H Forsythe Readers 8.30 11.30 6.00
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