ST. MARY’S CHURCH, REDBOURN THE SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 8th February 2015 WELCOME TO ST MARY’S A special welcome if you are new to our worship here at St Mary’s Church, Redbourn. We would like to get to know you as soon as possible. To help us, please fill in the slip provided in the holders at the end of each pew, and hand it to one of the clergy or sidespeople as you leave today. Thank you. All who normally take Communion, in this church or in any other church, are welcome to receive Communion here. Those who do not take Communion, be they young or old, should please come to the altar rail to receive God’s blessing. If you are a taxpayer, please would you consider putting your collection into a blue envelope and filling in the details required (available from a sidesperson or in the pews). The church can then claim back the tax on your offering to the church at no additional cost to you. Thank you. Those giving by Standing Order may use a yellow token in the collection plate. WILL VISITORS PLEASE NOTE that St Mary’s Church has an Amplification and Loop System. If needed, please switch your hearing aid to the T switch to make use of this. IN OUR PRAYERS The sick and suffering: Alex, John Brian, Jackie Bull, Colin Butterworth, Doris Cheetham, Christopher, Lily Clark, Carole Cull, Betty Dennis, Alex and Janet Duncombe, Laura Dunks, James Easey, Annie Edgar, Marlene Gibson, Molly Goodchild, Patrick Hastings, Victoria Holmes, Grace Hyde, Ian, Jochen Levin, Ray Marsh, Keith Monkhouse, Dave Panton, Stephen du Plessis, Keith Poulter, Theresa Rae, Sylvia, Celia Southern and Margaret Vines. The Departed: We pray for the repose of the souls of Anne Hart, Alan Morris, Rita Phear, Edna Smith, Phyllis Smith and all who have died recently. We remember those whose year’s mind occurs during this coming week and pray for God’s comfort and strength for all who mourn the loss of a loved one at this time. THE FLOWERS ON THE MEMORIAL STAND were given in loving memory of Grace and Peter Hayward by Brian, Rosalie, David and Clive. THE FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR were given in loving memory of John Murfitt by Doris, David and family. The Vicar: The Reverend Will Gibbs Tel No. 01582 791669 E mail: You can find a full listing of news on our website: 8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer) Collect, Epistle & Gospel for Sexagesima – page 122 President: The Vicar Collect: O Lord God, who seest that we put not our trust in any thing that we do; Mercifully grant that by thy power we may be defended against all adversity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11. 19-31 Gospel: Luke 8. 4-15 9.30 am PARISH EUCHARIST (Common Worship Order One) We follow the service booklet. The Collect, Readings and Post Communion Prayer for today can be found in the insert to this Pew Sheet. President: The Revd Lucy Davis Introit: 514 Reader: Harry Tallantire Reading: Proverbs 8. 1, 22-31 Gradual: Psalm 104. 26-end Reading: Colossians 1. 15-20 Gospel: John 1. 1-14 Sermon: The Vicar Intercessions: Grace Sawyer Offertory Hymn: 523 Communion Hymn: 124 Anthem: Awake, thou wintry earth – Hymn: 231 [J.S Bach PLEASE JOIN US for refreshments in the Transept Hall after this Service. Also our weekly Traidcraft stall will be selling excellent goods and foods. 11.00 am RUSSIAN ORTHODOX LITURGY The Congregation of St Simeon and St Anna 6.30 pm UNITED SERVICE – at Redbourn Methodist Church There will be no evening service at St Mary’s today Our final United Service next week will be as follows: From Mount Tabor to Calvary A Service of Taizé Prayer reflecting on the Divinity and Humanity of Christ Sunday 15th February at 6.30 pm at St Mary’s Those attending are invited to bring an object or picture that they like to use when they pray All Welcome NOTICES FOR THE COMING WEEK ASH WEDNESDAY – 18th FEBRUARY As Lent begins, we encourage you to join us that day in worshipping God Our Ash Wednesday services: 9.30 am Morning Prayer 11.30 am Said Eucharist with Ashing 5.00 pm Evening Prayer 8.00 pm Sung Eucharist with Ashing Last year’s palm crosses can be placed in the basket at the south door and will be burned to make the ash for these services. CONFIRMATIONS: We are just beginning to think about this year’s Confirmation Groups for adults and young people and I do encourage any who have not yet been confirmed to consider this. All are welcome and more information and a sign-up sheet are at the South Door. DO YOU SING? We are preparing an evening service with contemporary worship songs and are looking for two or three people to learn and then help lead the worship on 8 Mar. If you can help please let Mark Cresswell know. St Mary’s Church invites all children in the village (from those going into Reception Class in September up to those finishing Year 6) to their special Holiday Club: ‘Space Academy’ Lots of crafts, games, activities, fun and food! th Monday 27 to Friday 31st July (first full week of the school holidays) from 9.30 am – 3.00 pm each day Keep the date free – more details and booking forms to follow WEEKDAY SERVICES: If you can’t make your usual service on a Sunday morning because you’re away or have another commitment that week, don’t forget we always have a Eucharist at 7.30 pm on a Wednesday evening for half an hour so you never have to miss out. Do come along and join us for this lovely, quiet and reflective time of worship. GOSPELLERS: This afternoon our church teenagers are having a Pancake Party from 4 – 6 pm. We’re meeting in the Transept and if you’re in Year 7 or above and would like to join us, it’s not too late – just let Sandra know. NOTICES FOR INCLUSION IN THE CHURCH NEWS should be passed in written or printed form to The Vicar by Wednesday pm. Please forward church diary entries and rota amendments to Mark Cresswell. ( THE WEEK AHEAD Every day, Monday to Friday, we offer: 9.30 am Morning Prayer 5.00 pm Evening Prayer In addition, the following services and events will take place this week: Wed 11 Feb 7.30 pm Holy Eucharist Thurs 12 Feb 10.30 am Holy Communion – at New Forge Place Fri 13 Feb 10.30 am Bears and Prayers – in the Transept Sat 14 Feb 11.00 am Interment of Ashes – Carol Berryman RIP Sun 15 Feb 8.00 am 9.30 am 6.30 pm THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE LENT Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Parish Eucharist with Children’s Groups Taizé Prayer Service – at St Mary’s NEXT WEEK’S DUTY ROTAS Servers: Weds: Derek Crouch 8.00 am: Grace Sawyer 9.30 am: Rod McPhee, Celia Forbes and Ellie Davis Sidespeople: 8.00 am: Ann Palmer and Heather Reid 9.30 am: Andrew and Karen Doye and Louise Emmins 6.30 pm: Ralph Goold Flowers: B Aldred, S Butterworth, V Coates, J Henman and J Leahy Cleaning: E Darvell, A Simkins, G Chapman, L Emmins, D Crouch Churchyard: Brian Haywood and Robert Goold Lifts: M Tillyer (8 am), R McPhee, K Lacey and B Foster Mini Church: Michelle Parry-Slater and Rosemary Woodhouse Junior Church: Kari Webb and Angie Simkins PALS: Ursula Bradley Reader: Pat Lacey Intercessions: Peter Hansford Coffee: Marian and Ray Le Blond Traidcraft: Draha and Stephen Gell
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