St. Peter and St. Paul, Ewhurst EASTER MARKET – TUESDAY 17th MARCH 1 March 2015 The Second Sunday of Lent THE PARROT, Forest Green, 10 - 2pm HELP AND DONATIONS NEEDED Please offer to help with the following: Taking the entrance money Looking after the RAFFLE and the “GOING FOR A SONG” To help - sign the board at the back of the church. If you can donate a Raffle Prize (bottles/chocolates especially welcome) or items for Going for a Song, contact Jane. Phone 01483 275047 or Collecting for Cranleigh Food Bank Items can be brought to the Glebe Centre every Wednesday between 10.30 and 12. Any kind of tinned or dried food and treats such as biscuits and sweets are needed as are baby food and nappies. Toiletries for all ages and cleaning items for the home would also be welcome. There is also a collection trolley at the Coop store in Cranleigh. The Food Bank is organised by Cranleigh Baptist Church, in conjunction with Social Services. BHA Clothing Appeal - Extended to 15 March Up to Mothering Sunday, 15 March, we will be collecting clothes and shoes to send to Ukraine. All clothes are welcome but we have been told that in particular there is a shortage of men’s clothing. Please start looking to see what you can spare. Put all clothing and shoes in bags labelled BHA and leave in the South Transept of the church, making sure that shoes are fixed in pairs. Cheques for the Church - payable to Ewhurst PCC 01483 277584 COLLECT FOR THE WEEK Almighty God, you show to those who are in error the light of your truth, that they may return to the way of righteousness: grant to all those who are admitted into the fellowship of Christ's religion, that they may reject those things that are contrary to their profession, and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Holy Communion BCP - Revd David Minns Readings: Romans 4: 13-end [NIV page 1131] Mark 8: 31-end [NIV page 1012] 10.30 20/20 Family Service – Revd David Minns 12.45 Baptism of Louis William Prowse - Revd David Minns 6.30 Choral Evensong - Revd David Minns Readings: Genesis 12: 1-9 [NIV page 13] Hebrews 11: 1-3, 8-16 [NIV page 1209] 9.00 Your prayers today are asked for the people who live in Horsham Lane and for sick parishioners Brian Galbraith, Cyril Cadoo, John Barrett-Lennard and Janet Templeman. Please also pray for the bereaved families and friends of Austin Neve Julie Davies, Paul Ingman, Dorothy Wooliscroft, Leighton Davies and Val Howland. THE CHURCH WILL BE OPEN DAILY FROM 9.30 a .m. TO 3.00 p.m. Jan Jesson will lock/unlock the church this week – tel 276655 DIARY FOR THE WEEK AHEAD Verger for w/b Mon 2nd March is Angela Masterson-Smith Sonny’s Café is open every weekday except Wednesday 8.45 - 10.00am in the Wilson Room. Tuesday 3rd March 10.00 Monthly Walk from the village car park - see opposite 2.30pm Holy Communion at the Old Rectory - Revd David Minns Wednesday 4th March 10.30 Morning Coffee at the Glebe Centre Thursday 5th March 12.15pm Lent Lunches in the Wilson Room - see opposite Friday 6th March 10.00 Toddler Group in the Wilson Room 2.00pm Women's World Day of Prayer at the Baptist Church - see opposite 6.30pm Junior Choir Practice 7.30pm Senior Choir Practice Sunday 8th March 8.00 Holy Communion BCP – Revd David Minns 10.30 Holy Communion with Treasure Seekers – Revd David Minns Change of services on Sunday 15 March Because this is Mothering Sunday, our main service will be at 9.15am when posies will be given out, with bacon butties afterwards. This means there will be NO 10.30am service this Sunday Come and join the Monthly Walk First Tuesday of each month - 10am from the village car park. Each month Jan leads a group on a different route along footpaths in the parish. Contact her for more details 276655. AVAILABLE NOW... OUR CHURCH EASTER CARDS Two designs available in packs of 5 ~ £2 per pack Send Easter Greetings and Support the Church New Youth Group - first session, Sunday 22nd March 5.45 - 7.00pm in the Wilson Room There will be an opportunity for 10 – 12 year olds to try a variety of activities such as table tennis, cooking, puppets, guitar, handbells. If you would like to register interest or find out more please contact me on 276655. Jan Jesson Women’s World Day of Prayer Ewhurst Churches Together Friday 6th March 2.00pm at Ewhurst Baptist Church The service this year is compiled by the women of The Bahamas “DO YOU KNOW WHAT I HAVE DONE FOR YOU?” PLEASE COME AND JOIN US Children and men are invited too! Refreshments will be available afterwards LENT LUNCHES 2015 Come along to The Wilson Room Thursdays - March 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th between 12.15 pm and 1.45 pm ... to enjoy Soup, Rolls, Cheese and Fruit in the company of your friends. Raffle on March 12th and 26th . Proceeds will be going to: Cherry Tree - Home from Home respite care for children and The Bishop’s Lent Appeal –The Al Ahli Anglican Hospital in Gaza We look forward to seeing you! Hearing Aid Clinic at the Glebe Centre Jan Jesson is offering help and advice on the maintenance and use of Hearing Aids. Her sessions are held at the Coffee Mornings every Wednesday at the Glebe Centre, Ewhurst. If you would like Jan to help you, please contact her in advance if possible, so that she can make sure she has what is needed at the session. Please contact her on 01483 276655
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