Notes from the Grove November 2014 Volume 11, Issue 11

Notes from the Grove
Myrtle Grove
United Methodist Church
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3225
1030 N. 57th Avenue
Pensacola, FL 32516
Phone: 850-456-7463/7464
Fax: 850-456-1897
Office Hours:
Mon-Thu, 9:00 am - 3:00pm
Closed Friday
Senior Pastor:
Riley Richardson
Certified Lay Pastor:
Patrick McBride
Church Secy./Receptionist:
Cheryl Johnson
Financial Secretary:
Buffy Harrelson
Patsy Dean
Choir Director:
Jamie Broxson
Membership Secretary:
Vernon Ard
Nursery/Children’s Director:
Amy Lee
Our Vision Statement:
“Every member a good
A monthly publication for
Myrtle Grove United Methodist Church
N ove m b e r 2 0 1 4
Vol u m e 1 1 , I s s u e 1 1
Senior Pastor’s Note
Devotions (2014)
This was a devotion that I wrote on October 7th. I thought I would include it in
this month’s newsletter in case some may have missed it……. I just got to my
office and my mind is still on the Word of God that was given to us through His
servant Patrick McBride. What has excited me the most was this statement,
“God has been planting the seeds of revival, now God is bringing the water to
this community – see the seeds of new life, our God is doing a new thing!” Of
course I have three pages of notes, and while that may not be a direct quote, it
sums it up for me. God used Patrick in a powerful way to share with us His very
heart. Thank you Patrick for “hearing what the Spirit said”.
For my devotion this morning, God lead me to this powerful statement by Henry Blackaby: The phrase, "what the spirit is saying to churches," you can find in
Chapters 2 & 3 of Revelation. Basically he says several things in that. Number one, he comes to the church and speaks to the pastor, or the angel. He
says, "I know your works." And before every church, he also gives something of a
characteristic of his nature. Each one of them is different. For instance,
Ephesus says that it's the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who
walks in the midst of the seven. Well, each of them is different. So God comes
to the church and each individual congregation. And he says, "I know your
works." Then he describes them. And if there's anything that's not right, he
immediately calls for repentance. As he comes to the end of every one of these,
he says, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches." God walks in the midst of the churches, and of course, if Christ is the head
of every local church, then He is present and active and involved. He will speak
to the churches. If they won't hear, He just says then, "I'm sorry, I withdraw."
We can go on practicing religion and never know that He has left. In too many
of the churches, what we're doing and what we're planning to do, we can do
without Him.
I’m asking each and every church member to start praying that God will give
our leadership at MGUMC His vision! Pray that we all will hear what the Spirit is
saying to our church and, pray that we will be faithful to do what the Spirit says!
Our Purpose Statement:
“Our Journey - Knowing, Loving, Serving, Sharing.”
Worship News
Hello Again!
Seasons come and seasons go and here
we are at the beginning of another winter
I’ve already ordered the
poinsettias for delivery in December.
Watch for more information in the bulletins
to place your order.
On November 29th, we will do the
Hanging of the Greens in the church. I’m
looking for volunteers to help on that
We’ll have coffee and
doughnuts as a refreshment while we
November 30th is Harvest Sunday.
Please bring can goods and other
non-perishable food items and place it at
the foot of the altar.
Our mid-week devotional service is going
very well. I’m always looking for people to
give a testimony and/or a short devotional.
Join us Wednesday mornings from 10:15
to 10:45 and share communion with your
fellow Christians.
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service
Myrtle Grove UMC
Little Flower Catholic Church will be
coming to Myrtle Grove to worship with
us. Father Casserly will be preaching
the message. Our choirs will combine
to bring us the music. Come join us for
worship and light refreshments after the
service as Myrtle Grove is hosting.
Submitted by,
Frances Asbjornsen,
Worship Chairperson
Sunday Activities
Traditional Worship 8:30 am
Meet the Staff 9:45am Monthly
Sunday School 9:45 am
Contemporary Worship 11:00 am
Prayer Team 4:30 pm
Elevate 5:00pm
Wednesday Activities
Communion Worship - 10:15 am
(2nd Week Thru Last Week)
Supper - 5:15pm
Small Groups - 6:00pm
Youth Bible Study - 6:00pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal - 7:15pm
Thought for the Month
United Methodist Women
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship
the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful
songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who
made us, and we are his, we are the people, the
sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts
with praise; praise his name. For the Lord is good
and his love endures forever; his faithfulness
continues through all generations.
Our United Methodist Women now has four
circles and each one is getting back in the
swing of activities now that fall is here. The
Joy-Nadine Circle continues to serve the UMM
group each month and recently served a
Wednesday night dinner with proceeds going
to their mission fund. The Arbeiter Circle sold
the Rada cutlery and other items at the bazaar,
and they now have 15 active members. The
Guild stays busy crafting and we saw many of
their clever items at the bazaar. Our new
circle, Sisters in Service, continues to amaze
us with all the community projects they're
involved in. Hats off to all of you UMW
members who follow our purpose of mission
work, and do it unselfishly with happy hearts!
A BIG THANK YOU to all who contributed in
any way to the bazaar!
Judy Cannon
UMW President
Psalm 100 NIV
Harvest Sunday
November 16th
8:30 & 11:00 Services
Bring your can goods and
non-perishable food items
and lay them at the Altar.
Donations of money
will be accepted as well. Just mark
your check Harvest Sunday.
Thanksgiving bags will be made up
for our church families that are in
need of help. If you know of a family,
please submit their name
to the office by Monday,
November 17th.
Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 11th
Let us remember our veterans
with our prayers for their service
to our nation.
The church office is closed.
All Children’s Ministry
I want to start off by thanking everyone who
helped and donated to make our church
playground so very beautiful! The children and
parents love it! If you haven't taken a look,
please come or drive by! A very big thank you
to the United Methodist Men who coordinated
the work day and had everything started and
finished in one morning!! Thank you UMM! You
are such a blessing to our church!!
This month, we will be preparing for the
season of Advent and Thanksgiving. God’s
greatest gift to us was wrapped and placed in a
manger! An Advent activity called "Manger on
the Mantel" will be given to the children this
month. Each day the children will take a small
"present" from the manger they have
assembled. The "present" will instruct the
children where to move the manger next and
also includes a daily Bible verse and activity
starter. Children will love the message that
the good things we do are in response to God's
loving gift of Jesus!
The Children's Ministry is still in need of
volunteers for Children's Church, Wednesday
Night and Sunday School.
If you are
interested, I would love to talk with you!
Prayerfully consider teaching and mentoring
the awesome kids we have here at Myrtle
Thank you and God Bless!
Amy Lee 776-7514
Hello Church Family!!
This November the youth are starting our
sign-up for Meltdown, the retreat that we
attend every year in January. The
students are tasked with coming up with
$50 of the price, and we are trying to
raise money to cover the other $60 of the
tuition. So, this month the youth will be
doing a fundraiser to try and raise the
This fundraiser will be selling
smoked Boston butts or smoked turkeys
(I’m still checking on meat prices, so
more details are coming!) on Nov. 26th to
help you with feeding all those hungry
family members you’ll be hosting over the
weekend! So, if you want to help our
youth attend meltdown and help feed
your family, then sign up in the next few
weeks for some delicious smoked meats,
courtesy of our youth group! Also, if you
are interested in just plain donating
towards this retreat and sponsoring a
student to go, just make your checks to
MGUMC and write “Meltdown” in the
memo line, and we’ll get it to the right
Thanks so much for your prayers
and support of our youth! We love you,
In Him,
Library News
Young at Heart
If you’ve poked your head in the library lately
you’ll think we had an explosion!
We’ve had really big book donations from Bill
and Kathy Ralli and also from Ken and Joyce Lewis. We recently received a cart full of books from
an anonymous donor. Thank you for those, and
stop by and let us know who you are! Alice Barnes
and I are still going through the books and haven’t
logged them in and put them on the shelves.
However, we have to go through books on the
shelves and cull the older and less used books to
make room for the incoming.
There are other changes you will notice as time
goes by. We’re combining books by authors and
shelving them by name. If you’re looking for a
particular book from a popular author, they’ll all
be together under the author’s name sign, i.e.
Max Lucado will have his name sign and all our
Lucado books will be grouped in one place. We’re
also grouping books by classification, i.e. Poetry,
Sports, Youth, etc. This is taking a bit longer for
us but it’s coming! You’ll still be using the card
file to sign out books.
A few of the new books you’ll find on the shelves
The Spirit Who Will Not be Tamed, by Edmund
Talking With God in Old Age, by Missy
Inheriting the Trade, by Thomas Norman
The Undertaker’s Wife by Celia M. Hastings
The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes, by
Kenneth Taylor
Now that we’re getting into the hectic holiday
season, think about taking a bit of time out to kick
back, put your feet up, grab a library book and
have a good read.
The meeting was called to order by President
Miriam Storey at 10:30am in the church
fellowship hall.
Everyone was welcomed. Bob
and Jane Dennard and Ronnie Marie Ingram
were guests.
Miriam opened with prayer lifting up the
following people: Elizabeth Riordan’s family, the
Hurst family, Renee Hedden’s family, Marlene
Cooper, and Ashley Walker.
Joyce Dean, Teresa Miller, Marge Byrd, Cheryl
Hyde, Marlene Cooper, and Rita Barton all celebrated October birthdays. Those present received a small gift. Bob and Jane Dennard celebrated their anniversary.
Miriam thanked the kitchen helpers Claudia
Savage, Sue Warner, and others. Miriam
decorated the tables with crosses and candles. The
kitchen help for November will be Joyce and Pete
Dean and Janie and Bill Brown. Miriam will decorate the tables.
Sue Warner gave a Treasurer’s report and for
some reason I failed to write it down.
The program for November will be the
Bells and Beaus.
There are around 15-20
people, so please bring extra portions in your
covered dishes.
The meeting was cut short so that we could
watch the movie “God Is Not Dead”. Everyone
enjoyed it. Bill Brown blessed the food and we
had a wonderful buffet.
All seniors are invited to join us the first
Wednesday of every month in the fellowship hall
at 10:30am. Bring a covered dish to share and
enjoy fun, fellowship, and food. What a day to
Remember, God is always good all of the time.
God Bless Each of You,
Sue Warner and Alice Barnes
Respectfully Submitted by,
President Miriam Storey
Sisters in Service
We had a very successful September with our Apple Tree project. Thank you all for your
generosity in providing school clothing for 42 children connected to our church family. They were
blessed to receive their gifts and we were able to show the love of Christ to these families.
In October, we participated in the Re-Imagine Pensacola event at Oakcrest Elementary School on
the 25th. This was a wonderful opportunity to be part of something that served as a blessing to
children in need. The Sisters worked in the Mission Fishin' group, sharing the Gospel message with
salvation bracelets for each of the kids.
Looking ahead to November, we are cooking on the 15th for approximately 100 volunteers who
renovate a needy family home in one weekend. Then we will return to the Washburn Center on the
22nd with hot soup and sack lunches for the homeless. We have many warm clothing items, towels
and washcloths, and individual sized toiletries to distribute through your generous donations and our
fundraiser meal last spring. We hope to provide bath and laundry soap to be used in the showers
and the washing machines. Please bring any items you have been saving and put them in our
basket in the Fellowship Hall.
We continue to invite any ladies with a heart for missions to join us. We meet for 2 hours once a
month with a light meal, a Bible study, and then time to plan our projects. Our events are held on
Saturdays so that our working women can participate. See the new church directory if you have
questions for group leaders Wanda Rankin or Carol Laguens. Being the hands and feet of Jesus is
a true blessing!
Addresses & Other Changes, New Members, Baptisms, Transfers, & Deaths
Address Change:
Bobby Hayes
Martha Elizabeth Riordan
New Member
Robert Allen Rogers (PM)
Address Change:
Mike & Cathy Prouty
If you have moved, please submit your new address to the church office by email: or by calling (850) 456-7463. Thank you.
Note: For privacy, addresses and phone numbers have been removed from this portion of the online version of the church newsletter. If you need this information, please contact the church office.
November Prayer List
November 1
Robert & Cheri Peace, Robert & James
Laurel Peoples
Raphael & Deborah Pereira
Louise Perkins
David & Lorelei Peterson
Harry & Pat Peterson
Richard Peterson
November 16-22
Jason & Belinda Radford, Danielle
Jennifer Ralli
Bill & Kathy Ralli, Daniel
Wanda Rankin
Greg & Tracy Ratzin, Jessica & Kelsey
Barbara Ray
November 2-8
Robert & Jeannie Pilgrim, Summer &
Joshua & Bree Pittman, Aidan
William & Helen Plag
Shamicka Pope, Vicie & Xavier
Ashely Porter
Benjamin & Laura Porter
Ian & Sarah Porter, Gracie
November 9-15
Jim & Nell Potter
Robert & Pamela Powers
Patricia Prendergast
Jennie Presley
Fred Price
Mike & Cathy Prouty, Amanda
David & Kelly Pugh, Madelynn
November 23-30
William & Kathryn Rayburn
Keith & Mildred Reaves, Travis
Jackie Reynolds
Jim & Machelle Reynolds
John & Connie Reynolds
Dennis & Kim Rhoda, John & Jason
November Birthdays
6 - Alice Barnes
7 - George Mazzagotte
8 - John-Annie Roberts
12 - Linda Baker
14 - Christine Clary
15 - Ron Ayers
16 - Mildred Hubbard
17 - Gertrude Wright
19 - Sue Warner
19 - Louie Smack
21 - Robert Miller
24 - Susie Gordon
26 - Christa Murphy
28 - Cathy Prouty
30 - Jennie Presley