r e g n e s s The Me R ST 41 9 N E FI A IN ES V IL ST R EE T, G A LE , FL O R ID 32 60 1 Volume 37, Issue 3 M arc h 201 5 From Sara’s Heart By Rev. Sara McKinley Inside this issue: Welcome, Krista! In an act of faith, First From Sara’s Heart continued Preschool Director Hired 2 UMC has hired a full time Director of Children's Ministries, Krista Cunningham, effective March 1, 2015. This is an act of faith because there are currently only an average of 2 children who attend Sunday School weekly, and about 6-10 who attend Children's Church which follows the Children's Chat at the 10:55 service. Our Wednesday evening children's choir program is being moved to Sundays during the 10:55 worship service to coincide with Children's Church twice a month, for lack of participation in the Choir and Bible Club programming Wednesday afternoons. But we have decided to act as if the promise is true that God intends to bless Krista Cunningham the work of this church as it reaches out to the Director of Children’s Ministry Duckpond Community, especially to reach At First UMC, Gainesville children and their families. The church committed to hiring a full time Children's Director back in December 2014, when setting its budget for 2015, by asking the congregation to increase their pledges for this year from $575,000 in 2014 to $610,000 in 2015. You, the faithful members of this church, accepted the challenge to fund our Children's Ministries and to increase our support of the New Creation Contemporary Worship Service, having made financial pledges in excess of our $610,000 goal! Thank you for your faithful support that makes this decision possible. Thoughts from David 3 Young at Heart Fellowship New Creation Worship 4 United Methodist Women 5 Spring Arts Festival 6 Holy Week Schedule 7 FUMPers 8 La Mosa Trip 9 We are so delighted to have Krista join our church staff. Krista is a single mother with two small children, Clayton, aged 5, and Tatum who is 3. They have already found a home at the New Creation service, the Children's Sunday School Kid's City (Continued on page 2) 1 Family Promise Youth Fundraiser Music Notes 10 Christian Education Lenten Lunch & Program 11 Renovation Boutique 12 Calendar and Special Events 13 Celebrations 14 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 419 NE FIRST STREET, GAINESVILLE, FLORID A 32601 class and our Tiny Town nursery, respectively. Krista comes to us from Trinity UMC, having gone through the children's ministries there and having sung in their Sonlight youth choir. She has been holding down several jobs as the After School Coordinator at Boulware Springs Charter School, a VPK Teacher and Front Desk Receptionist at O2B Kids, and a Customer Service/Cashier at Publix, while going to school in Krista , Clayton (5) and the evenings for her Bachelor of Tatum (3) Cunningham Science degree in Elementary Education at St. Leo University which she will complete in December of this year. She has her associate’s degree from Santa Fe College in 2008, and graduated from Buchholz High School in 2006. Krista also has experience as a VPK teacher, an after school counselor at Little Rainbows Learning Center in Lake Butler, and as preschool teacher here in Gainesville. She has been a Summer Time Fun teacher and a Children’s Ministries Intern at Trinity UMC during her high school years. Her volunteer experience is impressive. Please join me in welcoming Krista to this challenging position of growing our children's ministries here at First Church. Help spread the word on Facebook and among your friends and family that we have a new Children's Director and that exciting things are about to happen here! We are incredibly grateful to Amy Watson who held this position for two and half years, while also juggling her responsibilities as the Director of our half day FUMPers Preschool program. Also tremendous thanks go to Lyvonne Johnson who has been filling in as our interim Children's Director since the middle of January. Lyvonne had applied for the Children's Director position, so it is a real testimony to her moral character that Lyvonne has offered to assist Krista as she becomes acquainted with her new responsibilities. I am also sure that Amy will offer her expertise and wealth of knowledge from her experience as Children's Director. It is my hope that each of you will take the time to introduce yourself to Krista and offer your assistance as we seek to grow these important ministries to children and their families here at First Church. Welcome aboard, Krista! We are so glad to have you, Clayton and Tatum as part of our First Church family! With the love of Christ, Pastor Sara New Pre sc hool Dire c tor Hir e d By Sara McKinley We are very pleased to announce that Sabrina Campbell Peoples has been hired as our new full time FUMpers Preschool Director effective March 16, 2015. Sabrina has worked as a preschool, middle school and high school teacher and has held a variety of positions in child welfare. She has worked at Kids R' Kids Daycare in Alpharetta, GA as a 3 year old and 4 year old teacher having experience with infants, toddlers and after school programs. She has most recently been working as a Contract Review Specialist with the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Sabrina has experience as an ESE Teacher at a Juvenile Detention Center; was a teacher at Westwood Middle School, Howard Bishop Middle School and Eastside High School; a Recruitment, Retention and Licensing Coordinator at Kids Central, Inc; and an Adoptions Supervisor, Dependency Supervisor, Court Liaison, Lead Family Care Manager, and Family Services Counselor for the Children's Home Society and DCF. She has certifications in Professional Education ESE-K12, Child Protection Professional Employee and MAPP Leadership. Sabrina has her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Economics from Florida A&M University and is a long standing member of Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church. Sabrina will be available for a meet and greet with the Preschool parents on Monday, March 16 from 8am onwards for coffee and donuts, and there will be an open house luncheon on Wednesday, March 18, at 12 noon in the Preschool for all parents, family members and teachers hosted by our church staff. Initially, we have planned a two week overlap for a transition period between Amy Watson and Sabrina Peoples, but we will assess this on a weekly basis to see if any additional overlap time is needed to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities. We will also be planning to celebrate Amy's 12-year ministry with the preschool once the exact transition time has been determined. I am sure you will want to join the church staff, preschool staff and parents and families of our (Continued on page 3) 2 THE MESSENGER preschoolers as we celebrate Amy's ministry. Please watch for details in the worship bulletins, the weekly Constant Contact emails and our website. ever-loving teachers are all planning to be back for next school year along with some new teachers who will staff the afternoon program. This is an exciting time at our preschool as we transition from a half day only program to also offering a full day 7:30 - 5:30 pm option. Please spread the word that enrollment is open and our well qualified, long standing, Please join me in welcoming Sabrina to our staff team! With the love of Christ, Pastor Sara T houg hts from Dav id By Pastor David Averill very spiritual about walking, and looking for God's presence in a particular area. Additionally, we can let our neighbors in the Duck Pond neighborhood know who we are as a church through walking. If you would like to participate, please give me a call or email me. Dear First Church, I don't know about you, but I look forward to Lent. Often, the thought of fasting and self-examination can take on a somber tone in the church. I prefer to think of Lent as more of a spiritual "Spring-cleaning". A chance to readjust priorities, and to renew our relationship with God and each other. I think it is helpful to balance the ideas of repentance and renewal when approaching Lent. You may have heard me speak recently about the "Fresh Expressions" movement, and its focus on bringing the church into the community. This is one place where I believe that God is calling First Church towards in this season of preparation called Lent. A couple of events are planned that will help us prepare for renewal and rediscovery as a church. The second event is the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4th in Roper Park, 9 - 11 am. You may have heard about this event. Many have signed up to volunteer, but we still need more volunteers. I have a list of specific roles that need to be filled. They include the following: The first one is a prayer walk through the Duck Pond neighborhood on Saturday, March 28, 9 - 11 am. The purpose of a prayer walk is to pray for an area of town, and to get to know, as a church, a particular part of town better. Think about how much walking Jesus did in his ministry. Then, think about how many people he encountered in his walks. There is something Publicity Door hangers Easter Bunny Photographers Setting up Hiding Eggs Game Stations Making Breakfast Registration Packing up Follow-up with families Please consider volunteering for one of these roles. Happy Spring cleaning! Grace and Peace, David 3 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 419 NE FIRST STREET, GAINESVILLE, FLORID A 32601 Young at Hear t Fe llow ship By Diane Loyless There are still rooms available for the Camp Weed Retreat October 2-4 2015. Single rooms are $260.00 and double rooms are $ 160.00. That price includes meals and study materials. See Next Meeting Mary Broske to make reservations. The Birthday greetings were for March 8, 2015 5:30 pm You can pay in full or make partial Joan VanWinkle and Buddy Wise. Bethany Room payments at this time. Full Our concerns were for Barbara The Hostesses payment must be made by Cooper, Carl Bogar, Dr. Harold Robert Cooper & Barbara Bundshuk September. Henderson, and Shirley Vogt. Devotion Joyce Knox Mary Singley led a devotion on Ole Nelson returned to do his Program lonliness from the book Devotion power point program that he was Robert Cooper for any Occasion. The story was on unable to do last month due to a The Mission Project the different types of loneliness we malfunction of the bulb in the Helping Hands Women’s Clinic can face in our lifetime and how we projector. It was on our 2014 Camp can overcome it for ourselves and Weed Retreat. He did a narrative Come join us for a good time. how to reach out to others that along with the pictures he was might be lonely also. showing. It was fun to go back down memory lane and see what a good time we all $55.00 was collected for the Boy Scouts. had. Shirley Vogt welcomed 16 people to the dinner and thanked Trudy Harris and Diane Loyless for being the hostesses. New Creation Wor ship Continue s to Grow By Lenora Rousseau New life is springing up at New Creation Worship well as Gabrielle Rousseau and Patrick Howard. Each week, several of youth share their gifts and passion for music by singing or playing with praise team, and we are thankful that Patrick has also been learning how to assist in running in the media. Great things are happening in the New Creation Worship service. In addition to the many new faces that have joined us for worship over the past several weeks, we are excited to welcome Bradley Miller to the Lenora Rousseau worship praise team. Bradley is one of our newest staff members, and joins the First UMC team as an instrumentalist for the New Creation Worship service. Bradley is a gifted electric guitarist who has been using his talent to help enhance our New Creation Worship experience. We are thrilled that over the past couple months several of the youth have sung the offering song as a solo or duet, including Leeann Howard, as During Lent, we are focusing on a new series called Unshackled – Finding Freedom in Exodus. The series just started this past week and will continue throughout Lent as we journey with the Israelites into the wilderness to discover what it means to more fully become the people God created us to be. Everyone is welcome in this service! So come, join us for an interactive experience that is rooted in Scripture as we seek to discover how our stories intersect with the Biblical witness, and what that means for us as the people of God today. Coffee and donuts are waiting for you, so consider joining us Sundays at 9:45 am in the Chapel, and bring a friend! 4 THE MESSENGER Unite d Method ist Wome n By Margaret Steptoe Our Purpose United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. March 3 Daytime Circle No meeting, plan to attend the Study Circle 5 7:00 pm Joyce Knox, 1326 NE 7th Street March 10 Circle 6 5:45 pm Conference Room THE CHURCH AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES A Mission Study sponsored by United Methodist Women Open to our Church Family This study is to build awareness in the church regarding issues around disability, to call the church to provide full accessibility to services and opportunities, and promote advocacy for justice for people with disabilities DO YOU NEED DO YOU HAVE A DO YOU USE A DOES OUR CHURCH MAKE IT EASY FOR YOU TO SEE THE BULLETIN, THE ANNOUNCEMENTS, AND THE HYMNS? DOES OUR CHURCH HAVE A GOOD SOUND SYSTEM OR ENHANCED HEARING AIDS FOR YOUR USE? OR A IS OUR CHURCH EASILY ACCESSIBLE TO YOU? IS THERE ROOM FOR YOUR WALKER OR WHEELCHAIR? OR A COME AND LEARN ABOUT THE CHURCH AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES March 7, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm, Bethany Room 5 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 419 NE FIRST STREET, GAINESVILLE, FLORID A 32601 S pring Ar ts Fe stival 2 01 5 By Lynda Knight volunteer to help with one of the First Church stations or if you would be willing to be a host In Epworth Hall, the Sanctuary or Fellowship to show people around and share our church's rich history, please contact Lynda Knight (317-5755 or lyndaknight@cox.net), and she will be glad to sign you up! SAVE THE DATES... Saturday, April 11 and Sunday, April 12 Let's take First Church outside for all to see and know about! Whether you are working at one of the First Church stations, just perusing the festival or attending Sunday worship, we want all members to wear your RED First Church shirts throughout the weekend. Dress casual on Sunday! Wear your jeans and First Church shirt as we show our hospitality and presence to all the festival goers. If you don't have a RED polo/t-shirt, you may purchase one from the office during the week or at the table outside after Church. Special thanks to Trisha Eccles for coordinating the ordering and selling of the shirts! The shirts are $10 each and are available in men's, women's, youth and children's sizes. Please don't stay away on Sunday because of the parking and traffic. Let's pack our Sanctuary and show people what a wonderful place we have to worship in downtown Gainesville. Parking is available in our back parking lot for the Sunday worship services as well as in the surrounding neighborhood. After church, support our youth by having lunch with them in Fellowship Hall before enjoying the festival or helping at one of our First Church stations. There will be lots happening on our campus this year, with a variety of fun and delicious foods, a bounce house for the kids and numerous musical presentations on both Saturday and Sunday. Among other things, Boy Scouts will be selling funnel cakes and popcorn; Cub Scouts will be selling coupon discount cards; Girl Scouts will be selling their famous cookies; our FUMC youth will be operating their Cafe inside of Fellowship Hall while cooking their burgers and hot dogs on the front lawn; Missions will be showing hospitality by providing free water, gatorade and a shady spot to take a rest; and FUMPers will have their Sweet Shop of bake goods and craft activities for the children. First Street will be closed between NW 8th Avenue and NW 2nd Street. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon, the parking lot behind Bell and Epworth Halls will be available for a $5 donation with funds benefitting the music program. Check the April newsletter for a full schedule of First Church activities for the festival weekend. In the meantime, get your shirt and signup to help with one of the First Church activities. If you would like to 6 THE MESSENGER First United Methodist Church 419 NE First Street Gainesville, Florida (352) 372-8523 www.fumgnv.org March 29 through April 5, 2105 Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 2 Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29 8:25, 9:45 and 10:55 am Worship 5:30 pm - Fellowship Hall The Lord’s Supper…. Join us for a Christian Seder. Good Friday Requiem Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt By John Rutter Presented by The Chancel Choir, Soloists and Orchestra And breakfast in the park Saturday, April 4 9:00 am - Roper Park Friday, April 3 6:30 pm - Sanctuary Easter Sunday Sunday, April 5 8:25, 9:45 & 10:55 am Worship Children’s Egg Hut during Sunday School hour. 7 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 419 NE FIRST STREET, GAINESVILLE, FLORID A 32601 FUMPer s By Amy C. Watson FUMPers CELEBRATED CHINESE NEW YEAR ON FEB 20TH Our Big Dogs Class had a parade with costumes and noise makers to celebrate the year of the ram honoring our FUMPers families from Asia. GET READY! SPRING ARTS FESTIVAL IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER OUR BIG FUNDRAISING EVENT – WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! FUMPers will be hosting our annual baked goods booth during the Spring Arts Festival on April 11th and 12h. Please consider one or both of the following ways in which you may lend your support during our fundraiser: Bake a batch of your favorite baked goods for us to sell Come and make purchases at the booth during the festival For the past few years we had tremendous response from the church family during this event – I have great hope for yet another repeat performance! Baked goods can be brought to my office in Bell Hall at your convenience the week before the sale or directly to the booth on the days of the sale. Thank you so much for your time and baking skills, Amy C. Watson Director, First United Methodist Preschool 8 THE MESSENGER La Moza Mission Tr ip By Gilberto Gonzalez and Sarah Kelly Sarah and I had the opportunity to visit our sister church of La Moza in Cuba this past January. After a short flight from Tampa, we arrived in Santa Clara Cuba where we were received by pastors Tanya and Tania, Isaide, Sarah, Gilberto, Superintendent Marcio and his wife and child Isaide. The drive to la Moza was relatively short, maybe only 40 minutes form the Santa Clara airport. As we entered the little town of La Moza, we could smell the fresh air of the rural countryside accompanied by the sound of laughter and common talk from the town folks. During our first day in La Moza, we got to experience the culture and La Moza Church Leaders Council activities our sister church provides to the community of La Moza. The church provides prayer intercessions and contemporary services throughout the day, which allow members to take part in church activities at a time that is convenient to them. The services at La Moza church are delivered in a contemporary worship style. Through music, dancing, and even dramatizations, our brothers and sisters from La Moza use their unique and collective talents to praise God and thank him for all blessing. Everyone in La Moza was so welcoming and thankful for our arrival that at the end of the visit, it became really hard to want to return home. We spent an entire week getting to know the members Teen, Youth, and Young Adults Ministries of the church. We learned their stories; we heard their testimonies of faith. We go to learn how much the church in La Moza had changed their lives and it was truly a worldchanging experience. If I had to pick one thing that impacted us from this trip, then the unconditional faith our brothers and sisters share with the community and each other is first on the list. Their faith is immeasurable; they are truly an example of what is true love and caring. The members of the church give and help the community with everything and anything they can 9 and have. It does not matter how little they own, but if it will help someone in need they are willing to give it all out of love and the goodness in their heart. Maintaining the relationship between FUMC and our sister Methodist Men Ministry church of La Moza is of the highest importance. Our visit allowed us to witness first hand, how our sister church operates and goes through its daily routines and activities. We learned of their needs and how potentially we could take the next step in improving the relationship between our churches. I believe that we accomplished part of our goal, which was to strengthen that relationship. Now, the time has come to work on making the other half of that goal a reality, it is time to work on making that relationship grow and flourish. La Moza Children's Ministry FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 419 NE FIRST STREET, GAINESVILLE, FLORID A 32601 Family Promise By Kim Hasko The highly acclaimed a cappella Concordia Choir from Moorhead, Minnesota, will present a free concert at the First Presbyterian Church, 300 SW Second Avenue, in Gainesville, on Tuesday, March, 3, 2015, at 7:30 pm. A concert offering will be taken, all of which will benefit Family Promise of Gainesville. The concert will include folk songs, spirituals and hymns along with other selections. plan for continuing revenue, and a budget has been prepared for the year. The Board is beginning the search for an Executive Director with hopes to hire within 30-45 days. Depending on how plans continue to develop, the doors could open to intake families sometime in the spring or early summer. Please continue to pray for the renewal of this interfaith program to help homeless families with children in our community to regain independence in a permanent home of their own. Good news! The Family Promise Board and teams are Many Blessings! moving forward in meeting the goals to be met to Sally Cravens, Key Coordinator, (352) 378-7827 & Jim & reestablish the program in Gainesvillle. The Fund Kim Hasko, Co-Coordinators, (352) 281-2496 Development team has raised the basic $50,000, have a Youth Fundraiser By Sarah Kelly On Sunday, February 22, the youth sponsored a ‘Breakfast in a Cup’ fundraiser for Imagine No Malaria. Our goal was 25 nets. We actually raised $390.00 which will provide the funds for 39 families to receive their mosquito nets. It doesn’t sound like much, but considering that an average of 4-5 people sleep under one net, we are, in all practical purposes, saving 175 individuals from the totally preventable disease of malaria. Thank you to everyone who participated either by purchasing a ‘breakfast in a cup’ or by making a one time donation. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. If you missed the opportunity to donate, this mission project is ongoing, so you can make your donation anytime throughout the year. For more info, please visit the website http//www.imaginenomalaria.com. Music Notes By Robert Jackson In 2014, a sizable gift was received from the estate of Gene Oliver Caldwell from his daughter, Kathy Caldwell, for the Music Ministry here at First UMC in memory of her father and to honor her mother’s (Flo) current involvement in the music ministry here. Kathy stated that her dad was an avid musician, playing his clarinet in many venues and types of ensembles. His favorite place to play, however, was in his UM Church’s music ministry, whether it be youth or elderly outreach or as part of the Sunday morning worship services. With the approval of the memorial committee and guidance from Dick Hord, member and resident percussionist, we are happy to present the latest addition to our music ministry instruments - three brand new Yamaha Tympani. You can be assured these fine instruments will be used often and will greatly add to our Sunday morning and seasonal worship experiences. Thank you to the Caldwell family for this generous and humbling gift. 10 THE MESSENGER Christian Educ ation O ppor tunitie s S pr ing 2 01 5 By Pastor David Averill The offerings for the Weekday Study Groups are listed below. Courses began on January 7th, unless otherwise noted. The Fellowship Supper will be at 5:30 pm and the group sessions will begin immediately after (approx. 6:15 pm). Classes are open to all even if you did not pre-register. You will have the opportunity to purchase course materials at the class. The cost for course materials will vary. Please note that we will also offer studies on Tuesday and Thursday nights in the Spring. 1. Encountering Jesus: Gospel of Mark (ongoing), Bell Hall, RM #B106, Wednesdays, 6:15 pm Leader: Rev. Sara McKinley 2. Disciple Fast Track: New Testament, pt. 2 (continuing) Bell Hall, RM #B112, Wednesdays, 6:15 pm Leaders: Dan and Kay Greathouse, $30 per book 3. Wired Word: Bible’s Take on Current Events (ongoing) TUESDAYS, Bell Hall, RM # B112, 4 pm Leader: Rev. Bill Yeager 4. Christianity and Islam (continues through March 12) Location, Day & Time: Day: Epworth Hall, Conference RM #E107, Wednesdays, 6:15 pm Leaders: Rev. David Averill and Dr. Jim Knight, $3 per book 5. Those Seven References: A Study of 7 References to Homosexuality in the Bible (continues through March 19) Location, Day & Time: Bethany Room, Thursdays, 5:30 - 6:45 pm, Leaders: Pastor Sara, Tim Leslie, and others, $17 per book or Kindle versions are available for $4.99 Le nte n Lunc h and Progr am By Pastor David Averill As part of our Lenten observance this year we will be offering a Lenten Luncheon (instead of the early breakfasts) with a brief program on Tuesday’s from 12:00 - 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. There is no cost to the luncheon, but donations will be accepted to help defray the food cost. Luncheon preparers and servers are also needed. Please contact Robert Jackson to volunteer. The program will be based on the book He Set His Face To Jerusalem by Richard Wilke. Topics will include the following: Mar 3 - Face Our Choices - Mary Broske Mar 10 - Face Our World - David Averill/Sarah Kelly Mar 17 - Face Our Faith - Doug Kirk Mar 24 - Face Our Lord - Sara McKinley 11 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - 419 NE FIRST STREET, GAINESVILLE, FLORID A 32601 S pring Ar ts Re novation Booth By Mary Kilgour DONATE YOUR TALENT TO THE RENOVATION BOUTIQUE WE ARE LOOKING FOR ARTS & CRAFT PRODUCTS TO SELL DURING THE SPRING ARTS FESTIVAL. IF YOU HAVE A HOBBY THAT PRODUCES ITEMS THAT MIGHT SELL AT A BOOTH INSIDE FELLOWSHIP HALL DURING THE FESTIVAL, PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING THEM. WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR DONATIONS OF JEWELRY, HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS D’ART AND VOLUNTEERS TO STAFF THE BOOTH. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TOWARD REDUCING THE DEBT FROM THE FELLOWSHIP HALL RENOVATION. CONTACT MARY KILGOUR AT kilgourmary@gmail.com or 380-0162. S er v ice Opp or tunitie s at Fir st UMC By Rev. Sara McKinley Nursery and Children's Ministry Volunteers Do you like rocking babies and playing with toddlers? We need you in our Tiny Town nursery! Please contact our Head Nursery Attendant Monique Roberg. Are you willing to stand outside the front door of Epworth Hall on Sunday mornings between 9:30 10:00 or 10:30 -11:00 am to welcome and direct families with children to either our Tiny Town Nursery in Epworth Hall or our Kid's City Children's Ministries upstairs in Bell Hall? Are you interested and willing to join our Children's Chat Team proving a brief 3-5 minute message for the children in our 10:55 worship service? Or teach our children in Children's Church when they leave the 10:55 worship service after the children's chat? If you are interested in any of these service opportunities please contact Pastor Sara at 954-8737825 or saramckinley@me.com or Muffet Emmanuel at 352-665-1758 or muffet62@bellsouth.net. 12 THE MESSENGER MARCH CALENDAR AND SPECIAL EVENTS WEEKLY CALENDAR SUNDAYS 8:25 am Service of Holy Communion 9:45 am Sunday School Classes G.A.P (Graduates and Professionals) New Creation Worship - Chapel 10:55 am Morning Worship Service 11:15 am Kid’s City Experience 11:00 am Youth Small Group 5:00 pm Young at Heart Fellowship (2nd Sunday) 5:00 pm Youth HQ MONDAYS 1:30 pm Community Outreach Ministry 2:30 pm Helping Hands Clothing Closet 3:30 pm Helping Hands Meal 4:00 pm Helping Hands Communion Service 5:00 pm Helping Hands Clinic 5:30 pm Worship Committee (2nd Monday) 6:15 pm Girl Scouts (various times) 7:00 pm Boy Scouts TUESDAYS 10:00 am UMW Meeting - Bethany Room 12:00 pm Lenten Lunch & Program 2:00 pm Staff Meeting - Bethany Room 4:00 pm Wired Word Bible Study (Bethany Room) 5:00 pm Stewardship Committee (2nd Tuesday) Missions Outreach (4th Tuesday) 6:00 pm Trustee Committee (1st Tuesday ) Finance Committee (2nd Tuesday) SPR Committee (3rd Tuesday) Church Council (4th Tuesday) 7:00 pm Wired Word Bible Study (The Village) Sun Mon Tue Wed Youth Praise Band Fellowship Dinner Instrumental Ensemble rehearsal Christian Education Classes Chancel Choir rehearsal 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 19 20 21 15 PALM SUNDAY Community Outreach Ministry Lunch Bunch (1st & 2nd Thursdays) Helping Hands Women’s Clinic Those Seven References in the Bible Celebration Ringers rehearsal 30 31 6 7 26 27 28 MAUNDY GOOD THURSDAY FRIDAY SPECIAL EVENTS March 1 March 3 March 5 March 8 March15 March 22 THURSDAYS 9:30 pm 12:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm Fri Sat 1 WEDNESDAYS 4:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm Thu March 24 March 29 FRIDAYS 9:00 am Parents’ Morning Out SATURDAYS 5:00 pm Parents’ Night Out (3rd Saturday) 13 2nd Sunday in Lent 8:25 am - Service of Holy Communion 9:45 am - New Creation Worship 10:55 am - Service of Holy Communion 10:00 am - United Methodist Women’s Meeting 8:00 am - Senior Trip to Strawberry Festival 3rd Sunday in Lent 8:25 am - Service of Holy Communion 9:45 am - New Creation Worship 10:55 am - Worship Service 4th Sunday in Lent 8:25 am - Service of Holy Communion 9:45 am - New Creation Worship 10:55 am - Worship Service 5th Sunday in Lent 8:25 am - Service of Holy Communion 9:45 am - New Creation Worship 10:55 am - Worship Service 2:00 pm - Averill Baby Shower - Fellowship Hall 10:00 am - UMW Executive Board 6th Sunday in Lent 8:25 am - Service of Holy Communion 9:45 am - New Creation Worship 10:55 am - Worship Service FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 419 NE FIRST STREET, GAINESVILLE, FLORID A 32601 Ce lebrations 1 2 3 5 Michele Gabbard Ed Hoffmann Nancy Tompkins Harvey Ward Jodie Driver Juli Tedeschi Kim Gauthier Leeann Howard H Fleming Montgomery Jim Nation Patty Crass Sarah Evans Loredona Frana Rachael Jordan Betty Skelton 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 John Todd Valerie Walters Sophia Miller Susan Parrish Ryan Thompson Ann Warne Billie Bob Sykes Amy Watson George Emmanuel Kierman Clark Mary Couch Shirley Thompson Lia Ponciano-Diaz Kathleen Olson Larry Shaw March March March March March 5 10 15 25 30 - 16 Dustin Adams Paige Baker Mala Lawrence 17 Debra Dee Lancaster 19 Annette Verschaeve 22 Jayden Kosiewska 23 Marcela Diaz Zamora Pattie Thompson 24 Sean Eccles Linda Gardner 24 Quinn Largay 25 Lori Thompson 26 Kirby Barrick Lauren Tolentino Maddie Ward 27 Ty Byron, III Cec Morse Peggy Van Winkle 28 Trisha Eccles John Galm 29 Haley Humphrey John Myers 30 Colene Cone Christine Hall Michael & Tammy Howard Scott & Elizabeth Griseck Ben & Lauren (Wise) Gorman David & Alesia Averill Mark & Jennifer MacEwan Phone: 352-372-8523 Fax: 352-372-2524 E-mail: RJacksonBJ@aol.com ALL ARTICLES FOR THE MESSENGER SHOULD BE EMAILED TO BJ @ RJACKSONBJ@AOL.COM NO LATER THAN THE 20TH OF EACH MONTH. FUMC has gone green! You may view the Messenger online each month at the church website, www.fumcgnv.org instead of receiving a printed and mailed copy. An email will be sent to you when the newsletter is ready to view. If you would like to participate in this effort to conserve paper and postage, please contact the church office at 372-8523 or email julie.fumcgnv@gmail.com and provide us with your e-mail address. A limited number of copies will be printed and mailed for those who do not have internet access. Please contact the church office to request a copy. 14
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