LIMA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWSLETTER March 2015 Volume 22 Issue 174 “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” Isaiah 40:31 Dear Friends, Warnings of arctic air, snow, freezing rain and ice usually mean an extra trip to the grocery store for milk, eggs and bread (snacks too), or to the home improvement store for salt and maybe another snow shovel. The warnings also urge us to prioritize what needs to get accomplished before the inclement weather arrives. This prioritizing often means making an additional effort in getting it all done. When there’s one wave of inclement weather after another, we sometimes get into the routine of picking up an extra gallon of milk “just in case”, and getting another bag of salt “just in case”; and we prioritize our schedule “just in case”. Just as warnings of impending snow storms establish us in routines that keep us safe, and meet our needs “just in case”, so Lent seeks to establish us in certain spiritual routines that aren’t on the shelves of our spiritual pantry. During Lent, we stock the shelves with an extra measure of prayer, Bible reading, sacrificial giving, and acts of kindness; and we salt the paths of our daily routines with them. They become a staple in our spiritual diet, so much so that we find ourselves relying on them for the ups and downs of everyday life. The prophet Isaiah called these routines waiting on the Lord, which he said renewed one’s strength. The routines of Lent do connect us with God and do renew our strength. They are a necessary staple for living the Christian life. Let us stock our shelves with them. Have a blessed Lent! Pastor Bob Worship in March “The Message of the Cross for the 21st Century”. The cross of Christ is the dominant symbol of the Christian faith, and certainly conveys the central message of Lent. Each Sunday in March we will explore an aspect of it’s message, especially as it relates to us in the here and now. March 1 Communion Sunday Theme: “Servant of All” (Mark 9:35) March 8 Theme: “Once for All” (Romans 6:10) March 15 Theme: “A Ransom for All” (I Timothy 2:6) March 22 Theme: “Lord of All” (Acts 2:36) March 29 Palm Sunday Theme: “Yea though I walk through the valley” (Psalm 23:4) HOLY WEEK Special services are being planned for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Both will be evening services, beginning at 7:30 PM. For Thursday, 13 adults are needed for a “visual” of Leonardo DaVinci’s “Last Supper” painting. There will be some speaking parts. For Friday, 4 or 5 adults/youth are needed for a unique re-enactment of the “Stations of the Cross”. Adult Bible Study “It Is Necessary—When God Says You Must” A Bible study based on passages in the Gospel of Luke in which we hear Jesus say “It is necessary” - making a reference to God’s plan. This study will help us explore what is necessary for us as followers of Jesus. Tuesdays 6:30—8:00 PM in the Conference Room Tools for Ministry March 7th at West Grove United Methodist Church 8:30 AM —12:20 PM This is an opportunity for the leadership of a local church to receive training and collect resources that will equip them for their responsibilities. Sixteen workshops are being offered. They include: The Sign Our Front says “Everyone Welcome”. Do You Really Mean It? Introduction to the Staff-Parish Relations Committee Me? Do Prison Ministry? Thinking Missionally to Create a Healthy Congregation How to Start Older Adult Ministries in Your Church Effective Community Outreach …...and several others If you would like to join others in attending this resourceful event, please contact the church office by Monday, March 2nd. Perhaps we can fill a van! FAITH SHARING WORKSHOP The EPA Conference will welcome Thom and Joani Schultz, coauthors of Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore: And How 4 Acts of Love Will Make Your Church Irresistible, as keynote presenters at the 2015 faith sharing and training event. Saturday, March 21, 2015 8:30 a.m. Registration & Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Training New Hanover UMC 2211 Swamp Pike, Gilbertsville, PA 19525 Cost: $10 per person including all materials & meals. Please register by calling Lima Church Office *We will return to the church by 3 PM— In time to be involved in the Oyster Supper March 6 7—9 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) Featured band: Ray Seemans and Friends March's band will be Ray Seemans and Friends. Ray has been our guest at the Cafe in the past. He brings a wide variety of genres of music all with an amazing message and a ton of energy! Ray uses his music as a way to bring the message of Jesus to everyone. Come on out and enjoy coffee, popcorn and the ice cream sundae bar! Second Sunday 2Gether March 8th ALL CHURCH BOWLING EVENT beginning at 6:30 PM Please sign up for the event either by using the bulletin tab or by calling the church office CONCERT “Angels of Harmony” Sunday, March 15 4:00 PM This ensemble is a Gospel choir committed to ministry and diversity. The repertoire includes the richness of African-American heritage coupled with contemporary Black Gospel music. Reception will follow in Fellowship Hall. March Women’s Circles The ESTHER Circle: Tues., March 10 @ 10AM at Granite Farms The RUTH Circle: Thurs., Feb. 19 @ 7:30 (CR) All ladies are always invited to attend any circle! UMM Supper - Saturday, March 21 Oysters, Fried Chicken Strips or Ham! 4PM, 5PM, 6PM or Take Out Oyster Supper $17.00 pp Fried Chicken Strips $15.00 pp Ham $13.00 pp 4PM Early Bird Price: Take $2 off each above priced platters Reservations: 610-566-7109 HELPERS ARE GREATLY NEEDED! Please see sign up sheet in hallway for different jobs that need volunteers! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SAVE THE DATES: JUNE 22-26 (9-11:30 AM) THEME: “Dive into VBS under the Sea” Please mark your calendars and pray about being a volunteer EASTER FLOWERS – Order forms in narthex! Deadline: March 29 You have the opportunity to purchase beautiful spring flowers to be used to decorate our church for Easter Sunday, April 5 and/or to give to one of our very appreciative homebounds. All flowers will come with foil and a bow. Each 6” pot has 5 – 6 blooms. The Easter lilies are approximately 2 ft high. The tulips are assorted colors and the daffodils are yellow. See order forms in narthex for more info and ordering. 2015 Lima UMC Directory Please pick up your copy from bench outside of the church office. For corrections, please email News from Feeding the Homeless Team… 4th Annual Top Shelter Chef Contest The Community Action Agency of Delaware County, Inc. invites you to join us for a special night to support the homeless of Delaware County while enjoying a unique dinner. This one-of-a-kind event will raise funds to support CAADS’s shelters. Volunteer groups-including Lima!will provide samples and vie to be the Top Shelter Chef. Have you seen the new website? There’s a lot to see and explore! Pictures, announcements of upcoming events, blogs from the pastor and lay leader, an opportunity to make a prayer requests….and more. It’s colorful, friendly, informative Many thanks to the Lima website team: Nancey Sheppard Trevor Salla Sabrina Daluisio We are very excited to note the many who are accessing our website to find out more about Lima UMC. It will be a tremendous witness to the community of our desire to be a Christ centered church—a faith building church and a mission minded congregation! The attendees will vote and decide the winner. When: Saturday, April 25 at 6PM Where: St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, 229 Powell Lane, Upper Darby PA Tickets: $25 per ticket Go to and click on tickets. Happy 100th Birthday on March 11 to Doris German! Let’s SHOWER her with Birthday Cards! Doris German 411 N. Middletown Rd, WBC 29 Media, PA 19063 Lima United Methodist Church Calendar of Events for March 2015 WORSHIP SERVICES: 8:30, 9:45, 11AM SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:45 AM Riddle Village - 7PM PALM SUNDAY March 29 SPECIAL EVENTS: March 6 March 8 March 15 March 21 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 4:00 PM 4PM - 6PM First Friday Café “Ray Seemans & Friends” Second Sunday 2gether: BOWLING CONCERT: Angels of Harmony UMM Supper & Grandma’s Attic March 2 March 9 March 25 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Finance (CR) Church Council (CR) Trustees (CR) ACTIVITY GROUPS: Thursdays March 14 9:30 AM 1:30 PM Quilting Knit/Crochet MEETINGS: COMMUNITY GROUPS: Sundays 2:30 PM/7PM Mondays 6:30 PM/8PM Tuesdays 12:00 PM Wednesdays 6:00 PM Thursday (3/19) 7:00 PM Debtor’s Anonymous (RC)/AlAnon(RC) Zumba (FH)/ AA (WH) AlAnon (Library); AA (Wesley Hall) Bible Study -11/4 & 18(FH) Narcotics Anonymous (Conference Room) Family to Family (Library) A Christ-centered Church growing together in faith and caring for others in love. Lima United Methodist Church 209 N. Middletown Road P. O. Box 158 Lima, PA 19037 610-566-7109 DATED MATERIAL Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Media, PA Permit No. 239
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