2015 March Until 15th 1st 1st 3rd -15th 7th 7th 8th 9th 11th 12th 13th 14th 14th Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk Tewkesbury Town Band invite you to ‘A musical afternoon tea’ Watson Hall, Tewkesbury 3pm Tickets £5 Tel 01684 291675 for details Gloucestershire Society for the Botanical Illustration . Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk Let’s Hang On. The music of Frankie Valli. 7.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org Talk by Dr Darren Oldridge -Evolution, the Victorians and us. John Moore Museum, Tewkesbury. 2pm-3pm www.johnmooremuseum.org Essence of Ireland. 2.30pm & 7.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org Tewkesbury Red Roses ‘Mad hatters tea Party’ 3pm-5pm Holy Trinity Church Hall, Tewkesbury. The Government Inspector 7.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org Illustrated talk by John Potley: ‘Stand and Deliver’ Gloucestershire Highwaymen. Elmbury Room, Tewkesbury Library. 7.30pm Alvin Stardust. 7.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury Concert by The Saint Cecilia Singers presents Handel: Dixit Dominus & Haydn: Nelson Mass. Tewkesbury Abbey. 7.30pm www.saintceciliasingers.org.uk 14th Tewkesbury Camerata concert. Tewkesbury Methodist Church. 7.30pm www.tewkesburycamerata.co.uk 15th GWR Mothering Sunday Cream Tea Special Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 19th Julian Lloyd Webber. 7.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org 19th Oil Painting restoration by Beau Howells. Tewkesbury Historical Society. 7.45pm Tewkesbury Methodist Church. 20th The Fureys. 7.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org 21st Charity Race Night. Sherdon’s Golf centre, Tredington. 7pm Tickets £10 Proceeds to Roses Theatre 40th Birthday campaign. www.rosestheatre.org 24th -19th April Karl Blossfeldt: Art forms in Nature. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 24th Ben Walker & Josienne Clark 8.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org 27th Andy Parsons. 8pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org 28th The Westenders.7.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org 28th BBC Ten Pieces Charity Concert. Tewkesbury Abbey. 7.30pm Tewkesbury Heritage & Tourist Information Centre – Tel. 01684 855040 29th 31st April 1st 1st 5th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 8th Crescendo Big Band. Gupshill Manor, Tewkesbury. Doors open 7pm Music starts at 8pm-10.30pm Tickets £9. www.crescendoband.co.uk Pop. 2.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org Children’s Wednesday and ‘Lost in the Willows’ press launch. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Vienna Festival Ballet. 7.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org Easter event with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk GWR Easter Eggspress a host of activities for Easter Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com Danny Champion of World. 2.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org Children’s Wednesday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Until 12th April Gordano Textiles Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk Feast of Fiddles. 7.30pm 7th Danny Champion of World. 2.30pm Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury. www.rosestheatre.org Children’s Wednesday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Until 12th April Gordano Textiles Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 10th 11TH We’ll meet Again – Hits from the Blitz 3pm Vintage Fair. Watson Hall, Tewkesbury. Tel 01684 298004 www.tewkesburyvintagefair.co.uk 11th Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury 23rd -26th Spring Garden Sale. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 21st-17th May Nocturnal Encounters Colin See-Paynton (wood engravings). Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 25th Tewkesbury Abbey Fete. www.tewkesburyabbey.org.uk 25th-26th British & Midland Hillclimb Championship. Prescott Hillclimb, Gotherington Tel 01242 673136 www.prescott-hillclimb.com 25th – 26th GWR Wartime in the Cotswolds Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 26th Crescendo Big Band. Gupshill Manor, Tewkesbury. Doors open 7pm Music starts at 8pm-10.30pm Tickets £9. www.crescendoband.co.uk 26th 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield to Tredington. Meet 11am meet Queen Margaret’s Camp, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk Tewkesbury Heritage & Tourist Information Centre – Tel. 01684 855040 May Until 17th May Nocturnal Encounters Colin See-Paynton (wood engravings). Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 2nd & 3rd Tewkesbury Big Weekend. www.tewkesburybigweekend.co.uk 3rd 2 ½ hour Anniversary talk & guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2pm the Museum, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk 4th Victorian May Day. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 4th may Day Country fair & Festival of Shooting. Bredon School, Bushley. 10am. £8 entry per car. www.bredonschool.org 9th Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury GWR Fish & Chips on the ‘Cheltenham Fryer’ leave Toddington at 7pm 9th Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 15th – 17th Winchcombe Cotswolds Walking Festival Tel 01242 602325 www.winchcombewelcomeswalkers.com 16th – 17th GWR Steam and Real Ale weekend Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 18th – 25th Winchcombe Festival of Music & Arts. A variety of events and workshops held Throughout the week, with street fair in town centre on 25th May info@winchcombe.co.uk 19th- 5th July 80 years of Creative Endeavour. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 21st – 26th Giffords Circus. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 23rd -24th La Vie en Bleu. Prescott Hillclimb, Gotherington Tel 01242 673136 www.prescott-hillclimb.com 23rd – 25th GWR Cotswold Festival of Steam Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 24th Family Fun Day. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Tewkesbury Abbey Fete. Tewkesbury Abbey. 25th www.tewkesburyabbey.org.uk 27th Children’s Wednesday – Knight School. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 th 30 Craft in Action. Tewkesbury Abbey rooms 10am-4.30pm www.craftinaction73.co.uk 31st Crescendo Big Band. Gupshill Manor, Tewkesbury. Doors open 7pm Music starts at 8pm-10.30pm Tickets £9. www.crescendoband.co.uk June 4th 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 7.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk Until 5th July 80 years of Creative Endeavour. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk th 6 Craft in Action. Tewkesbury Abbey rooms 10am-4.30pm www.craftinaction73.co.uk 13th GWR Fish & Chips on the ‘Cheltenham Fryer’ leave Toddington at 7pm Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 13th Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury th th 13 & 14 Ashton Under Hill Open Gardens 1pm-6pm www.ashtonopengardens.co.uk Tewkesbury Heritage & Tourist Information Centre – Tel. 01684 855040 14th GWR Classic vehicle Days ( vintage trains) Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com th st 15 - 21 Garden Week. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 16th Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. Ruth Moilliett garden sculpture (stainless Steel & Aluminium). 16th-16th August Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 20th – 21st GWR Day Out With Thomas and friends Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 23rd Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. Craft in Action. Tewkesbury Abbey rooms 10am-4.30pm 27th www.craftinaction73.co.uk th th 27 & 28 Tewkesbury Model Steam Rally Tewkesbury Rugby Club, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury. www.msrvs.co.uk 27th & 28th Midland Hillclimb Championship. Prescott Hillclimb, Gotherington Tel 01242 673136 www.prescott-hillclimb.com 28th Crescendo Big Band. Gupshill Manor, Tewkesbury. Doors open 7pm Music starts at 8pm-10.30pm Tickets £9. www.crescendoband.co.uk 28th Armed Forces Day. Tewkesbury Town Centre. townclerk@tewkesburytowncouncil.gov.uk 30th Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. July 2nd 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 7.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk Until 5th July 80 years of Creative Endeavour. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk Until 16th August Ruth Moilliett garden sculpture (stainless Steel & Aluminium). Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 7th Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. 10th-12th Food Festival. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 11th GWR Fish and Chips on the ‘Cheltenham Fryer’ Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com th 11 Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury 11th & 12th Tewkesbury Medieval Festival. www.tewkesburymedievalfestival.org 12th A walk around the battlefield as part of Medieval Festival. 11.30am and 1.30pm meet the Fair. Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk 12th GWR Bus Rally. Toddington will have buses of all types and age, also running train Services to Broadway village and station site. Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 15th -17th Cotswold Beer Festival. Postlip Hall, Winchcombe. www.gloucestershirecamra.org.uk/cbf 14th Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. th 16 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 7.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk 18th-25th Tewkesbury Art Society. Tewkesbury Methodist Church Hall. Tewkesbury Heritage & Tourist Information Centre – Tel. 01684 855040 21st 24th – 26th 25th 26th 28th 31st Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. GWR Heritage Diesel Weekend and Open Day Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 3 Shires Craft Guild. Craft Fayres at Abbey Parish Hall www.3-shirescraft-guild.com Alice in Wonderland family Event. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. Vintage Sports Car Club Prescott Hillclimb, Gotherington Tel 01242 673136 www.prescott-hillclimb.com August Until16th August Ruth Moilliett garden sculpture (stainless Steel & Aluminium).Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 1st – 2nd Vintage Sports Car Club. Prescott Hillclimb, Gotherington Tel 01242 673136 www.prescott-hillclimb.com 1st & 2nd WW1 Commemoration. Tewkesbury Town centre townclerk@tewkesburytowncouncil.gov.uk 3rd Adventure Monday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 4th Teddy Bears Tuesdays at GWR, ride the teddy bear railcar special Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 4th Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. 5th Children’s Wednesday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 6th 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 7.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk 7th Car Auction at GWR Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 8th Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury 8th – 9th GWR Steam & Real Ale weekend Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 10th Adventure Monday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 11th Teddy Bears Tuesdays at GWR Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com th 11 Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. 11th-31st Inside Out- Brunel Broderers (Textile art) Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 12th Children’s Wednesday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 th 15 GWR Fish & Chips on the ‘Cheltenham Fryer’ Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 15th – 16th Toddington Local Crafts and Food Fayre at GWR (to be confirmed) 17th Adventure Monday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 18th Teddy Bears Tuesdays at GWR, ride the teddy bear railcar special th 18 Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. Tewkesbury Heritage & Tourist Information Centre – Tel. 01684 855040 19th 22nd 22nd 23rd 23rd 24th 25th 25th 26th 29th Children’s Wednesday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Craft in Action. Tewkesbury Abbey rooms 10am-4.30pm www.craftinaction73.co.uk Richard III Weekend. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Tewkesbury Classic Vehicle Festival. Tewkesbury School, Ashchurch Road, Tewkesbury. 11am-5pm Adults £5 children under 12 free. www.tewkesburycvf.org Adventure Monday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Teddy Bears Tuesdays at GWR, ride the teddy bear railcar special Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com Guided Historical Walk of Tewkesbury. 7pm meet Abbey Gates opp. Bell Hotel, Tewkesbury £4 ad, £1 child. Children’s Wednesday. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Tewkesbury Hospital Fete. September 3rd-20th Susan Jane Lees- Elephants. (Paintings)Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 3rd 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 7pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk Until 6th Sept John Busby Retrospective (paintings). Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 5th GWR Fish & Chips on the ‘Cheltenham Fryer’ Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 5th-6th British & Midland Hillclimb Championship. Prescott Hillclimb, Gotherington Tel 01242 673136 www.prescott-hillclimb.com 6th Craft in Action. Tewkesbury Abbey rooms 10am-4.30pm www.craftinaction73.co.uk 12th Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury 13th GWR Classic Vehicle Days (vintage trains) Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 15th-15th Nov British Wildlife Photography Awards. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 19th – 20th GWR Day Out With Thomas and friends Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 20th Vintage Cars. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 26th GWR Fish & Chips & Murder Mystery evening Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 27th Crescendo Big Band. Gupshill Manor, Tewkesbury. Doors open 7pm Music starts at 8pm-10.30pm Tickets £9. www.crescendoband.co.uk October Until 15th Nov British Wildlife Photography Awards. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 3rd -4th American Autumn Classic. Prescott Hillclimb, Gotherington Tel 01242 673136 www.prescott-hillclimb.com Tewkesbury Heritage & Tourist Information Centre – Tel. 01684 855040 4th 5th-11th 6th-22nd 9th & 10th 10th 10th – 11th 17th 26th-31st 31st 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk Wool Week. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Brunel Cotswold Embroiders (embroidery). Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk Tewkesbury Mop Fair. www.tewkesburyfairsociety.co.uk Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury Autumn Diesel Weekend at GWR Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com Craft Fayres at Abbey Parish Hall 01452 548635 www.3-shires-craft-guild.com Halloweek. Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe. www.sudeleycastle.co.uk Visitor Centre: 01242 604244 Halloween ‘Steam and Scream’ special at GWR come dressed for the occasion! www.gwsr.com November 1st 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk 7th Tewkesbury Firework & Bonfire Display, The Vineyards, Tewkesbury. (Rotary Club) www.visittewkesbury.info 8th Remembrance Sunday. 14th Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury www.visittewkesbury.info Until 15th Nov British Wildlife Photography Awards. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 13th GWR lunchtime Fish & Chips Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 24th-3rd Jan Mind the Gap (exhibition of inlay work – wood, metal, ceramic, enamel). Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk 22nd Tewkesbury Festival of lights. www.visittewkesbury.info December 1st 5th & 6th 6th 14th 12th – 13th 17th 19th – 21st 23rd – 24th 29th – 30th Winchcombe Christmas Festival 5pm – 8pm street stalls, local choirs and music 01242 604654 www.winchcombe.co.uk Santa Specials at GWR - visit Santa either from Cheltenham by train and visit Santa in his Grotto or from Toddington with Santa and his elves on board the train Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market. 9am-1.30pm. Abbey Lawns car park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury Santa Specials at GWR – visit Santa either from Cheltenham by train and visit Santa in his Grotto or from Toddington with Santa and his elves on board the train Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com Tewkesbury Town Carol Concert. Santa Specials at GWR visit Santa either from Cheltenham by train and visit Santa in his Grotto or from Toddington with Santa and his elves on board the train Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com Santa Specials at GWR visit Santa either from Cheltenham by train and visit Santa in his Grotto or from Toddington with Santa and his elves on board the train Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com Mixed Traction Christmas Cracker - intensive steam and diesel running Tewkesbury Heritage & Tourist Information Centre – Tel. 01684 855040 Tel 01242 621405 www.gwsr.com 2016 January 3rd Jan 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk TBC Epiphany Carol Service with Tewkesbury Abbey Choir. Tewkesbury Abbey. 6pm www.tewkesburyabbey.org.uk TBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk February 7th Feb 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk TBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Nature In Art. Twigworth. Tel 01452 731422 www.nature-in-art.org.uk TBC 2 hour guided walking tour of Tewkesbury Battlefield. Meet 2.30pm The Crescent, Tewkesbury. www.tewkesbury.org.uk TBC CAMRA – Winter Ale Festival. Watson Hall, Tewkesbury Tewkesbury Heritage & Tourist Information Centre – Tel. 01684 855040
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