NEWS FROM THE PEWS March 2015 **************************************************************************** NOTES FROM THE PASTOR: Please mark your calendars for March 3 at 6:00 p.m. ALL ARE INVITED AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. I will be presenting my vision for growth for the next few years. I believe the time has come for all of us to make a push for growth. We will begin with a light meal at 6:00, followed by my presentation. After the presentation, the Deacons and Session will meet. This presentation will be the most important event for this church since I’ve been here. Please make every effort to attend since your involvement is going to be essential for us to be successful. See you there! Our winter weather interfered with our Ash Wednesday and 1st Sunday in Lent services. Thanks for everyone’s understanding and for the work of our Building and Grounds Team! Easter Lily orders will be due on Sunday, March 22. Order forms will be available with the church bulletins on the next few Sundays. A church wedding shower for Jeff Addison and Sarah Gilliland will be held after church on March 22. This will be a “gift card” shower, so feel free to bring a gift card of your choice as a gift to Jeff and Sarah. The following scriptures will be the basis of our services this month: March 1, 2nd Sunday in Lent Mark 1: 9-15, “Getting Ready Part 1” March 8, 3rd Sunday in Lent Mark 8: 31-38 “Getting Ready Part 2” March 15, 4th Sunday in Lent John 3: 14-21, “Stepping Into the Light” March 22, 5th Sunday in Lent Jeremiah 31: 31-34, “Getting Rid of Guilt” March 29, Palm Sunday John 12: 12-19, “No Stopping” Our Wednesday evening activities, held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, will resume this month. Please make plans to join in on Wednesday, March 11th and Wednesday, March 25th. We are going to try a little different format with Choir, Youth Group and Adult Study beginning at 5:00, followed by a meal at 6:00. We conclude after the meal. Announcements: Our church will have an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 28. More information will be forthcoming in the following weeks. Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to take part in this memorable activity. Adults will need to stay and assist with supervision, if necessary. Many thanks to Lynda Nason and Janet Algiburi to hosting! Our Relay for Life Team will be working toward the June 5 Relay for Life event this year. More information will be forthcoming and contact Phil Fort if you have any questions. Flower Calendar. The flower calendar for 2015 has been posted in the upstairs hallway. If you are interested in placing flowers on the alter on a certain Sunday morning please sign the sheet. If you are placing them in honor or memory of someone please let Marilyn know early in the week so she can get that information in the bulletin. Notes to Note by Gayle Holder: Choir rehearsals will be held from 5:45 to 7:00 on Wednesday evenings. Please consider becoming a part of our wonderful choir where we work together to blend our voices to glorify God. Blessings, Gayle Prayer List Sandra Welleford Amanda Edwards Nancy Halverson Ronnie Groom Vicki Bravard Pam Crooks Shirley Roeder Petsch Dennis Rittenberry Family Sara Lee Thorpe Charles Jackson Jessica Groom Phyllis Stevenson Shirley Langhammer (friend Pam Crooks) Nancy Loftis (Angie Groom’s sister) Eowyn Groom Carol Crooks (Pam & Jay daughter-in-law) Marvin Baus (Barbara Watson’s brother) Andrea Craft (Mary Alice Duncan daughter) Sandy Cook The D. J. Everett family Beth Everett’s health 02 07 10 12 15 16 18 24 Jan Faulkner Evelyn Roeder Darryl Batson Sue Binkley Gene Warren Marilyn Stewart Kate Bravard, Nancy Tankersley April Barnes Celebrating an Anniversary 11 Lyle & Mary Lee Norfleet Church Humor: One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer needed God. They picked one scientist to go and tell Him that they were done with Him. The scientist walked up to God and said, "God, we've decided that we no longer need you. We're to the point that we can clone people and do many miraculous things, so why don't you just go on and get lost." God listened patiently and kindly to the man and, after the scientist was done talking, God said, "Very well! How about this? Let's have a manmaking contest." To which the man replied, "OK, great!" But God added, "Now we're going to do this just like I did back in the old days with Adam." The scientist said, "Sure, no problem" and bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt. God just looked at him and said, "No, no, no. You go get your own dirt!" ************************************ There were two men shipwrecked on this island. The minute they got on to the island one of them started screaming and yelling, "We're going to die! We're going to die! There's no food! No water! We're going to die!" The second man was propped up against a palm tree and acting so calmly that it drove the first man crazy. "Don't you understand?!? We're going to die!!" The second man replied, "You don't understand. I make $100,000 a week." The first man looked at him quite dumbfounded and asked, "What difference does that make?!? We're on an island with no food and no water! We're going to DIE!!!" The second man answered, "You just don't get it. I make $100,000 a week and I tithe ten percent on that $100,000 per week. My pastor will find me!" First Presbyterian Staff Rev. Charlie Evans-Pastor Dr. Anthony R. Barta, D. Min-Pastor Emeritus Dr. Joan S. Lester- Minister of Music (Outreach) Gayle Holder- Choir Director/Organist Wayne Eastham-Assisting Musician Pam Goolsby, CRE-Parish Associate Marilyn Stewart- Administrative Assistant Jeff Addison-Youth Director Frank Montgomery- Financial Secretary Judy McPherson-Treasurer Jeremy Jones- Custodian Lanesha Davie- Nursery Attendant First Presbyterian Church 303 E. 9th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 270-885-8171 (telephone) Facebook: First Presbyterian Hoptown Twitter: @1presch
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