to view our weekly sheet - St Peters Church Oundle

Mission of the Month
The Africa Mercy, the largest non-governmental hospital
ship in the world, is currently in Madagascar where it will
remain until the middle of 2015. Its plans include provision for approximately 1,700 surgeries for adult and child
patients on-board the ship, and the treatment of approximately 8,000 people at a land-based dental clinic during
their 8-month visit. Additionally, Mercy Ships’ medical
professional volunteers will provide holistic healthcare education and training to Malagasy
healthcare professionals and its community leaders. Please pray for:
The health & wellbeing of the 400 professional volunteers
The thousands of patients undergoing screening for paediatric orthopaedics,
women’s health, plastic reconstruction, general surgeries, ophthalmic and
maxillo-facial surgeries.
We pray for those in need: John Beaumont, Richard & Pauline Coombes, Paul Eccles,
Derek Mayhew, Kath Watts
Sometimes we face particular crises in our lives. Our Pastoral Care Team is there to support those in
need. If you, or anyone you know, needs any care or support, please let Lynda Davies (272121) know.
We pray for those who mourn and remember with thanksgiving those who have
died: Michael Amps, Peter Light, Steve Hart, Kathleen Wood
We pray for all those serving with the Armed Forces here and overseas.
Parish Office Information
Telephone: 01832 275675 E-mail:
Address: North Street, Oundle PE8 4AL Office Times: Mon-Fri 9am-1pm
Days off: Monday - Rev Lynda Davies (,
Friday - Rev Stephen Webster (
Friday - George Higgins (Verger) 07748 267256
Sunday 22nd March 2015
Today’s 10:30 service is Holy Communion led by Lynda Davies who will also be
If you are here for the first time, do make yourself known to one of the Welcome
Team. They would love to help you with any questions about church life. Why not
have a seat and chat in the coffee area after the service?
Information about Junior Church is printed below and there is a Crèche Room in
the Tower Room at the back, where you are welcome to stay with your child
and enjoy the service.
If you need Communion brought to you, please tell the Welcome Team.
If you need the hearing aid loop, please sit within the pillared area.
Tickets are now ON SALE!
Show Dates: Wednesday 25th, Thursday
26th and Friday 27th March at 7pm.
Tickets: £5 adult, £3 child, £15 family.
Available from the back of church or in the
office during the week.
This is a fabulous opportunity to support our
talented youngsters and introduce your
friends to the story of Francis of Assisi, the
Patron Saint of Animals and the Environment. So invite your friends along or maybe buy them a ticket as a gift. It looks like it
going to be an entertaining evening full of surprises. Don’t miss out!
Junior Church
A special welcome to visiting children who are welcome to join our children’s groups.
If you are not sure where to go, please speak to one of the Welcome Team.
Age 3-6
(Pre-school, R & Y1)
Upper Room
Age 6-8
(Years 2 and 3)
The Vestry
JC 8211
Age 8-11 (Years 4, 5 and 6)
Laxton Cloisters
The Band
Age 11-14 (Years 7,8 and 9)
Lady Chapel
Lent Lunches: on Thursdays during Lent (February 19th to April 2nd incl) between 12
noon and 1.30 pm in the Methodist Church, with donations for Christian Aid.
Easter Flowers: This year, instead of individual lilies, a donation in memory of loved
ones, can be made towards the Easter flowers. Names and donations can be given to
Margaret Dowd or Sue Christmas or left in the office (cheques made payable to M. Dowd).
The names will be placed on the altar on Easter morning.
Electoral Roll: Anyone who is new to St Peter's and would like to be on the Church
Electoral Roll, please contact Julia Newman.
Joint Service with Oundle Baptist Church will take place on Sunday 19th April,
10.30am at Prince William School, Herne Road.
Ladies Lunch at The Red Lion, Warmington: Tuesday April 21st . Gather from 12 noon,
Meal at 12.30. There are 28 places available so please contact Julia Newman to book
your place. Tel 272629 or email Julia will have a menu available for
you to pre-order your main course. There will be a choice of desserts available on the day.
Palm Sunday: We are pleased to announce that the donkey is able to come with us on
the procession through the town. If you would like to join in, please meet up with the donkey at Cobthorne, West Street at 10:15am on Palm Sunday for our traditional procession
through town ending up at St Peter’s in time for the service.
The Crucifixion by Stainer - A Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the Holy
Redeemer will be performed on Good Friday at 8pm by Jenny Firth and the choir. It will
be a time for reflection on the most holiest of weeks.
Bishops' Letter: A copy of the Bishops' letter to all members of the C of E is at the back
of the church. Please read it! You can get your own copy from the Office (£1) or just take a
summary (free). After Easter there will be an open meeting to discuss the letter and its
implications for the General Election.
PCC APCM: will take place on Thursday 23rd April, 2015 at 7.30pm.
Easter Sunrise Service Breakfast: If you will be attending the 6am service on Easter
Day and would like to partake in a “bacon butty” afterwards please sign up on the sheet at
the back of the church.
Spring Harvest: A group from the church family will be going to Minehead on 28th March
for this years activities. Both Stephen and Lynda will be going, along with Justine so from
Saturday 28th April - 2nd April inclusive, the office will be manned by volunteers (10am 11.30am each day). Thank you for your patience and Thank you to the volunteers!
Associate Vicar UPDATE: The interview day on Wednesday went very well. The
candidates were excellent and the whole panel was delighted to be able to make a
recommendation to the Bishop for appointment. It was a unanimous decision that
excited all involved. The process takes a little time - we hope to make an announcement
on Easter Day!
This Week at St Peter’s
St Peter’s
08:00 Holy Communion
10:30 Holy Communion
14:00 “Francis” Dress Rehearsal 2
09:15 Holy Communion
09:15 Morning Prayer
The week ahead
Monday 23rd March
Thursday 26th March
10:00 Holy Communion
10:30 Coffee and Chat
17:00 Set up for show
19:00 “Francis” show 2
Tuesday 24th March
08:30 Holy Communion
14:00 Tuesday Club
19:30 PCC Meeting
Wednesday 25th March
09:00 Morning Prayer
09:30 Office Meeting
14:15 Tiny Tots
15:30 West Porch Cafe
17:00 Set up for show
19:00 “Francis“ show 1
Lady Chapel
Lady Chapel
South Transept
Friday 27th March
09:00 Parent Meeting (OPS)
17:00 Set up for show
19:00 “Francis” show 3
Saturday 28th March
09:00 Prayer Meeting
Lady Chapel
Lady Chapel
Sunday 29th March 2015
Palm Sunday
St Peter’s
08:00 Holy Communion
10:15 Procession from Cobthorne
10:30 Holy Communion
St Peter’s Growing in Faith, Growing in Numbers: Thank you to everyone who has
shared your thoughts and prayers on the discussion of growth within our Church. If you
would still like to share your ideas and views then the Clergy and Wardens would love to
hear them either in person, via email or by writing to the Church Office by Palm Sunday.
UPDATE: The New Services Group has been busy over the last few weeks finding out
from a number of churches who have two main services how this works for them.
Together with your responses, this has helped us in our thinking. There will be a church
lunch on Sunday 26 April when we plan to tell you more about the proposals for each
service. Please put the date in your diary now.