Mass Times & News - St Thomas More Catholic Church

Newsletter February 8th
Fifth Sunday of the Year
THE NOVENA: The Novena to Our Lady will be prayed on Wednesday at 2.00pm in the church and
will continue until March 4th. Everyone is welcome to join in this prayer time to Our Lady, our mother
who hears the prayers of all who call on her. For more details contact Veronica, 01323 491020.
WEEK OF PRAYER FOR LENT: Our week of prayer to mark the beginning of the holy season of
Lent begins on Sunday February 15th. As the programme takes shape, if you have any thoughts,
ideas as to how we can make this a prayerful time, please have a word with Fr Paul, Deacon Colin or
WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: You are cordially invited to our annual Coffee Morning at
the Clinton Centre on Feb 7th 10am - 12 noon. Admission £1 Please try and support this event.
Pippa Logan 491566.
MINISTERS OF THE WORD: Could you please let me know your availability for the months midFebruary to May as soon as possible in order that I can compile the next rota. Many thanks Paul,
01323 896482.
ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18th: Please bring your palm crosses from last year and place them
in the box in the porch so that they may be made into the ashes for Ash Wednesday this year.
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: On July 5th our diocese will celebrate its Golden Jubilee. There will a
diocese-wide gathering at the Amex Stadium, Brighton, where 1,000s of us will gather to celebrate
our diocese – its life for past 50 years and its hope for years ahead. There will be loads of room and
loads to do, as well as the opportunity to celebrate Mass together. Lots more details to come,
including travel arrangements, but MAKE A NOTE OF THE DATE NOW! You really will want to be
part of it and we hope to see you there.
COFFEE AND CAKE MORNING 21st Feb 10-11.30: Come and see the talent from school, parish
and vocational dance schools with ballet, contemporary dance, poetry and song. Money raised will
go to Food Bank for fresh veg, fruit etc.
February, we will be holding a cake sale in the Church Hall in aid of the Lourdes Fund. Last chance
to buy cakes before Lent starts
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the 200Club draw held last weekend for December. 1st
Prize of £96.32, Sally Eyton-Lloyd (No.63), 2nd Prize £64.15, Mary Wiltshire (No 72), 3rd Prize
£32.16, May Everett, (No 151), 4th, £10 Carmel Keller, (No 121), 5th Pauline Davies £10 (No165)
and 6th, £10 Clare Dermody, (No 137). If you would like to join, please contact Chris Parkinson
THE CIRCLE OF FRIENDS enjoyed a very polished presentation of Fairtrade given by Tony &
Eileen Delaney on 27th January. At teatime Jill was given a hand tied bouquet of flowers to thank
her for 10 years as secretary. Jill would like to thank all members at the meeting, and those unable
to attend due to illness or frailty for their kind wishes,
CAFOD ’Call of Creation’ Evening of discussion and reflection: We invite you to reflect on God’s
call to good stewardship of creation and our response. Martin Brown from CAFOD will lead us
through CAFOD’s Call of Creation resources based on the teaching of The Bishops’ Conference of
England and Wales. 7:30pm on Wed, 18th February St Joseph’s Church Hall, Milton Road,
Brighton. BN2 9TR. Refreshments will be served. The event is free and open to all. We will learn
about CAFOD’s new campaign One Climate One World
MASS ON THURSDAY THIS WEEK: The children from years 3 & 4 at Annecy school will be joining
us for Mass in Thursday. We look forward to welcoming them. We hope you will join us, especially
the parents of yrs 3&4.
ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC RAMBLERS CLUB: On Sunday 15th February a member of
the club, Philip Groves, is leading a countryside walk from Lewes station to Seaford station. Lunch
will be at the Rose Cottage Inn, The Village, Alciston, BN26 6UW, for good, home-cooked food and
local real ales. The walkers hope to stop for tea in Seaford, which also has excellent fish and chips
near the station. Any of you would be most welcome. They can just turn up without prior notice, at
Lewes station at 0955 and please note that footwear must be suitable for the walking conditions.
Distance: around 15 hilly miles, finishing at Seaford station. Ordnance Survey map to bring if you
wish: Landranger 198.
A GENTLE REMINDER Those intending to make arrangements for their marriage should contact
their parish priest at the earliest opportunity so that the necessary documentation and programme of
preparation can be arranged. This applies wherever you intend to marry, home or abroad.
IF YOU ARE UNWELL OR HOUSEBOUND and would like a Minister of the Eucharist to bring you
Holy Communion, please contact the parish office and arrangements will be made.
HAVE YOU REMEMBERED? If you are using the yellow envelopes to help with the Parish
Maintenance Fund, have you remembered this month’s donation? Very many thanks for your
continuing and generous support. If you are in the Gift Aid/ Covenant scheme, don’t forget to put
your number on the envelope.
ST THOMAS MORE YOUTH CLUB: For school years Reception – Year 6 Join us for fun, games
and activities every Wednesday in the church hall between 5.30pm & 7.00pm during term time. 50p
entrance per week (with 50p to spend in the tuck shop). For more information, contact Cathy Tutton
07976 247367.
MEDITATION GROUP: The group meet at Shalom every Wednesday at 5pm - All welcome. Further
information Heather 898548
Items for the newsletter should be emailed to:
Hard copy should be left at the Presbytery. The deadline is Wednesday 12 noon