Notices 22nd Feb 15 - Northallerton Methodist Church

Northallerton Methodist Church
Minister: Rev. Andrew J. Bryer
Tel: 01609 773620
Church Website:
Welcome to worship this morning
SUNDAY 22nd FEBRUARY. 1st Sunday in LENT
10.30 am Morning Worship conducted by Rev Andy Bryer
Lectionary Readings: Isaiah 43: 18-25, Psalm 41, 2 Corinthians 1:18-22,
Mark 2:1-12.
SUNDAY 1st MARCH. 2nd Sunday in LENT
10.30 am All Age Worship led by Rowena Webster
12.30 pm Baptism
Lectionary Readings: Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16, Psalm 22:23-31,
Romans 413-25, Mark 8: 31-38.
Hymns are displayed on the screen
Hymnbooks (Large Print), Good News Bibles and large print copies
of the Methodist Worship Book are available from the door
Stewards on request
A loop system is installed downstairs please switch to T if you use a hearing aid.
Light refreshments will be served in the hall after morning worship.
Please do join us to continue fellowship
MISSION STATEMENT . The calling of Northallerton Methodist
Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ
and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission
10.30 am
Junior Church and Crèche
Monday 23rd Feb.
6.30 pm
Girls Brigade
Tuesday 24th Feb.
10.15 to 11.30 am Bible Study/Fellowship Group in the Vestry
(Meet for coffee at 10.15 for 10.30 am start)
Music Group
Wednesday 25th Feb.
9.30 am
United Holy Communion celebrated in Our Church
10.00 to 12 noon Coffee Pot. Photocopying available.
1.00 to 3.00 pm TOTS Group meet in the Hall
Thursday 26th Feb.
7.30 pm
Choir rehearsals in the cottage meeting Room
Saturday 27th Feb.
10.00 to 12 noon Coffee Pot. Photocopying available.
A separate flyer is available with details of the various opportunities to share in
conversation about the how and the why of the vision Christians have for promoting
the common good and how that might influence our participation in the forthcoming
general election. The theme for each of the five weeks will also be “signposted” in
our Sunday services. A booklet supporting the Conversations is available from Ian
The Lent Conversations, joint with Zion URC, are held at Zion on Wednesday
evenings at 7.30 p.m.. Future meetings are:
March 4th. Enough homes for all to flourish with Andy Powell of Broadacares
March 11th Dignity and secure livelihoods for all with Carol Shreeve of CAB
March 18th A moral economy in the service of all
March 25th A global climate deal that works for us all with Dr Liz Styan
MEETING arranged for Sunday March 1st has had to be changed to Saturday
March 28th at 4.30 pm. The meeting will be followed by tea, gifts of food for
which will be gratefully received. Please note the change of date. The booklet of
reports of the different groups within the Church are now available.'
WANTED URGENTLY At the beginning of May we will require new Stewards
to join the team. Please give this prayerful consideration as to whether you could
undertake this role. Do contact Andy or any of the existing stewards, John, Thea,
Susie or Geoff for further information. Many thanks Thea
Glenys and Gavin Leach would like to thank the Church Family for the flowers,
cards and kind actions shown since Gavin's diagnosis. They both feel surrounded
by love and prayers and in very safe hands as they travel this part of life's journey.
CAMEO Open Evening Wednesday 25th February at 7.30 p.m. “A 2020
VISION FOR A GOOD SOCIETY”. This is an evening open to ALL and we
assure you of a warm welcome. The Revd Ian Johnson will introduce a conversation on our Church’s Lent theme for this year in which we are invited to consider
what difference being a Christian makes to our approach to the issues raised by
the General Election in May.
Meeting on Thursday 26th February Noon until 1-45 pm. A Light Lunch will be
served at 12- 30 pm [£3-00] with further conversation. This is an invitation for
anyone male or female who would like to join us, you will be welcome.r. Just ring
June on 01609 761692 by Tuesday evening, we shop on Wednesday.
LENT LUNCHES Between 12 noon and 1-30 at Zion URC each week soup and
a roll, cheese and biscuits, tea or coffee are served for £3. The Lunches, which have
been held for over 50 years, provide vital funds for Christian Aid and are a chance
to meet friends from different churches. 'Soup and Roll' in support of Hambleton
FoodShare will resume at the beginning of April. Please give us your support.
Michael Webster
INFORMATION NEEDED. We are still trying to track down those who have
been married here since 1940 as part of our 150th celebrations. Lynne Wilkinson
This year the REAL EASTER EGG comes in three varieties. More information
next week or contact Janet Bryer.
Calling all Singers STOKESLEY METHODIST CHOIR invites you to sing Roger
Jones’ Musical “Pharaoh to Freedom” with them on Saturday 28th March at 7.00pm
in Stokesley Methodist Church. Rehearsals on Wednesday Evenings from 7pm to 9pm
beginning on February 25th 2015 Please come and sing and bring your friends.
FOODSHARE. Shortfall this week:- Potatoes, Tinned or Packets, Ready Meals,
Tinned Pies, Stews etc. Tinned Vegetables, Mixed Veg, Carrots, Green Beans,
Evaporated Milk, U.H.T. Milk, Rice Pudding, Custard, Jellies. Bottles of Squash,
Small bags of Sugar, Deodorants, Small jars of Coffee
As you may have heard, there is to be a Celebration of Marriage at 2.30pm. on
the afternoon of Saturday 25th April, (not 10am. as printed in "Compass" or the
March to May plan!). Before we can send out the invitations we need a current
address for everyone. Please give them to Lynn Wilkinson, June Anderson or any
Church Steward to forward. There is also an address on the website.
It would be helpful if you could give an approximate wedding date as there are
several names the same. Sadly we also need to know if anyone has died or is
divorced. (You may think that someone has already informed us - however we
would rather be told the same information twice rather than not at all).
You are invited to WORSHIP WORKS with Roger Jones on 7th March 10.00am
- 4.30pm at Gracious Street Methodist Church, Knaresborough. This is a practical
day for Congregations, Leaders of Worship, Choirs and Music Groups. To register
or for further details contact Gordon Smith tel 01423860131. Email:
COME & SING MESSIAH. Saturday April 18th As part of our anniversary year
we want to celebrate our rich heritage of music during the past 150 years. We
particularly want to note and give thanks for the singing of oratorio and sacred works
which were performed annually in our church by an augmented choir until recent
years. With this in mind we are hosting a Come and Sing Messiah (well known
excerpts) on Saturday April 18th, to which we invite all singers from the area to join
us. In fact we can’t do it without them! Singers are welcome to come to the afternoon
rehearsal at 1.15pm and perform in the evening performance at 7pm in true Come
and Sing style but for those who would like a little preparation, they are welcome
to join any of our rehearsals on Thursday evenings at 8pm in the Cottage Meeting.We
are very pleased that Greg Smith has agreed to be our organist, and we are delighted
that four first class principal soloists will be joining us - Gillian Sild Soprano, Janet
Walke Mezzo Soprano, Andrew McAllister Tenor David Hall Bass. Tickets: £5.00
singers (Plus £2.50 music hire if required). £8.00 audience (Children under 16 free)
Please speak to Iris Smith tel 01609 774060, email:
or any choir member for further details.
Northallerton Methodist Church is a Registered Charity Number 1130932