Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 Bulletin # 07 Page 1 We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. 1 John 1:3 Welcome: May the Lord bless us as we worship and fellowship together. If you are visiting, we extend a special welcome and please join us downstairs for coffee and a time of fellowship after the morning worship service. WORSHIP SERVICE ~ 10:00 AM GATHERING Prelude Welcome and Announcements * Opening Song #521(LUYH) Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing * Call to Worship * God’s Greeting * Song 351(LUYH) Love Divine, All Loves Excelling CONFESSION/ASSURANCE Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Assurance of Pardon God’s Will for our Lives Song of Response #674(LUYH) As Moses Raised the Serpent Up (during this song the children, Grade 1 and younger, come forward) HEARING GOD’S WORD Children’s Time Prayer for Illumination Children’s Time Scripture Reading: I John 1:1-2:2 Text 1:1-4 Message: THE CHURCH; AN INVITATION TO LOVE Prayer * Song of Response: 235 (GPH) Here from All Nations RESPONDING WITH THANKSGIVING Prayers for God’s People and World Offertory Prayer Offering: (1) Church (2) Listowel Christian School * Song #738(LUYH) Jesus, All for Jesus GOING WITH GOD’S BLESSING * Benediction * Doxology #965(LUYH) Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow The PreK – gr 1 age children will be leaving after the children’s message for Sunday School. (exit at the FRONT of the sanctuary) SERVICE SCHEDULE Today: A special welcome goes to Pastor John Van Til who will be leading us in both services. Next Sunday: Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen will be leading us in both services. Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 Bulletin # 07 Page 2 EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 P.M. GATHERING Welcome * Call to Worship * God’s Greeting * Song #897(LUYH) What a Friend We Have in Jesus Prayer Song #553(LUYH) How Great Thou Art HEARING GOD’S WORD Prayer for Illumination Scripture Reading: Genesis 27:1-13 Message: BLEST TO BLESS Prayer * Song: 406 “Alleluia! Sing to Jesus” Greeters North Greeters South Greeters Back Ushers Scripture Reading Music- am pm PA Projector Camera Nursery AM JK – gr 1 SS Helper Coffee Servers RESPONDING WITH THANKSGIVING Prayer Requests and Prayer Offering: (1) Church (2) Listowel Christian School * Song #394(LUYH), 1,2,3 All Praise to You, My God, This Night GOING WITH GOD’S BLESSING * Benediction * Doxology #394(LUYH), 4 Today Feb 15 Next Week Feb 22 Two Weeks March 1 Vanessa Wilts Claire Reinink Dan & Joanne Baarda Calvin & Cheryl Bakelaar Raymond Wilts Calvin Bakelaar Shannon Siertsema Hans & Audrey Boonstoppel Art & Corrie Bos Conrad & Barb Bos Justin Baarda Rick Steele John Klasen John & Gerrie Bos John & Tina Bos Luke & Shirley Bouman Eric Nonkes Peter Uyl Marg Steele Hillie Jannie Douwe Top Jamie Reinink Justin Baarda Becky Bosma Casey VanDorp Marielle Van Schaik Linnea Jamie / Jessica Tracy Richard Bergsma Lauren Bos Kyle Bos Cheryl Bakelaar John VanGent Emily Wilts Marissa Praise Team Hillie Andrew Bos Cheryl Bakelaar David Passchier Tina Bos Ben Filiatreault McKayla Nonkes Shannon Karl & Anita Boven Bert & Susan Buffinga Walter & Kathy Eigenheer Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 Bulletin # 07 Page 3 OFFERING SCHEDULE Today: (1) Church (2) Listowel Christian School Next Week: (1) Church (2) Huron Campus Ministry Classis Huron supports two Campus Ministries: Jamie VanderBerg is the minister at the University of Guelph, and Brian Bork is the minister of both the Universty of Waterloo and the Wilfrid Laurier University. Future offerings: March 1 – Local Foodgrains Bank growing project; March 8 – Caring for the Heart Ministries (Bob Bramhill) in Wingham; March 15 – Larry and Tracey Luth and children in Haiti. KEEP IN PRAYER ❅ Congratulations to all those celebrating birthdays this week: Cody Bos and Leanne Exel – Feb 15 Pearl Verstoep and Chas Bos – Feb 18 Mark Sjaarda and Jack Nonkes – Feb 19 Claire Reinink – Feb 20 ❅ We thank God for people who enjoy numbers and find fulfilment in filling out income tax forms. The tax season is upon us and many of us depend on those who prepare our income tax returns. These people serve us well, and during the tax season they are very busy putting in many hours on our behalf. Let us pray for health and strength and wisdom for them. ❅ Keep in prayer those who are living in long term care facilities. From our congregation, Femmy VanAmersfoort, Sally DeBoer and John and Derkje Wesselink all live in long term care facilities. Let us pray not only for them but also for those who care for them. ❅ Please keep Gaye Datema in your prayers as she is in the Clinton hospital. UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Profession of Faith: If you are thinking about professing your faith this year, please talk to Pastor Gary. If you would like to join the class, we will be meeting beginning about 10 minutes after the morning service in the council room. If you haven’t talked to Pastor Gary, you may simply show up on that day. We begin meeting on February 22, and we will meet for approximately 5 weeks. Lift Up Your Hearts We have begun using the new hymnal produced by our denomination as our primary hymnal for worship. Several people can read music and would like to use a book during the service. To that end, we have purchased a few copies and we have put them in the entry way of the church. They are for your use during the service, if you prefer to use a book instead of reading off the overhead. Please be sure to return them at the end of each service. Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 Bulletin # 07 Page 4 Ladies Society Meeting: Tuesday, Feb 17th at 1:30pm. Study Lesson 2, Episode 2 & 3. Matthew 4: 1- 25. Roll call word: Baptism or Baptized. After recess by Rita Verburg. SERVE: It's that time! We are looking for 3 adult leaders for our SERVE trip to Washington, DC from July 11-18 and some vehicles to transport fifteen youth and three adults. Can you help us out? Please let Becky know as soon as you can, ideally before March 1st so that we can plan accordingly. Thanks! HCS Shop n’ Save: Due to an issue with the supplier the cheese has been delayed one week. Thank you for your support with this important fundraising program to help keep the cost of Christian education down. Is your child ready for Junior Kindergarten in the fall? Ready, Set, Alphabet! is a 6-week program for children turning 4 in 2015. Through engaging devotions, arts and crafts, worship, games and stories, your child will be challenged to begin an exciting and life-long journey of reading and writing. This program will take place at the Huron Christian School on Wednesday mornings from 8:45-11:00 a.m. beginning April 1. For more information or to register, please check the bulletin board or contact the school at 519-482-7851. LDCSS invites you to enjoy ‘An evening in Paris’ at their Spring Fund Raising Banquet on Saturday, March 7th. Featuring the musical talents of LDCSS students as well as special guest artists, The Wiebes. We look forward to treating you to a gourmet dinner, great entertainment, and a silent auction just for fun! RSVP by March 2, 2015 to London District Christian Secondary School is accepting applications for a full time Math position for the 2015-2016 school year. For more information, please go to the LDCSS web page at The World Day of Prayer Ecumenical Service this year will be hosted by the Anglican Church on Friday March 6th at 7:30 pm. The country featured this year is the Bahamas with Pastor Gary the speaker. Everyone is invited to attend this community service followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments. Blyth CRC Prayer Service will be held on Tuesday, March 24th at 7:30 pm. YOUNG PEOPLE/ADULT’S NEWS Next YOUTH GROUP: Thursday, February 19. "Circle of Grace" discussion & Missions Sharing Night @ church (from Yris, Dawn & Tiffany). Yris is on snacks and devotions. Next FAITH INSTRUCTION: Tuesday, February 24. Eric is on snacks. SERVE: Registration payment will be due March 1st. We are planning to have Youth Bucks/Registration costs out shortly. Young People Hockey: Feb. 21st in Blyth at 8:00 with Palmerston Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 Bulletin # 07 Page 5 OTHER NEWS Position Opening - World Renew has a part-time opening for an Advocacy Manager, in Burlington, Ontario. This position will assist with rolling out and encouraging involvement in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank “Good Soil” agricultural funding advocacy campaign with World Renew constituents, church members, and the Canadian government. Please visit our website at for information; to apply, submit your current resume and cover letter to by February 16. CANADIAN FOODGRAINS BANK SUNDAY- CFGB is a crucial partner in World Renew’s ministry. Through its CFGB account and partnerships, World Renew is able to access funding as soon as disasters strike, without first having to solicit funds. Because of a generous annual contribution from the Canadian government, this CFGB funding is often matched 4:1, enabling World Renew to do even more ministry. Please give generously so that World Renew can replenish its CFGB account and sow even more seeds of hope wherever there is need. For more information and to donate, visit or call 1-800-730-3490. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR: - When Jesus said the greatest command was to love God, he made it clear it’s also important to love our neighbour. Together, let’s study Luke 10:25-37 and discuss what that really means. Join the conversation each week: subscribe for free weekly email notifications at or visit to find a local radio station or listen now. THE ORDER OF THE GATOR: - Can he do it? Will Liz unravel the clues and achieve the highest reptile honor? Follow the Kids Corner adventures of Liz and his pals every week: subscribe for free at Find more great resources for kids and parents at Special Today Devotional Lent Series - "So, what are you giving up for Lent?" Has anybody ever asked you that question? Lent does involve self-denial, but it’s much more. It’s a season to focus on the hope of Jesus Christ. The Today Devotional is offering a special devotion series to help you refresh, refocus, and renew your faith during the season of Lent. Visit ENJOY HELPING KIDS? - Offer classroom support at the Nicaragua Christian Academy, an English-speaking school in Managua, along with opportunities to volunteer with local children in their homes or at an orphanage. If you are interested in volunteering for 1 – 4 months in this exciting opportunity, check for more information at or contact Lent Devotions Series - The ashen crosses on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday remind us of our mortality, our limitations. The ashes that float from forest fires and smokestacks speak of the limitations of this created world. But as we journey with the Anointed One toward the cross, we know that we journey toward a New Creation as well. This Lent, join the Office of Social Justice in pondering creation care with Lent devotions delivered to your inbox. Sign up at for Ash and Oil: Remembering we are Dust, Leaning toward a New Creation. Sunday, Feb 15, 2015 Bulletin # 07 Page 6 Community CRC in Kitchener is looking for a Pastor - Faith Formation. We are in search of a candidate to facilitate spiritual development through education, leadership development, and support of various church ministries. Visit for full job description. Inspirational Women’s Conference on Sat, April 11th from 9:00am – 4:00 pm at The Meeting House, 2700 Bristol Circle, Oakville, Ont. Registration: Cost: before March 28th $40 after March 28th $45. THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR Sunday Sunday School (Pre K –gr 1) ...................................................................... after the children’s time Sunday School / Faith Instruction Classes (gr 2 – gr. 8).........................................after am service Sunday Services ................................................................................................... 10 am & 7:30 pm Monday Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am Tuesday Ladies Society ‘Priscilla’........................................................................................... 1:30 – 3:00 pm Wednesday Coffee Break ............................................................................................................ 10 – 11:30 am Evening Coffee Break ............................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm Gems (girls gr. 4-8) .................................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm Cadets (boys gr. 4-8) ............................................................................................... 7:30 – 9:00 pm Thursday Time of Prayer at Quartel’s .............................................................................................. 10:00 am Bulletin Deadline ................................................................................................................. 5:00 pm Youth Group............................................................................................................. 7:30 – 9:00 pm Friday Exercise group .................................................................................................................... 9:30 am Saturday Tykes Hockey at the Blyth Arena ........................................................................................ 7:00 pm Young People Hockey in Blyth ............................................................................................ 8:00 pm Church & Minister: 519-523-4743 Minister: Pastor Gary Van Leeuwen email: . Home: 226-523-5566 and cell: 519-441-7805 Clerk Mr. Rick Steele 519-526-7446 e-mail: Blyth CRC Web Site: Bulletin Announcements: call Anita Boven: 519-523-9492 or e-mail before 5:00 pm on Thursday.
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