Welcome to the Benefice of Flamstead and Markyate ‘Two churches joyfully serving God and all his people’ THE WEEKLY LINK Sunday 15th March Mothering Sunday BENEFICE NOTICES Welcome to The Weekly Link. Everything you need to know about what’s on in the two churches of the united benefice will be listed here. If you are joining us for the first time you are very welcome and encouraged to come up to receive Holy Communion or a blessing if you would prefer. Please take this sheet away with you. Hello and welcome! This Sunday is Mothering Sunday – a time to give thanks for the stewardship of our mothers in bringing us to fullness of life. This Sunday is also an opportunity to give thanks for ‘mother Church’ and all our church offers us in sustaining sacrament and word for the Christian life and witness. Services today are simplified and fully accessible to all ages and perspectives. Worship today concludes with a benefice service of Taize at Flamstead. All are welcome. SERVICES THIS SUNDAY 08.00 Holy Communion Flamstead 09.30 A Shorter Sung Communion (family friendly) Markyate Preacher: The Vicar 11.00 A Shorter Sung Communion (family friendly) Flamstead Preacher: The Vicar 18.30 Benefice Taize Service Preacher: The Vicar SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY 22nd of March 08.00 Holy Communion Flamstead 09.30 Holy Communion (Family Communion) Markyate Preacher: The Vicar 11.00 Sung Communion (Family Friendly) Flamstead Preacher: The Vicar 18.30 Benefice Evensong Markyate Preacher: The Vicar IN THE WEEK Morning Prayer 09.30 Flamstead Evening Prayer 17.00 Markyate (both Tuesday – Friday) Mass 10.00 Wednesday Markyate (not on the 25th) 10.00 Friday Flamstead YOUTH MATTERS On Saturday 21st of March at 10.00 there will be a meeting in St. John’s Church Markyate about resourcing our work with young people. The Revd Ruth Pyke will be presenting some ideas and materials for developing our youth work. Anyone who is enthusiastic please contact the vicar. PRAYER LIST If you would like someone prayed for by name then please add them to the list at on the table by the door of St. Leonard’s church. Names will be read out at the daily office and at Holy Communion on a Friday. EASTER LILIES AT ST JOHN'S Again a chance for us to buy a personal Easter Lily in memory of our loved ones. Each lily costs £3.75 and there is a list to sign at the back of the Church, instructions on list. The last date for ordering will be Sunday 22nd March , so that we can have all lilies and names in place to be remembered for the Maundy Thursday Vigil, Easter and beyond. On Easter Sunday there will be an opportunity to bring a personal flower from home to add at the foot of our Church Floral Cross, there should be some really beautiful flowers around for us to offer by then! DRAW NEAR WITH FAITH HOLY DAYS IN THE BENEFICE Thursday 19th March FLAMSTEAD 20.00 Holy Communion for St. Joseph. I always feel that poor Joseph gets a rough deal. In the Gospel of Matthew he is described as a good working man who trusted in God and who shared in Mary’s call to bring the Christ child into the world. As we remember mums this week at mothering Sunday, let us too remember dads and particularly one of the most dedicated fathers in history, Joseph of Nazareth. The service, which will last no longer that 25 minutes, will be followed by drinks in the Spotted Dog. Please do come along. Next Holy Day: Wednesday 25th March MARKYATE 20.00 Holy Communion for The Annunciation PLEASE GO ONLINE This sheet is emailed out weekly on a Thursday. Sign up by sending ‘Yes Please’ to noticesheetfm@gmail.com ANY PASTORAL CONCERNS Please Contact the Vicar who is very happy to visit. 01582 842040 vicaragefm@gmail.com Follow on Twitter @RevThomasSander
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