What’s On This Week Sunday 1st March 2015 10:30am - Sunday worship including Holy Communion led by Rev Nick Jones. Joint Service with Hall Green Baptists and Trinity URC Children are very welcome in Discoverers (Junior Church) from 10.20am. We join the congregation towards the end of the service. A crèche is also available for under threes. Monday 2nd March 2015 9:15am- Begin the week with Prayer Tuesday 3rd March 2015 10:00am- Friendly Corner 10:45am- Prayer Group 6.00pm - Brownies 7.30pm - Youth Club (11-15 year olds) Wednesday 4th March 2015 2:00pm- Move It or Lose It Exercise Class Thursday 5th March 2015 9:30am- Baby & Co. Sunday 8th March 2015 10:30am- All Age worship led by Rev. Colin McIlwaine Hall Green and the wider church Please remember those members of our congregation who today are leading worship elsewhere including Colin McIlwaine at Perry Barr, Keith Dennis at Perry Hall and Mark Aldridge at Shirley. Ministers Rev Colin McIlwaine Tel: 0121 707 1883 email: theracinrev@yahoo.co.uk Rev. Nicholas Jones Tel: 0121 453 9497 email: nicholas.jones@methodist.org.uk Web: www.hgucc.org.uk A warm welcome to all this morning. After the service, please join us in the hall for tea or coffee and a chat. Many members of the congregation give regularly by Standing Order so there is no need to place a gift in the offering. Future Dates & Notices Growing Talents. A number of members have joined our new initiative called 'Growing Talents'. Members who wish to take part are given £10 and asked to use it to fundraise for a year. If you want more information ask any member of the FR Committee. Moravian District Council is being held at HGUCC next Saturday from 10am and all are invited to come along. This will be the first District Council since our ‘coming together’ and everybody is welcome to attend. ‘CHAOS – Church And Other Stuff 4 kids’ is back! Following the super success of our session for 6-12 year olds in November, where 18 children enjoyed activities and food at the Baptist Church we will be meeting again on March 22nd 4.30-6pm following a theme of ‘Journey to Easter’. We are looking for volunteers to help make CHAOS2 just as good – if not better! Please see Alison Raybould, Ann Ford, or Joy Fisher if you are able to help. Thank you Trustees Meeting. A reminder that there will be a meeting of the Trustees TOMORROW. To book a room at church :-The new email address for room booking enquiries is :- bookings@hgucc.org.uk Or telephone 07823 336 233 Bible Society. There will be a Lenten Soup Morning on Saturday 14th March from 11a.m. to 1p.m. at the Church of the Ascension. A sale of cakes will also take place. Women's World Day of Prayer. The Service this year is at our Church on Friday 6th March at 2.p.m. Linda Ramdharry will lead the Service. The material has been written by women from the Bahamas. If you can help with serving tea and coffee, please see Pauline Astardjian. Safeguarding Training. The next Circuit Creating Safer Space Foundation Module Safeguarding Training will take place at The Church at Carrs Lane on Saturday March 7th from 9.30am until 1.00pm. To enrol, please contact Sue Saunderson at ssaunderson@birminghmmethodistcircuit.org.uk or on 0121 472 1060. CELEBRATING THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE METHODIST ASSOCATION OF YOUTH CLUBS. MAYC was founded in June 1945 with a special event held in the Royal Albert Hall. The Christian influence at the heart of MAYC changed the lives of many young people. On Sunday 31 May at Tewkesbury Methodist Church, Gloucestershire, we are having an event to celebrate Methodist youth work past and present. The celebration will start with worship at 10.30am and continue with lunch (please bring your own) and the sharing of memories and hearing about present-day Methodist youth work. We will close with worship at 4pm. Please join us at any time from 10.30am. The church is just over a mile from J9 on the M5. To register your interest and for more information contact Michael Jebson Tel: 01684 593465 Email: michaeljebson@outlook.com Summer camp is a Christian residential holiday for young people aged 10-17 years old, led by volunteers from the Moravian Church. Camp is divided into 2 groups, Juniors and Seniors, each with their own leadership team and programme, according to age. Each camper takes part in bible study, activities, and games suitable for their age. The whole group joins together for worship each day, for meals and for a variety of activities including off site excursions. Summer Camp 2015 is going to be at ROCK UK Frontier Centre - Don't miss it! If you want more information please ask Colin. Methodist Women in Britain Spring Meeting at Erdington Methodist Church President’s Day Afternoon Speaker Rev Roger “Open Doors” Update on our partnership and Woman’s training in Myanmar Thursday 19 March 2015 Elders/Leaders Feedback. If you missed last week’s feedback report, you can find copies on the table in the porch. This is an important part of our efforts to keep all members and friends in touch with what is going on in the leadership Coffee Rota Today: Nina Burrow’s House Group Next Sunday:Brian Dickens, Lynn Kesseler, Susan McIlwaine, Barbara Kesseler EDITORS NOTE. Please send your items for the newsletter to Blair Kesseler by Wednesday evening latest either by email to blair@blairkesseler.net or by phone to 0121 689 7499 Thank you. The Editor reserves the right to shorten items submitted.
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