Volume XXVII Number 2 Page Private school Newport Mesa cAMPUS nEWSLETTER February 2015 Leaders in education for 107 years . 1 In This Issue: 3rd & 4th Grade News……………………8! 5th & 6th Grade News……………………8! Art News…………………………………………6! Dates To Remember…………………………11! Director’s Corner………………………………3! February Lunch Menu…………………….10! Field Trip………………………………………….7! Kindergarten News………………………….6! P.E. & Computer News……………………..9! Preschool News………………………………..6! Science Fair News…………………………….5! Spanish Class……………………………………9! Students of the Month…………………….4! 2 Director’s Corner: January' was' such' a' great' month!' ' It' is' so' hard' to' believe' that' February' is' already' here,' and' our' third' quarter' has' begun.' ' Our' students' worked' extremely' hard' the' ?irst' semester' of' school,' and' are'ready'to'?inish'out'the'year'strong!' What' amazing' projects' we' have' seen' and' all' were' so' well' thought' out' and' informative.' ' We' appreciate'all'of'our'students'efforts,'parent'involvement,'and'guidance'provided'by'our'teaching' staff.' There'are'many'things'in'store'for'us'this'month.''Valentine’s'Grams'are'available'for'purchase'for' $1'in'the'of?ice.' 'This'is'a'fun'way'to'surprise'your'friend'with'a'note'and'candy.' 'The'last'day'to' purchase' the' Valentine’s' Grams' is' February' 12,' 2015.' ' Valentine’s' Grams' will' be' delivered' on' Friday,'February'13,'2015.' On' Friday,' February' 13th,' will' be' another' fun' ?illed' spirit' day' in' celebration' of' Valentine’s' Day,' (please'wear'red,'white'or'pink).''Check'with'your'child’s'teacher'about'Valentine’s'Day'parties.''' On'Monday,'February'16th,'Page'Private'School'will'be'closed'in'honor'of'President’s'Day.' 'We'will' be' open' from' February' 17th' through' the' 20th,' but' there' will' be' no' classes.' ' We' will' have' an' enrichment'program'and'daycare'for'those'students'attending.' '5th'and'6th'Grade'will'be'on'their' class'trip'during'this'time'to'Catalina!' On'Thursday,'February'26th'our'students'will'enjoy'an'exciting'?ield'trip'to'Scooters'Jungle.''This'is' a'fun'and'very'active'?ield'trip'that'students'of'all'ages'will'enjoy.' Have'a'great'month!' James'Shafer' Assistant'Director' 3 Students of the Month Alan True Christopher Hayes Angelina True Anna Dyachenko Elleana Duong Frankie Fontanella Sophia Hinkle Kailani Fountaine Mailee Egenes Antonio Palma Hailey Ribar Tischabelle Satio 4 Science Fair News Congratulations'to'all'of'our'science'fair'participants'and'winners.''' ' 1St'Grade:' ' First'Place'['Andreas'Anest' Second'Place'['Kenneth'Althaqeb'&'Sophia'Clarkson' ' Third'Place'['Alyssa'Tran' 2nd'Grade:' First'Place'['Robert'Hipp' Second'Place'['Austin'Tran' Third'Place'['Jasmine'Dominguez' 3rd'Grade:' First'Place'['Isabella'Shafer' Second'Place'['Alisa'Dyachenko' Third'Place'['Nasreen'Gutierrez'&'Eder'Cordero' 4th'Grade:' First'Place'['Ciara'Kennedy'&'Tatyana'Satio' Second'Place'['Daniel'Gimbernat' Third'Place'['Jenna'Beyers' 5th'Grade:' First'Place'['Aidan'Kennedy' Second'Place'['Emily'Manney' Third'Place'['Jenny'Yoo' 6th'Grade:' First'Place'['Jun'Yoo' Second'Place'['Max'Giokai' Third'Place'['Alan'True' 7th'Grade:' First'Place'['Ava'Walters' Second'Place'['Ryan'McDermott' Third'Place'['Alexandra'Anest' 8th'Grade:' First'Place'['Manu'nanda' Second'Place'['Kelly'Vu' Third'Place'['Brandon'True 5 Preschool News: Students of the Month: Ms. Brenda - Hailey Ribar, Ms. Georgina - Sophia Hinkle, Ms. Eve - Frankie Fontanella, Ms. Hue - Elleana Duong, Ms. Madelain - Mailee Egenes The New Year is off to a great start!! Welcome to all our new preschool/pre-kinder friends, we are so happy to have you. In January, we practiced our intruder alert drill and we did an amazing job! We are all having so much fun as we learn new things in class. Please remember that the weather is a bit chilly, send your kid(s) with jackets please!! From all the preschool staff, HAPPY February Ms. Hue, Ms. Madelain, Ms. Bree, Ms. Georgina, Ms. Eva & Ms. Brenda Kindergarten News This month, we will celebrate Valentine’s Day and President’s Days. We are fully into long vowels in Phonics and Spelling. In Reading, we will cover transportation and things that go! In Math, we will be working on showing teen numbers in equations, using greater than and less than to compare numbers, and begin learning about 3-D Shapes. Science topics include animal life cycles and plants. February will certainly be a busy time for us in Kindergarten. Tischabelle is our Student of the Month for February. Tischabelle shows us all that big things come in small packages! She works very hard in all subjects, but especially loves Science and insects. Tischa is an outstanding student and is a friend to everyone. Mrs. Rosales Art News We have had a great few weeks of Art so far. Middle School has been exploring our identities through our "Thumbprint Self-Portraits" project. Next....self portraits! 5th and 6th Grade is in the middle of creating Warhol-esque Candy Pop Art! 3rd and 4th grade will be moving on to further explore Monochromatic painting. 1st and 2nd Grade has been mastering various skills: moving past drawing stick figures, tracing, and creating patterns. Make sure to swing by the Art Room to see what we have on display! And, as always, join me on my school Facebook page (Anna Drakulich Page) to see Art in Action! Ms. Anna 6 Field Trip: Scooter’s Jungle Scooter’s Jungle is an active Private Party Facility that has something for everyone! At our Aliso Viejo location, we have huge Slides, Zip-Lines, Custom Inflated Equipment, Games, Air Hockey and Ping Pong! No coins needed, all the Fun is included, along with lemonade, pretzels, and animal cookies to enjoy! Field Trip t-shirts are required and space is limited so please don’t hesitate to sign up early! Who: PS - 8th Where: Scooter’s Jungle When: Thursday, February 26th Time: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Cost: $28.00 Please make checks payable to School Tours, Inc. 7 3rd & 4th Grade News Student of the Month: Christopher Hayes, Antonio Palma During February, both third and fourth grade reading groups will focus on fictional fantasy stories. Third graders will practice many reading skills, such as: following directions, drawing conclusions, and story structure. Fourth grade readers will focus on comparing and contrasting story elements and identifying text evidence for fantasy and realism. In English, both grades will focus on correct use of capitalization and punctuation. We will start to include quotation marks in our writing, as well as correctly using commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points. In math, 3rd graders will study time and graphing. 4th graders will study reasoning and solving problems, comparison word problems, problems with more than one step, and analyzing patterns. In science, both grades have been having fun learning about electricity and circuits. We will also work with magnets and create an electromagnet. In Social Studies, third graders will begin to understand the role of rules and laws in our daily lives and the basic structure of the U.S. government. Fourth graders will understand how California became our thirty-first state as well as technology developments in communication and transportation between the 1850s and the 1870s. Valentine’s Day is also coming up. Our class will have a celebration in the afternoon on Friday, February 13th. Start preparing those Valentines! Please make sure you have one Valentine for each student in our class. Have a wonderful month! Ms. Aihara 5th & 6th Grade News Students of the month: Kailani Fountaine & Alan True Fifth and sixth graders have been waiting for this month since the beginning of the school year! On the 16th, we are off to Catalina (CIMI) camp!! We are ALL so excited! In math both grades have started a new unit. Fifth grade will be learning various operations with decimals. Sixth grade will be doing long division and operations with decimals and fractions. We will continue our novel "Where the Red Fern Grows" in Language Arts. In English, we will begin Unit 5, (punctuation and capitalization). In Social Studies fifth grade will begin to learn about the Revolutionary War. Sixth grade will be learning about other African civilizations, as we have just finished Ancient Egypt. Ms. Tiffany 8 P.E. & Computer News January was a great month! In January, we used Pages and Power Point to create persuasive presentations. The use of computers and iPads allows the students to practice their word processing skills, spreadsheet skills, internet research, presentation and graphic skills in various ways. We look forward to the great creative process and fun that takes place while learning and practicing these skills. The Team Handball unit was extremely fun in January. Kinder through eighth played their own modified versions of team handball. With this activity you combine various aspects of sports like hockey, soccer, basketball and water polo together and work as a team to score goals. Team handball was great because the students had many opportunities to practice good character habits like fairness and respect. Keeping with our ability to practice fairness and respect, we will revamp our handball guidelines and make sure to include character counts concepts like dealing peacefully with disagreements. Caring, fairness, responsibility, respect, trustworthiness and citizenship concepts all have a place in the way we play during recess and physical education. Ms. Johnson Spanish Class: 7th and 8th Grade have recently begun watching "Destinos," a Soap Opera-style Spanish video drama that is made specifically for students of Spanish. They are super into it and constantly beg me to watch more episodes. It's been a great way to incorporate listening comprehension of real world Spanish into our class routine! 5th and 6th Grade are learning how to describe people, particularly our friends and family. 3rd and 4th Grade are really impressing me with their grasp of Spanish grammar. We just finished learning some grammar fundamentals and are about to launch into verbs! 1st and 2nd Grade have just finished learning how to build some simple sentences with verbs. I am really impressed with how quickly they pick up on new concepts! We are just beginning to learn about the parts of the House, and are going to learn how to describe where things are. Kindergarten has been plugging away with vocab. We just finished Clothing and are now moving on to Community words. Ms. Anna 9 February Lunch Menu Monday Tuesday 2 Lasagna Green Salad Fruit Cocktail Milk 3 Burritos Spanish Rice Sliced Oranges Lemonade 9 Corn Dogs Chips Celery Sticks Juice 16 President’s Day School Closed 23 Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes Steamed Broccoli Orange Slices Milk Wednesday Thursday Friday 4 Turkey & Cheese Wrap w/ Lettuce Potato Chips Applesauce Milk 5 Pasta Alfredo w/ Chicken Steamed Broccoli Diced Pears Milk 6 Pizza Green Salad Pineapple Lemonade 10 11 Chicken Patty Sandwiches BBQ Chips Carrot Sticks Lemonade 12 Grilled Ham & Cheese Sandwich Mixed Veggies Sliced Peaches Milk 13 Soft Tacos w/ Lettuce & Cheese Spanish Rice Orange Slices Punch 17 18 19 Light Lunches Will Be Served 24 Spaghetti w/ Marinara Sauce Green Salad Diced Pears Lemonade Light Lunches Will Be Served 25 Fish Sticks Green Beans Sliced Peaches Lemonade Valentine’s Day Class Parties 20 Light Lunches Will Be Served 26 Ham & Cheese Sandwich Chips Apple Cookies Juice Box Field Trip Light Lunches Will Be Served 27 Pizza Green Salad Jello Milk Happy Valentine’s Day to all! :) 10 Dates To Remember: February 6th Deficiency Notices February 13th! Spirit Day - Wear Red, White, Pink, Purple, etc… February 16th! School is Closed for Presidents’ Day Feb. 16th-20th! 5th & 6th Grade Catalina Camp Trip Feb. 17th-20th Enrichment Days - No regular classes February 23rd Instruction Resumes February 26th Field Trip to Scooter’s Jungle Join Us Online! Click To Visit! Click To Visit! Sign Up Now!
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