ST. MARY’S CHURCH, REDBOURN The SECOND SUNDAY of EPIPHANY 18th January 2015 WELCOME TO ST MARY’S A special welcome if you are new to our worship here at St Mary’s Church, Redbourn. We would like to get to know you as soon as possible. To help us, please fill in the slip provided in the holders at the end of each pew, and hand it to one of the clergy or sidespeople as you leave today. Thank you. All who normally take Communion, in this church or in any other church, are welcome to receive Communion here. Those who do not take Communion, be they young or old, should please come to the altar rail to receive God’s blessing. If you are a taxpayer, please would you consider putting your collection into a blue envelope and filling in the details required (available from a sidesperson or in the pews). The church can then claim back the tax on your offering to the church at no additional cost to you. Thank you. Those giving by Standing Order may use a yellow token in the collection plate. WILL VISITORS PLEASE NOTE that St Mary’s Church has an Amplification and Loop System. If needed, please switch your hearing aid to the T switch to make use of this. IN OUR PRAYERS The sick and suffering: Alex, Colin Butterworth, Doris Cheetham, Christopher, Lily Clark, Carole Cull, Alex and Janet Duncombe, James Easey, Annie Edgar, Marlene Gibson, Molly Goodchild, Patrick Hastings, Victoria Holmes, Grace Hyde, Elizabeth Hynes, Ian, Jochen Levin, Ray Marsh, Keith Monkhouse, Dave Panton, Stephen du Plessis, Keith Poulter, Theresa Rae, Sylvia, Celia Southern, Judith Steele and any others who need our prayers at this time. The Departed: We pray for the repose of the souls of Winifred Allison, Carol Berryman, Ron Henry, Joyce Smith and Paul Smith recently departed. We remember those whose year’s mind occurs during this coming week and pray for God’s comfort and strength for all who mourn the loss of a loved one at this time. THE FLOWERS ON THE MEMORIAL STAND were given in loving memory of Ernest and Kathleen Mathews by Teresa and family. The Vicar: The Reverend Will Gibbs Tel No. 01582 791669 E mail: You can find a full listing of news on our website: 8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer) Collect, Epistle & Gospel for The Second Sunday after The Epiphany – page 110 President: The Vicar Collect: Almighty and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth; mercifully hear the supplications of thy people, and grant us thy peace all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Epistle: Romans 12. 6-16a Gospel: John 2. 1-11 9.30 am PARISH EUCHARIST (Common Worship Order One) We follow the service booklet. The Collect, Readings and Post Communion Prayer for today can be found in the insert to this Pew Sheet. President: The Vicar Introit: 131 Reader: Sandra Cresswell Reading: 1 Sam 3. 1-14, 19-20 Gradual: Psalm 139. 1-9 Reading: Revelation 5. 1-10 Gospel: John 1. 43-end Sermon: Lois Smith Intercessions: Sandra Cresswell Offertory Hymn: 391 Communion Hymn: 227 Anthem: How firm a foundation – Rutter Hymn: 26 PLEASE JOIN US for refreshments in the Transept Hall after this Service. Also our weekly Traidcraft stall will be selling excellent goods and foods. 6.30 pm SERVICE FOR THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY– here at St Mary’s This service marks the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and we come together to pray for greater unity, collaboration and understanding in God’s Church globally and for our united witness and ministry as the Churches Together in Redbourn. Do come and join us. SERVICES WITH CHURCHES TOGETHER IN REDBOURN 18th January 6.30 pm Christian Unity Service at St Mary’s Church 25th January 6.30 pm United Service at Redbourn Methodist Church 1st February 6.30 pm Choral Evensong at St Mary’s Church 8th February 6.30 pm United Service at Redbourn Methodist Church 15th February 6.30 pm Taizé Service at St Mary’s Church NOTICES FOR THE COMING WEEK X:SITE – WHERE THE FUN IS! X:Site is a Deanery-wide children’s event for Junior School age children combining silly games, live music, videos, craft and Bible stories. A bit like holiday club in an afternoon! The next event is at Harpenden Methodist High Street Church from 6-8pm on Saturday 31st January. Register now at and do tell your friends. For more details please speak to Lucy. POST OFFICE: Our village Post Office is soon to be refurbished and the last day for counter services will be 21st January, opening again at 1 pm on 2nd February. Please be aware of this and vigilant if this might affect any neighbours, especially the elderly. It hasn’t been possible to provide temporary facilities during the work so do let me know if anyone needs a lift to a nearby Post Office during this time to collect a pension etc. FIRST SUNDAY = BREAKFAST! On Sunday the 1st February we will be sharing breakfast together at 8.45 am. All welcome, so please sign sheet at the back of church if you’d like to join us for cereals and sausages. THE LIGHTS OF LOVE: Thank you to everyone who dedicated lights in our fir tree in the churchyard over the Christmas period as we remembered our loved ones who have died. Through your generosity, over £1031 was given in donations towards future development of our ancillary buildings. eXplore – FROM 3.20 pm AT REDBOURN JUNIOR SCHOOL Our next eXplore “messy church” for children and their parents on the third Monday of each month (in term time), will be tomorrow – 19 January. Come and join us as we explore our theme in worship, crafts and activities. St Mary’s Church invites all children in the village (from those going into Reception Class in September up to those finishing Year 6) to their special Holiday Club: ‘Space Academy’ Lots of crafts, games, activities, fun and food! Monday 27th to Friday 31st July (first full week of the school Summer holidays) from 9.30 am – 3.00 pm each day Keep the date free – more details and booking forms to follow NOTICES FOR INCLUSION IN THE CHURCH NEWS should be passed in written or printed form to The Vicar by Wednesday pm. Please forward church diary entries and rota amendments to Mark Cresswell. ( THE WEEK AHEAD Every day, Monday to Friday, we offer: 9.30 am Morning Prayer 5.00 pm Evening Prayer In addition, the following services and events will take place this week: Mon 19 Jan 3.20 pm Wulfstan, Bishop of Worcester, 1095 Wed 21 Jan 7.30 pm Agnes, Child Martyr at Rome, 304 Holy Eucharist Fri 23 Jan 10.30 am Bears and Prayers – in the Transept Sat 24 Jan 2.00 pm 7.00 pm Interment of Ashes – Peter McCarthy RIP The Friends of St Mary’s Winter Ball – at St Luke’s School Sun 25 Jan 8.00 am 9.30 am 6.30 pm 7.30 pm The CONVERSION of PAUL Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Parish Eucharist with Children’s Groups United Service at Redbourn Methodist Church Gospellers – in the Upper Room eXplore Messy Church at the Junior School – All welcome NEXT WEEK’S DUTY ROTAS Servers: Weds: Grace Sawyer 8.00 am: Saxon Aldred 9.30 am: Peter Hansford, Shirley Holtey and Jean Monro Sidespeople: 8.00 am: Lilian Cowland and Janet Biggs 9.30 am: Angie and Alan Simkins and Julie Henman Flowers: B Aldred, R Hayward, M Metcalfe, H Reid and L Smith Cleaning: Sue Taylor, Val Simmons and Margaret Tillyer Churchyard: David Forbes and Robin Smith Lifts: M Tillyer (8 am), M Wood, T Bull, B Foster and S Gell Mini Church: Anita Siddle and Sue Field Junior Church: Kari Webb and Gail Thomas PALS: Louise McPhee Reader: Clive Williams Intercessions: David Cheetham Coffee: Liz Wood and Sally Hawling Traidcraft: Catherine Cannon and Val Simmons
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