St Peter`s Methodist Church

St Peter’s Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2BE
Charity No. 1128069
St Peter’s is a full member of Churches Together in Canterbury
St Peter’s and other churches in the Canterbury & East Kent Circuit are Fair Trade Churches
Palm Sunday – 29 March 2015
Gospel Reading: Mark 11: 1 -11
We are delighted to welcome everyone to St Peter’s, especially students and people
visiting Canterbury. If this is your first visit, please introduce yourself to one of
the Stewards or the Minister and sign the Visitors’ Book on the table in the Church
Vestibule. If you are new to the Church or have recently moved into the area, and
would like more details about what we offer, please speak to one of the Door or
Church Stewards.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy fellowship over tea, coffee or squash after the
morning service. Visitors and newcomers are especially welcome to stay.
Service at Old Wives Lees Chapel led by Revd Geoff Boxer
10.30 am
Morning Worship & Junior Church
The Service will be led by Miss Helen Davis
Church Stewards: Helen Brown & Jemima Wade
Lesson Readers: Eileen Tresidder & Alison Garratt
4.00 pm
Palm Sunday Procession will leave from St Dunstan’s Church
to make its way to our Church. There will be hymns and readings at
St Dunstan’s and St Peter’s and also along the way. Hot + Buns will
be served afterwards.
Easter Offering envelopes for the for the World Mission Fund of the Methodist
Church in Britain are on the seats today. Your donations should be returned with the
weekly offering, please, on any Sunday up to and including 19 April. Circuit Service for
the dedication of the Offering will be held on Sunday 7 June at York Street Methodist
Church, Broadstairs at 4.00 pm.
Speak to the Stewards for details of the Crèche or if you need a large print copy of the Hymn
Book or Bible. There is a Hearing Aid Loop System in the Church. Users should switch to the
“T” position. The loop is most effective if users sit in the seats at each side of the church
rather than the middle.
Minister – The Revd Geoff Boxer, Tel: 01227 463180
Circuit Office: 01227 459449 E-mail:
Room Bookings (including the hall and church) contact Roy Irons (07740 541252 or
Notices for 30 March – 5 April 2015.
Wednesday 1
10.00 am Service of Holy Communion in the Church led by
Revd Hugh-Nigel Sheehan
10.30 – 12 noon Wednesday Morning Coffee will be served in
the Foyer.
Toward a New Understanding of Jesus Study Group will not
meet but will meet on Wednesday 6 May
3.00 pm Wesley House Group meets: readings and music from
Bach’s St John’s Passion. All are welcome to join the meditation
on the Easter story.
7.45 pm Contemplative Prayer Group meets in the Eastbridge
Hospital Chapel. Building open from 7.30 pm. All welcome.
7.30pm – Tenebrae Service (Accompany Jesus from the Last
Supper, onwards through the increasing darkness of betrayal and
desertion to the agony of the cross. With Easter Hymns, Readings
and Choral Music including Holy Communion).
Good Friday
9.45 am United Service at our Church led by Revd Doug Waller,
Minister in Training at Canterbury Baptist Church. Afterwards
meet at the Salvation Army for drinks and Hot + Buns. The
procession will leave about 11.30 am and make its way to the
Longmarket for an open-air service.
Easter Day – 5 April 2015
The Easter Cross
As usual we shall be dressing the Easter Cross with flowers
during the Easter Service next Sunday. There will be limited flowers
available on the day, so if you could bring your own flower to place on
the cross that would be appreciated
9.00 am
Easter Breakfast at St Peter’s. All are welcome – Don’t forget to
sign up at the back of the Church.
Service at Old Wives Lees Chapel, including Holy Communion led
by Revd John Bown.
10.30 am
Easter Celebration Service: We worship Together
The Service will include Holy Communion and be led by
Revd Geoff Boxer
Church Stewards: Judy Eldridge & Doug Woodcock
Lesson Readers: Judy & Tony Eldridge.
Communion Server: Tony Eldridge
Please Note Change to the Plan: There will be no Evening Service.
For our Prayers:
Thought for the Week
“For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.”
1 Corinthians 15: 22
Prayer for the Week:
Lord Jesus Christ,
in this sacred and solemn week
when we see again
the depth and mystery of your redeeming love,
help us to follow where you go,
to stop where you stumble,
to listen when you cry,
to hurt as you suffer,
to bow our heads in sorrow as you die,
so that, when you are raised to life again,
we may share in your endless joy. Amen.
We pray for all who are unwell or may be unable to get to church, especially May Gurr,
Margaret Withers, Hazel Burgess, Olive Cutting, Pam Lees, Pat Snell, Jill Myers,
Barbara Martin (Connors House), Graham & Joyce Whistance, Joy Webster who
goes into hospital for an operation this Tuesday. Alan Holway, a visitor at last
Wednesday’s coffee morning, asked for prayers for Carol Jury who is terminally ill and
for himself as he supports her at this difficult time.
Daphne and Simon Pope, Emma, Rebecca and Lauren would like to thank everyone
for their support and for coming to George’s Funeral Service. £1,000 in memory of
George was donated to Great Ormond Street.
Following a very successful 'Church Families' baked potato lunch a few weeks ago,
the date for the next one will be on Sunday 12th April, after the tea/coffee in the hall.
All families with children welcome, contact Jemima Wade on for further details.
Please pray for this new venture started by Jemima and Matt, that they and the young
families who worship with us feel welcome and nurtured within our community.
I would like to thank members of the congregation who have filled in Gift Aid forms
and indicated that they would like to give or continue to give by way of the envelope
scheme. The envelopes for the next financial year are now available for collection from
the foyer. Thank you, Kaye Merrywest
Also this week …………
Shoe Cleaners needed! Christians Together in Canterbury are marking
Maundy Thursday 2 April by cleaning shoes, a modern version of foot washing,
in Canterbury High Street. Last year it was a great success and was featured by the
BBC in their programme about the life of Canterbury. We need about 40 people to
spend just half an hour in the High Street on Maundy Thursday. To join this fun
activity sign up at or email or sign the Sheet in the Foyer at the
back of the Church.
Looking Ahead
Thursday 9
Sunday 19
7.00 – 9.00pm Against The Tide, sharing positive perspectives on
migration, at Dover Town Hall, Biggin Street, Dover, CT16 1DL.
More details on poster in Foyer.
11.45 pm The General Church Meeting after the morning service
to be followed by a bring-and-share lunch.
Thursday 30 7.30 pm Pastoral Meeting. Please note change of date.
The Hospitals Trust is running a Healthcare Chaplaincy Course each Tuesday
between 14 April & 2 June 2015 (1.30-3.15pm) at The Kent and Canterbury Hospital,
Canterbury. If interested in joining the volunteer team please contact the Revd Chris
White, Head of Chaplaincy, Tel 01843 234287,
VACANCY – PART TIME CARETAKER, St. Peter’s Methodist Church
We are seeking to employ a Part Time Caretaker for our Church here at St. Peter’s.
Duties will include:
General care of the premises including some cleaning.
Act as Line Manager to our assistant Caretaker.
Opening and closing for functions and booking when required.
Liaising with the Church Bookings Diary Keeper.
10 hours per week, at £8.50 per hour.
A full Job Specification can be given on request.
Application and CV should be made in writing to Revd Geoff Boxer and sent to the
Church Office.
Applications should be received by Friday 3 April.
Items for the next Notice Sheet should be with me by 10.00 pm on
Wednesday. Jenny Devenish, email