pews news - Liphook and Bramshott Church

say how very much we will miss them, how grateful
we are for all they have given to this church, and to
wish them all the very best for the future.
next Sunday...
8th February 2015
Second before Lent
St Mary’s
8am Holy Communion
9.15 am Matins
11 am Extended Holy Communion
6pm Evening Prayer
Church Centre
10.30 Morning Worship
If you are a UK taxpayer, please use the Gift Aid
Envelopes as this enables us to reclaim 25p on every
pound. If you intend to use the Gift Aid Envelopes on a
regular basis, or need a fresh supply, please contact our
Gift Aid Donations Secretary, Nigel Ramage on 01428
general info...
For enquiries contact the Church Office, The Ark, Church
Centre, Portsmouth Road, Liphook, GU30 7DJ Tel 01428
725390 or email: Website: The Church Office is open
Monday-Thursday mornings, 9.30-12.30 (closed Fridays)
Valentine’s mobile - 07917 151498
Valentine’s day off is on a Tuesday.
Deadline for Pews News: 9 am Thursdays
pews news
1st February 2015
4th Sunday of Epiphany
Bible Reading: Acts 3: 1-10 (p1094)
At St Mary’s
8 am Holy Communion (BCP)
Second Reading: Matthew 20: 1-16
Alan Geddes & Tony Halsey
9.15am Family Service
Valentine Inglis-Jones
6pm Holy Communion
Alan Geddes & Valentine Inglis-Jones
At the Church Centre
10..30am Family Service
Helen Jackson & Valentine Inglis-Jones
for newcomers...
If you are new today you are very welcome—we love
to meet new people. If you want to get to know us a
bit more please stay for coffee after the service—and
make yourself known to us if we haven’t already said
this week…
Monday 2nd February
Bumps & Babies—the Ark—1.45-3.15pm
Lent Course —Church Centre—2-4 pm. “Praise Him”
- a 5-week course running alternate weeks led by
Tony Halsey & Vivien Chamberlain. All welcome.
Prayer Meeting - the Chapel—7-8pm
Tuesday 3rd February
Little Lambs—Church Centre (CC)—9.45-11.45am
Wednesday 4th February
Holy Communion—CC Chapel 10am.
Thursday 5th February
Thursday Morning Bible Study Group—CC—10-12
Alpha—Church Centre— 7.30 pm “How can I be sure
of my faith?”
Missed a service? Pews News can now be downloaded from our website
this week (continued)…
Friday 6th February
Urban Saints– CC—Beacons 4.45-6 pm, Rays 6.15-7 pm,
Searchlights & Headlights 8-9.30 pm
coming up….
Children’s Workers Meeting—9th February—8pm
Church Centre
We love our children and it’s great to have so many!.
With Helen stepping down as Children’s Worker so soon
we’re calling a meeting of all parents and children’s
helpers at the Church Centre at 8 pm to talk about our
vision for the future which is very exciting! - and how
we’re going to get there…..
Gill’s Mile: Monday 16th February
Gill Fotheringham is raising money for the church
centre fund by swimming a mile. Sponsor forms are
available at the back of both churches and the office.
Come Dine with Me: Saturday 28th February
7pm Church Centre—moving to your mystery host!
Please join us for dinner to raise funds for the Church
Centre. The Church Centre would particularly like to
invite the St Mary’s congregation to join us. If you have
a friend who wouldn’t normally come to church or who
would like to meet new people—this event would be
great to invite them to!
Tickets £15 per person—a 3-course meal and a glass of
wine. Available at services and from the Church Office.
Proceeds to the Church Centre Refurbishment Project
children’s worker vacancy..
We are still looking forward to applications for this post.
This is a part time, salaried role (7 hours per week).
Please contact Valentine 07917 151498 if you are
for your prayers...
The sick including: Tony Fotheringham, Emma
Kinniburgh, Louise Garwood, Bethany Rowell, Joy Tew,
Mary Snuggs, Joanna Smith, Rita Taylor, Caroline Lord,
Fiona Boyd, Alexander Bennett, Margaret Miller and
those who care for them.
The families of those who have died—Caroline Allen,
Irene Atkinson —and for all those grieving.
Wedding: Peter Burrows & Claire Booker being married
at St Mary’s yesterday
The residents of Manor Fields, Marshes Hollow,
Mayfield House Care Home & Meadow Close.
If there is anyone you would like to be included in the
prayers, please contact Valentine Inglis-Jones or the
Church Office.
Prayer chain provides intercession for ongoing needs.
All requests for prayer are treated confidentially. Please
contact Wendy Atkins (722112)
Hospital Prayer Watch is arranged for someone having
surgery on a particular day. Advance notice is vital.
Please contact Steve Newitt (723378) or Wendy Atkins
Praying together:
Week of Accompanied Prayer 8-15th March
Petersfield Deanery
Want to deepen your relationship with God?
Take this opportunity to experience new or different
ways of praying. The commitment is to a half-hour
prayer (material provided) each day plus a half-hour
exploration of what happened in that prayer with a
guide. If interested please contact Marjorie Arnold.
Charity Cream Tea—Saturday 28th March 3.30—
4.30pm at the Church Centre
Lydia Blackmore is still looking forward to welcoming
you all to a fundraising tea for the National Autistic
Society which she will be representing in the April
London Marathon . A suggested donation of £5 per
ticket would be very welcome and can be obtained from
Lydia, Chris or Cherry Blackmore or call 0797130578
Sundays: 20 minutes before the main morning services
Weekly: Mondays 7-8 pm at the Church Centre Chapel
Daily: at 7.30 am—Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri at the Church
Centre Chapel, Thursdays at St Mary’s
other news…
Grapevine: For those who have not already received a
copy, the new Grapevine is available at the back of the
New Wine 25th-31st July 2015We had a fantastic time
away at New Wine last Summer and we’re planning to
go again next year. Do talk to Valentine if you would like
to join us.
The Hydons are moving: in case you haven't heard,
Peter and Alison Hydon will be moving to Kent in
February. Peter will be starting a new job in March.
They will be back from time to time, but we’d like to