week beginning 1st March 2015

Sunday 1 March 2015
Welcome to Tewkesbury Abbey
Monday 2 - Chad, bishop, missionary, 672
8.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
12.30 pm Holy Communion (St Margaret)
5.30 pm
Choral Evensong
Tuesday 3
8.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
11.00 am Funeral - Anthony Grossmith
5.30 pm
Choral Evensong
6.30 pm
Girls’ Brigade (Parish Hall)
7.00 pm
Holy Communion (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
Wednesday 4
7.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
8.00 am
Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)
2.00 pm
Funeral - Mavis Allinson
5.30 pm
Evening Prayer (St Margaret)
Thursday 5
8.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
10.30 am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer (Lady Chapel)
2.00 pm
Funeral - David Hill
5.30 pm
Choral Evensong
6.30 pm
Junior Choir Practice (Camera Cantorum)
7.30 pm
Bell Ringing Practice (Tower)
8.00 pm
Lectio Divina (Abbey House)
9.00 pm
Compline (Lady Chapel)
Friday 6 - Perpetua, Felicity and companion martyrs. 203
7.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
8.00 am
Holy Communion (St Margaret)
10.30 am POPITS (Parish Hall)
11.00 am Funeral - Robin Otter
1.30 pm
Funeral - Rosamund Griffin
5.30 pm
Choral Evensong sung by the Lay Clerks
7.00 pm
Choir Practice (Camera Cantorum)
Saturday 7
8.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
9.00 am
Holy Communion (Founders Chapel)
10.30 am The Tea Room will opened by Fairtrade
5.00 pm
Choral Evensong sung by St James’ School, Maryland, USA
7.30 pm
Songbards Concert (Abbey House)
Sunday 8 - Third Sunday of Lent
7.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
8.00 am
Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer (Lady Chapel)
9.15 am
Parish Eucharist
11.00 am Litany and Sung Eucharist
5.00 pm
Choral Evensong with Lenten Meditation
Second Sunday of Lent
8.00 am
Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)
Collect and Readings for
Second Sunday in Lent
from the Book of Common Prayer
9.15 am
9.15 Together
After this service Parish Breakfast will be served in the Visitor Centre.
We invite our visitors to join us.
There is a quiet play area set up in the North Aisle for pre-school children
and their parents at the 9.15 & 11.00am services.
11.00 am
5.00 pm
Litany and Sung Eucharist
Choral Evensong with Lenten Meditation
For Your Prayers
The Sick
Myrtle Banergee, Rex Lofts, Joan Milway,
Stewart Morgan, Ann Pitt, Jeanne Ramsbottom
The Departed
Mavis Allinson, Rosamund Griffin, Barbara Grimley,
Anthony Grossmith, David Hill, Robin Otter,
Lily Ranson, Brian Shearmur
Year’s Mind
Marjorie Peel, Robert Jenkins,
Dorothy Fisher, George Robinson
If you know of someone who is sick and ought to be on this list
please forward their name to the Abbey Office
having first obtained their permission to do so.
Abbey Family News
I am pleased to announce the
engagement of our Verger,
Luke Marshall & Agnieszka (Aga)
Ogórek, our prayers and
congratulations are with you both.
Music Scholarship
Congratulations to John Etherington,
the youngest member of the Abbey
Choir, who has been awarded a
Music Scholarship at RGS Springfield
in Worcester for his singing
and trombone playing.
Well done John!
Lent Book
In God’s Hands
by Desmond Tutu
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s
LENT BOOK for 2015
is available from the Abbey Shop.
Monks in the Abbey
Thank you to Paul and Trish
Fearnley for all the hard work
they have put into the Monks
display in St Faith’s Chapel.
Fr Paul
Lent Booklets
are available
at the back of the Abbey.
Note for your Diary
Lily Ranson
On Monday and Tuesday, 9 and 10 March,
It is with great sadness that I announce Schola Cantorum will be recording their
latest CD in the Abbey.
the death of Lily.
services will be moved
Our thoughts and prayers are with
to the Fitzhamon Room:
Fr David and Sue Coulton.
Monday 9 March
Her funeral will be
12.30pm Holy Communion
on Thursday 12 March at 2pm.
5.30pm Evening Prayer
Robin Otter
It is with great sadness that I announce
the death of Robin. His funeral will be
on Friday 6 March at 11am.
Fr Paul
Over 100 hampers were
delivered to make a happier
Christmas for various families,
thank you for your generosity.
We now need more of everything
(except pasta, baked beans and soup)
our stocks of longlasting milk and fruit
juice are particularly low.
Thanks in advance to all donors.
Tony Cullingford
Tuesday 10 March
5.30pm Evening Prayer
7.00pm Holy Communion
The Abbey will close at 5pm
on both days.
Celebrate Need Guitars!
We are starting a Guitar club at
Celebrate to teach children and
young adults to play Guitar and
are searching for Guitars that
are suitable for children and adults to use.
If you have a guitar you would like to
donate, we would be most grateful to
receive it. Thank you!
Please contact Revd Wendy on 07768
182769 or email rev.wendy@icloud.com.
Or contact Trevor Barnett our ‘resident
guitar teacher’ on 07977 442624
email: gatecrash.guitar@gmail.com
Wednesday 4 March
12 noon to 1.15pm
at the Methodist Church Hall.
Tasty homemade soup, roll and cheese,
Tea and Coffee
There will be a Traidcraft, Bring & Buy
& Book Stalls.
Do please come and support us.
Jennifer Barrett
The tearoom will be open on
Saturday 7 March
for Traidcraft Exchange
from 10.30 to 2.30
for all the usual home made cakes
plus bacon butties, cauliflower cheese,
home made bread and soup etc.
Offers of HELP or baking to
Margaret Gribble please - m@griblog.net,
01684 290641, or pop into the tearoom.
Supper Concert
Saturday 7 March - 7.30pm
in the Abbots Parlour, Abbey House
The Dean Close School Music Scholars
Tickets £8 from Linda Parsons 850426
Tickets include a buffet and a glass of
wine or fruit juice.
Women's World Day of Prayer
St Joseph’s Church, Chance Street,
Friday 6 March at 2.30pm
This service has been prepared by
Christian Women of the Bahamas.
Do Come along and
share this with us.
Everyone welcome
The Severn Forum
Thursday 5 March 7.45pm
Conceiving Jesus:
re-examiningJesus’ conception
in Canon, Christology and Creed
Andrew Lincoln
Former Portland Professor
of New Testament Studies,
University of Gloucestershire
Lecture Theatre, TC 103, Elwes Building,
The Park Campus,
University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham
£3 to the public. Free to members and students
The Diocesan Messenger
is available at the back of the Abbey
Pray for our
school community
Sunday 22 March
at Tewkesbury Baptist
Church GL20 5DR
Local Churches
Local Schools
All welcome
More info:
Boat Bearers
We are looking to recruit new
boat bearers urgently.
Boys or girls from age 4
would be most welcome.
For further information please
contact a Churchwarden;
the Vicar or Mike Bristow,
Head Server.
Abbey Office: 01684 850959