pews news - Liphook and Bramshott Church

the chapel - please contact Annie Abbott
( so that they can make sure enough
chairs are available.
Car Boot Sale: please note that this has been postponed
from 21st February, and will take place later in the year.
Active Kids: collection boxes are now at the back of the
churches if you would like to donate your vouchers.
Thank you.
New Wine 25th-31st July 2015: We had a fantastic
time away at New Wine last summer and we’re
planning to go again this year. Do talk to Valentine if
you would like to join us.
Iraq Clothing Appeal: Many thanks to all who
donated—we raised a total of £2634.01!
next Sunday...
22nd February 2015
First of Lent
St Mary’s
8am Holy Communion
9.15 am Holy Communion
6pm Evening Prayer
Church Centre
10.30 Holy Communion
If you are a UK taxpayer, please use the Gift Aid
Envelopes as this enables us to reclaim 25p on every
pound. If you intend to use the Gift Aid Envelopes on a
regular basis, or need a fresh supply, please contact our
Gift Aid Donations Secretary, Nigel Ramage on 01428
general info...
For enquiries contact the Church Office, The Ark, Church
Centre, Portsmouth Road, Liphook, GU30 7DJ Tel 01428
725390 or email: Website: The Church Office is open
Monday-Thursday mornings, 9.30-12.30 (closed Fridays)
Valentine’s mobile - 07917 151498
Valentine’s day off is on a Tuesday.
Deadline for Pews News: 9 am Thursdays
pews news
15th February 2015
Sunday next before Lent
Bible Reading: Ephesians 4: 1-16 (p1175)
“Given to serve”
At St Mary’s
8 am Holy Communion (BCP)
Second Reading: Luke 18:31-43
Valentine Inglis-Jones & Alan Geddes
9.15am Holy Communion
Second Reading: Mark 8: 14-21 (p1011)
Valentine Inglis-Jones & Alan Geddes
6pm Evening Prayer
At the Church Centre
10..30am Morning Worship
Valentine Inglis-Jones & Phil Carpenter
for newcomers...
If you are new today you are very welcome—we love
to meet new people. If you want to get to know us a
bit more please stay for coffee after the service—and
make yourself known to us if we haven’t already said
this week…
Today—Sunday 15th February—3 pm—St Mary
Magdalen Sheet
Deanery Seminar: Evensong followed by a
presentation by the curates about their recent visit to
the Holy Land with the Bishop. All welcome.
Monday 16th February
Gill’s Mile: Gill Fotheringham is raising money for the
church centre fund by swimming a mile. Sponsor
forms are available at the back of both churches and
the office.
Lent Course—the Ark—2-4pm
Prayer Meeting - the Chapel—7-8pm
Missed a service? Pews News can now be downloaded from our website
this week (continued)…
Wednesday 18th February
Holy Communion—CC Chapel—10am.
Lunch Break—Church Centre—12-2pm. Speaker—
Maureen Truss “Petworth House”
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion—CC—8 pm
Thursday 19th February
Thursday Morning Bible Study Group—CC—10-12 noon
coming up….
Tea & Company—Monday 23rd February—2-4 pm—
Church Centre
Come Dine with Me—Saturday 28th February—
7pm—Church Centre—moving on to your mystery
Please join us for dinner to raise funds for the Church
Centre. The Church Centre would particularly like to
invite the St Mary’s congregation to join us. If you have
a friend who wouldn’t normally come to church or who
would like to meet new people—this event would be
great to invite them to! Tickets £15 per person for a 3course meal and a glass of wine. Available at services
and from the Church Office. Proceeds to the Church
Centre Refurbishment Project.
Women’s World Day of Prayer Service—Friday 6th
March—1.45 pm—Methodist Church, London Road
All welcome.
Puddle Wonderful—7th March –7.30 pm Church
Puddings & Prayer 9th March—8pm. Church Centre
Prayer is right at the heart of all we are as a church
family and that’s why the home groups are hosting a
pudding and prayer night. A chance for all of us to
come together to have fun and to pray! Also great for
newcomers to get to know some of the different groups
that meet midweek.
Week of Accompanied Prayer 8-15th March
Petersfield Deanery
Want to deepen your relationship with God?
Take this opportunity to experience new or different
ways of praying. The commitment is to a half-hour
prayer (material provided) each day plus a half-hour
exploration of what happened in that prayer with a
guide. If interested please pick up a leaflet or contact
Marjorie Arnold.
Charity Cream Tea—Saturday 28th March 3.30—
4.30pm at the Church Centre
Lydia Blackmore is still looking forward to welcoming
you all to a fundraising tea for the National Autistic
Society which she will be representing in the April
London Marathon . A suggested donation of £5 per
ticket would be very welcome and can be obtained from
Lydia, Chris or Cherry Blackmore or call 07971 300578.
children’s worker vacancy..
We are still looking for applications for this post. This is
a part time, salaried role (7 hours per week) and could
be shared by two people (i.e. 3.5 hours per week).
Please contact Valentine 07917 151498 if you are
for your prayers...
The sick including: Tony Fotheringham, Emma
Kinniburgh, Louise Garwood, Bethany Rowell, Joy Tew,
Mary Snuggs, Joanna Smith, Rita Taylor, Caroline Lord,
Fiona Boyd, Alexander Bennett, Margaret Miller and
those who care for them.
The families of those who have died— Dorothy Woods,
Richard Young, Catherine Lindsay—and for all those
The residents of Montreal Way, Moss Court, Newtown
Road, Newtown Surgery, Ontario Way, Ottawa Drive and
Paddock Way.
If there is anyone you would like to be included in the
prayers, please contact Valentine Inglis-Jones or the
Church Office.
Prayer chain provides intercession for ongoing needs.
All requests for prayer are treated confidentially. Please
contact Wendy Atkins (722112)
Hospital Prayer Watch is arranged for someone having
surgery on a particular day. Advance notice is vital.
Please contact Steve Newitt (723378) or Wendy Atkins
Praying together:
Sundays: 20 minutes before the main morning services
Weekly: Mondays 7-8 pm at the Church Centre Chapel
Daily: at 7.30 am—Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri at the Church
Centre Chapel
other news…
Dr Catherine Lindsay: We were sorry to hear that Catherine
Lindsay died on 30th January. There will be a service to
celebrate her life on Tuesday 24th February, 3 pm at
Manormead Chapel. All welcome , but as space is limited at