NOTICES THE CANDLES ON THE HIGH ALTAR are lit in loving memory of Ethel Gorman, Gerry Carvell, James Brooks and Christine Martin. ASPECTS OF PARISH LIFE: There are letters at the back of the Church for all who submit reports for Aspects. Please see if there is a letter for you. MEET FOR LUNCH: Thu 12 Feb, 12.30pm in Church House. Soup & a filled roll or toasted sandwich £3, desserts 50p. All welcome. VALENTINE CLASSICS CONCERT: Sat 14 Feb, 7.30pm, Millfield Theatre, Edmonton with Adoramus. More info on noticeboard. ASH WEDNESDAY: Sung Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes, Wed 18 Feb, 7.30 pm. Please bring your palm crosses back and leave them in Church. LENT LUNCHES: Every Thursday in Lent, 12.30 pm in Church House. THE WEEK AHEAD CAKE & CARDS: Thu 26 Feb, 1.30 pm in Church House, following Lent Lunch. £1.50, all welcome. PARISH HOLIDAY 2015: Forms and info for Llandudno, 15-22 August are at the back of the Church or speak to Carol Lee, 467071 or 635190. A NUMBER has become available on the St. Mary’s Lottery Bonus Ball. For more information please speak to Carol, 635190 or 467071. ADVENT LUNCHES 2014: Many thanks to all who helped and supported the three lunches enabling £252 to be given towards a Night Shelter ‘All People, All Places’ in Enfield. USERS OF CHURCH HOUSE AND CHURCH HOUSE CAR PARK are reminded that they do so at their own risk, the Parochial Church Council can take no responsibility for loss or damage caused to vehicles, their occupants or to pedestrians. MINISTRY TEAM LENT PRAYER WALKS: Saturdays 21, 28 Feb, 7, 14, 21 March at 10.30 am. More information on noticeboard. The Revd John Williams, tel. 01992 623121 HOW DOES GOD ANSWER PRAYER IN A SCIENTIFIC UNIVERSE? 7pm Thu 26 Feb, The Lady Chapel, St Albans. The Revd Prof David Wilkinson, Professor and Principal of St. John's College, Durham University, and Canon Scientist of St Albans Cathedral, inaugural lecture, an exciting opportunity to hear an excellent speaker and scientist. Contact Revd Angela for details. Mrs Rita Andrews, 01992 307524 e-mail: The Revd Angela Lynas, 01992 877188 e-mail: Sunday 8th—THE SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 8.00 am Low Mass 10.00 am Morning Prayer 1.00 pm Baptism of Stanley Ellis Sewell 5.30 pm Youth Club Tuesday 10th Scholastica, Sister of Benedict, Abbess of Plombariola, c. 543 11 am First Steps 1.30 pm Visit by Flamstead End School Wednesday 11th 10.00 am Quarter Peal by visiting bell ringers Thursday 12th 11.00 am Holy Eucharist 12.30 pm Meet for Lunch 1.30 pm Funeral of Hazel Ashby Friday 13th 12 noon Funeral of Leslie Bailie Saturday 14th Cyril & Methodius, Missionaries to the Slavs Valentine, Martyr at Rome, c. 269 Sunday 15th—THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE LENT 8.00 am Low Mass 10.00 am Sung Mass 2.00 pm Baptism of Kim Goss 5.30 pm Youth Club Team Clergy: The Revd Jan Wilson (Turnford), 01992 479882 The Revd Canon Carole Selby (Goffs Oak), 01707 872328 The Revd Jane Dicker (Waltham X) 01992 633243 Churchwardens: Mr Terry Hoare, Mrs Helen Palmer Parish Office: Mon, Thu, Fri: 9.30am – 1pm: tel. 01992 635190 e-mail: THIS SUNDAY Hymns from Hymns Old & New 191, 220, 379, 33, 46 Thanks to Marcus Cooper today’s organist St Mary the Virgin Cheshunt WEEKLY NEWS SUNDAY 8 FEBRUARY 2015 SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT WELCOME Welcome to our service today: Please join us in Church House after the 10 am Service for refreshments. (Church House is to the left of the Church, please ask a Welcomer for directions). After the 1st Sunday of the month Family Service, refreshments are served in Church. If this is your first visit to St Mary’s do make yourself known to one of the Clergy or a Welcomer. Communion: All are welcome at the Lord’s table. If you do not usually receive the Bread and Wine please come forward and bow your head for a prayer of blessing. Gluten Free Wafers are available, please speak to a Churchwarden or Welcomer before the Service. Giving: If you are a UK taxpayer please give money via the special envelopes provided, you are also encouraged to join our tax efficient planned giving scheme. Please ask a Welcomer for an information pack. If you are a part of the Planned Giving Scheme paying by standing order, please remember to collect a laminated card before the Service to place in the collection. Sound System: There is a loop system in operation, please set your hearing aid to ‘T’ and adjust the volume as necessary. PRAYERS If you would like a prayer said with you after
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