Pews News - Liphook and Bramshott Church

next Sunday…
5th April 2015
Easter Sunday
St Mary’s
8am Holy Communion
9.15 am Holy Communion
Church Centre
10.30 am Holy Communion
pews news
29th March 2015
Palm Sunday
today… Palm Sunday
If you consider yourself one of our family but do not yet
give regularly, please would you consider it?
Information can be obtained from our Gift Aid Secretary
If you are a UK taxpayer, please use the Gift Aid
Envelopes as this enables us to reclaim 25p on every
pound. If you intend to use the Gift Aid Envelopes on a
regular basis, or need a fresh supply, please contact our
Gift Aid Donations Secretary, Nigel Ramage on 01428
751417 or
Bible Reading: John 12: 12-16 (p.1079)
At St Mary’s
8 am Holy Communion (BCP)
Second Reading: Philippians 2: 5-11 (p.1179)
Valentine Inglis-Jones & Nigel Nicholson
10.30am Joint Palm Sunday Service
Nigel Nicholson & Valentine Inglis-Jones
6pm Evening Prayer
NO SERVICE at the Church Centre
general info...
for newcomers...
For enquiries contact the Church Office, The Ark, Church
Centre, Portsmouth Road, Liphook, GU30 7DJ Tel 01428
725390 or email: Website: The Church Office is open
Monday-Thursday mornings, 9.30-12.30 (closed Fridays)
If you are new today you are very welcome—we love
to meet new people. If you want to get to know us a
bit more please stay for coffee after the service—and
make yourself known to us if we haven’t already said
Valentine’s mobile - 07917 151498
Valentine’s day off is on a Tuesday.
this week…
Deadline for Pews News: 9 am Thursdays
Monday 30th March
Bumps & Babies—the Ark—1.45-3 pm
Lent Course—Church Centre—2-4 pm
Prayer Meeting—CC Chapel—7 pm
Tuesday 31st March
Little Lambs—Church Centre (CC) - 9.45-11.45 am
Wednesday 1st April
Holy Communion—CC Chapel—10am.
Prayer 8 to Late— The Ark—8 pm onwards
Thursday 2nd April
Maundy Thursday Evening Prayer & Supper—Church
Centre 7.30 pm
Planting of the Cross, St Mary’s, 7.30 am
Walk of Witness—Methodist Church Hall—10 am
Meditations—St Mary’s 12 noon—3 pm
Missed a service? Pews News can now be downloaded from our website
this week (continued)…
other news…
Saturday 4th April
Easter Gardens
Competition & Easter Egg
Hunt—Church Centre—
10.30 am
Canon Alan Lindsay : Our prayers and sympathies are
with the family of Canon Alan Lindsay, who died on 5th
March 2015 just a few weeks after his wife Catherine.
Before moving to Manormead some years ago, Canon
Lindsay took a number of services in our parish,
particularly at St Mary’s Bramshott. There will be a
thanksgiving service for him on Tuesday 31st March 3.30
pm at Manormead Chapel. All welcome, but as space is
limited at the chapel, please contact Annie Abbott
( so that they can make sure
enough chairs are available.
We would so appreciate donations of foil wrapped little eggs
for the children to find . I will leave an Easter box at the back
of church for your donations. Love, Cleone
children’s worker vacancy..
We are still looking for applications for this post. This is
a part time, salaried role (7 hours per week) and could
be shared by two people (i.e. 3.5 hours per week).
Please contact Valentine 07917 151498 if you are
For ongoing issues connected to children’s work do
contact Cleone on 07828 954161. This is a temporary
measure and designed for emergencies.
for your prayers...
The sick including: Tony Fotheringham, Emma
Kinniburgh, Louise Garwood, Bethany Rowell, Joy Tew,
Mary Snuggs, Joanna Smith, Rita Taylor, Caroline Lord,
Fiona Boyd, Alexander Bennett, Margaret Miller, Dave
Coulson and those who care for them.
The families of those who have died— Audrey Bicknell,
Canon Alan Lindsay —and for all those grieving.
The residents of Tylston Meadow, Valley Side, Village
Surgery, Victoria Way, Waggoners Wells, Waterside,
Weavers Downa dn Wey Lodge Close..
If there is anyone you would like to be included in the
prayers, please contact Valentine Inglis-Jones or the
Church Office.
Prayer chain provides intercession for ongoing needs.
All requests for prayer are treated confidentially.
Please contact Wendy Atkins (722112)
Liphook Youth Club are looking for a new Treasurer.
The role isn’t too arduous and there is no need to attend
youth club nights. The committee meet four times a
year. If you feel able to help or want further
information, please contact Gordon Grant on 01428
Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2015
This year’s Lent appeal is about health of body mind and
soul and has two strands which touch all our lives—
supporting those suffering with mental health issues at
home and supporting people across Palestine who have
disabilities. Please pick up a leaflet from the back of both
churches for more information.
Active Kids: collection boxes are now at the back of the
churches if you would like to donate your vouchers.
Thank you.
for information...
Grapevine: For those who do not have a copy delivered,
the new Grapevine is available at the back of the
Revision of the Parish Electoral Roll 16th March-7th
April 2015
Being on the electoral roll entitles you to vote at our
forthcoming Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 26th
April. If you are not already on the roll please complete
a form (available from the Church Office or at the back
of the churches) and return to the Church Office by
Tuesday 7th April. Thank you.
Hospital Prayer Watch is arranged for someone having
surgery on a particular day. Advance notice is vital.
Please contact Steve Newitt (723378) or Wendy Atkins
The APCM will take place at the Church Centre with a
Bring & Share lunch at 12 noon followed by the meeting
at 1pm.
Praying together:
Sundays: 20 minutes before the main morning services
Weekly: Mondays 7-8 pm at the Church Centre Chapel
Daily: at 7.30 am—Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri at the Church
Centre Chapel
New Wine 25th-31st July 2015: We had a fantastic time
away at New Wine last summer and we’re planning to
go again this year. Do talk to Valentine if you would like
to join us.