Large print available - St.Faith and St. Laurence

The Parish Church of St. Faith and St. Laurence
Honorary Canonry at Birmingham Cathedral. I (Priscilla) am delighted
to announce that I have been invited to join the group of Honorary Canons at
the cathedral. This is in addition to the post here and is a great honour as there
are only 24 Honorary canons at any one time. There will be a service of
installation on Sunday 26th April at 3.30pm in the Cathedral. There is plenty of
space for anyone who wants to come. I’m told I can have 14 reserved seats and
up to 80 come as you find. So please let me know as soon as possible if you
would like to come so I can work out the logistics.
REQUIEM by Gabriel Fauré
Simon Palmer - Conductor
David Friel - Organist
St. Peter’s Parish Church, Harborne
Good Friday at 7.30 pm
The Choirs of St. Peter’s Church and St. Faith and St. Laurence Church with members
of Quinborne Choir and Midlands Hospitals Choir, and friends.
All welcome - no charge for entry.
If there are any members of the congregation who sing and would like to take part, see
Simon Palmer for further details. There is just one rehearsal on the day at 5.30 pm.
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be on Tuesday April 14th at 7.30pm in
the church followed by refreshments. At this meeting we gather to hear the story of
the year though narrative reports and the annual accounts. We will be electing
Churchwardens (technically in the meeting prior to the APCM) and five people to
serve on the PCC (four for 3 years and 1 for two years, filling a vacancy). Please do try
and attend if you can. Anyone whose name is on the electoral roll is entitled to be
there. See notice board in the narthex.
Hustings – The Hustings take place in church on April 20th doors open at
6.30pm for prompt start at 7pm the Hustings will finish at 9pm and be followed
by refreshments. We need some volunteers to act as Stewards and to help with
refreshments. Anyone who can help - you will be needed from 6pm, please see
Emails: The Vicar’s email is
Items for the pew sheet need to reach Celia Wilkie by Wednesday of each week.
For Visitors and those not in the Planned Giving Scheme:
If you intend to make a contribution to our collection today and you are an Income
Tax payer, please maximise your giving by using one of our Gift Aid envelopes which
are located in the pews. It is important that you give your name and address,
and sign and date the envelope. Thank you
Sunday 29th March 2015
Welcome to everyone especially if you are here for the first time,
or you haven’t been to church for a while.
Refreshments will be served in the hall after the 10 am service so please do stay.
with Blessing of the Palms
8.00 am
Holy Communion
Special Service Booklet
10.00 am
Family Communion
Special Service Booklet
6.30 pm
Psalm 69.1-20
Isaiah 5.1-7
Mark 12.1-12
162 (t.278)
pew Bible p.644
pew Bible p.46
Old Testament
New Testament
Hail thou once despised Jesus
When I survey the wondrous cross
Jesus, where’er thy people meet
Praise to the holiest in the height
Gluten free wafers available. Please ask the Warden before the service begins if you would like one.
Large print available
Hearing loop
True and humble king,
hailed by the crowd as Messiah:
grant us the faith to know you and love you,
that we may be found beside you
on the way of the cross,
which is the path of glory. Amen
Prayer points - please include these in your personal prayers
For the World, for Peace and an
end to Poverty
For an end to war in Syria and Iraq, and
an end to fighting in Nigeria, South Sudan
and Ukraine.
We pray for those Christians in troubled
parts of the world who are in fear for
their lives when witnessing to their faith.
For the families and friends of those who
died in the Alps air crash. For those in
Vanuatu coping with the devastation
caused by the cyclone and for those still
struggling with the Ebola disease.
For Family Friends and Neighbours
For our witness in the community
through friends, neighbours and groups.
For our neighbours of other faiths.
For Church and Diocese
Archbishop Justin and Archbishop John,
and Bishop David.
Heavenly Father, we give thanks for our
Bishops, Priests and Deacons. As they gather
in Birmingham Cathedral on Maundy
Thursday to renew their vows and
commitment to your service, we pray for the
healing and affirming ministries they offer,
using the holy oils blessed by our Bishop.
For the Anglican Church in Jerusalem and
the Middle East with Rt. Revd. Suheil
Morning Prayer will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Saturday this week in the Lady Chapel at 8.15 am
Holy Week is a time to reflect on the Easter story. Do take the opportunity to come
to some, or all, of the services over the next seven days.
Wed 1
For those who are ill
For the Families and Friends of those
who have died
For the Growing Younger Initiative
and our developing bid for a Children
and Families Missioner. Please pray for
clarity and vision as we develop the
ideas for this work.
Parish Website:
8.00 am
10.00 am
6.30 pm
Wed 8
Night Prayer ‘The owner of the Upper Room’
William Lench Court service
Night Prayer ‘Simon of Cyrene’
Lady Chapel
Lady Chapel
10.30 am
Call in for Coffee
Committee Room
11.00 am
Holy Communion
Lady Chapel
6.30 pm
Wedding rehearsal
7.30 pm
Night Prayer ‘Joseph of Arimathea’
Lady Chapel
Maundy Thursday
9.30 am
Stay and Play
6.00 pm
Choir practice
7.30 pm
Communion followed by Vigil
Good Friday
10.30 am
Churches Together in Harborne worship on Harborne
High Street
12.30 pm
Good Friday Story
2.00 pm
Last Hour at the Cross
7.30 pm
Requiem by Gabriel Fauré at St. Peter’s Church, Harborne
See overleaf
Holy Saturday
9.30 am
Decoration of the Church for Easter
10.30 am
Messy Church
2.00 pm
Wedding of Edward Cheel and Elizabeth Payne
7.30 pm
Easter Vigil
The 8 am and 10 am services will begin in the Garden
Holy Communion
Family Communion
Choral Evensong to include Canticles by Brewer in D,
plus 'Blessed be the God and Father' by S.S.Wesley
10.30 am
11.00 am
9.30 am
Call in for Coffee
Holy Communion
Stay and Play
Committee Room
Lady Chapel