The Call to Worship and Prayer of Confession are from Call to Worship, Vol. 48.1. HEARING AIDS, LARGE PRINT BULLETINS & BIBLES AVAILABLE FROM USHERS. THOSE ASSISTING THIS MORNING - Preacher: William L. Hathaway; Liturgists: Gene Way (8:30), Roger Rath (11:00); Time with Children: Miss Good; Ushers: Elizabeth Cassidy, Florence Smoot (8:30), Dave, Cynthia, Ben, Alex & Chris Goshorn (11:00); Greeter: Anne Van Allen (8:30); Acolytes: Sam Lander, Matthew Heimann (11:00); Godly Play: Christina Laukaitis (8:30), Britt Griswold (11:00). First Presbyterian Church, Annapolis, Maryland March 1, 2015 – 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship Second Sunday in Lent STAFF NEWS - Heather Shortlidge is preaching at Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church in Crofton this morning at 10:30 am, filling in for a colleague who has had an emergency. SNOW POLICY - Since we have members and staff in walking distance to the church, we will be open for ALL worship services. You are invited to use common sense; if it is risky to get out – stay home – if travel is safe, we’d love to welcome you. This goes for choir members, Sunday school teachers and worship leaders as well. If the weather is really fierce, we will simply adjust according to who is able to be present. CHANCEL TABLE ROSE - in honor of the birth of Charles Borman Schoff to Merritt & Kate Schoff on Saturday, February 21. Charlie weighed 6 lbs., 4 oz., measured 19.5 inches long, and joins big brothers, Peter & Henry, both confirmands this year. LOOKING AHEAD IN WORSHIP Lent: A Season of Reflection and Preparation for Easter “Spiritual Directions” Sunday, March 8 – Third Sunday in Lent “Spirit Directions: Cleaning House” from John 2:13-22. Dr. Hathaway will explore making room for the Spirit. Note: daylight savings time begins that day. Thursday, March 12 – 7:30 pm Taizé Service at St. Mary’s (Bestgate campus) Note the change to a Thursday this month. Sunday, March 15 – Fourth Sunday in Lent “For the World” is the spiritual direction for this worship based upon John 3:14-21 with Dr. Hathaway preaching. PREPARATION FOR THE WORD Those who are able, please stand; bold print in unison. PRELUDE - Prelude on Psalm 113 Gerald Near SILENT MEDITATION “God is not found in the soul by adding anything but by a process of subtraction.” Meister Eckhart (1260-1329) NOTICES OF CONGREGATIONAL LIFE (Please sign the Greeter Pad and pass it along your pew and back again.) CHORAL INTROIT (11:00) - We Have Come at Christ’s Own Bidding CALL TO WORSHIP Hear the promise of the Lord our God: I will bless you and make you a blessing. Hear the calling of the Lord Jesus Christ: Take up your cross and follow me. HYMN 49 - The God of Abraham Praise BREWER LEONI PRAYER OF CONFESSION God our Redeemer, we confess that we are people of ashes and dust. You call us to be a blessing in the world, but we only seek our own benefit. You call us to give our lives for others, but we only seek to save ourselves. Forgive us, God of grace. Set our minds on divine things -- the good news of the gospel, and the promise of new life in you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. RESPONSE TO THE LORD HYMN 726 - Will You Come and Follow Me KELVINGROVE PARTNERSHIP UPDATE - A New Day for CODEP, John Winings & Edvy Durandisse PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (Concluding with the Lord’s Prayer using “debts” and “debtors,” Hymnal, page 35.) WORDS OF ASSURANCE OFFERINGS OF THE PEOPLE RESPONSE OF PRAISE HYMN 544 - Bless the Lord Taizé J.S. Bach DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION (11:00) OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ all creatures here below; praise Holy Spirit ever more; praise Triune God whom we adore. Amen. PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD TIME WITH CHILDREN (Pre-k to second grades may leave for Godly Play offered at both services.) CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER (11:00) - My Song is Love Unknown OFFERTORY - Sarabande LOVE UNKNOWN HYMN 716 - God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending BEACH SPRING CHARGE & BENEDICTION PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION BENEDICTION RESPONSE: HYMN 748 (11:00) - Go With Us Lord TALLIS’ CANON Congregation sings: Go with us, Lord, and guide the way through this and every coming day, that in your Spirit strong and true our lives may be our gift to you. FIRST SCRIPTURE - Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 POSTLUDE - Fugue in e minor The Cathedral ANTHEM (11:00) - Create In Me a Clean Heart Jean Berger Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. When many cares perplex me, Thy comfort delights my soul. My times are in Thy hand, and Thou wilt guide and sustain me even unto the end. With Thee is the fountain of life. In Thy light do we see light. Amen. SECOND SCRIPTURE - Mark 8:31-38 SERMON - “Spiritual Perspectives: When Loss is Gain” William L. Hathaway, Pastor Heather G. Shortlidge, Associate Pastor Robert W. Muckenfuss, Director of Music Melissa (Miss) Good, Director of Children’s & Youth Ministry James G. Kirk, Parish Associate The National Naval Memorial of the Presbyterian Church (USA) An Earth Care Congregation of the PC (USA) Partner With Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren, Czech Republic 171 Duke of Gloucester Street, Annapolis MD 21401 / Phone: 410-267-8705 / Fax: 410-268-9643 J. S. Bach CALENDAR OF EVENTS Date Sun, 3/1 Church Community SECOND LENT 8:30 Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30 CLAMS (Music) 9:30 Joint Education Class with Visiting Haitians (FH) 10:30 Coffee Hour (FH) 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 12:15-5:30 Confirmation Service Day (meet in driveway) 5:00 Youth Fellowship (Youth) Mon, 3/2 Tues, 3/3 7:00 Wed, 3/4 Thurs, 3/5 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mission Committee (KC4a) 12:00 7:15 7:30 Noon AA (FH) GA (FH) ACOA (Music) 12:00 7:00 Noon AA (FH) AA Board (KC1a) Noon AA (FH) 12:00 6:00 7:00 Church Staff Meeting (KC1a) Covenant Circles Dinner (FH) Covenant Circles (campus-wide) 12:00 2:00 6:15 7:30 Backpack Buddies (Anna. Elem.) Handbell Rehearsal (Music) Choir Rehearsal (Music) 12:00 6:30 Fri, 3/6 12:00 Sat, 3/7 8:30 Sun, 3/8 Noon AA (FH) Young Clergy of Annapolis (ZW House) Noon AA (FH) Evening AA (FH) THIRD LENT, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS* 8:30 Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30 Education Hour 10:30 Coffee Hour (FH) 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 12:15-1:30 “Wills, Directives & Preparing for Family Matters” Workshop & Lunch (FH) 5:00 Youth Fellowship (Youth) *Turn clocks ahead one hour -- “fall back, spring forward.” LENT DEVOTIONAL - Please pick up a copy of the daily devotional, “Draw Near,” on the usher tables at the back of the sanctuary. These booklets have been made available by way of a grant from the Spiritual Growth Fund, a special anonymous gift to the congregation. TODAY AT 9:30 HOUR WITH VISITING HAITIAN LEADER - Edvy Durandisse, from the CODEP project in rural Haiti, and John Winings, Executive Director of the Haiti Fund, will discuss the reforestation and community development project known as CODEP in Fellowship Hall. “Draw Near” Devotional “WILLS, MEDICAL DIRECTIVES, PREPARING FOR FAMILY MATTERS” - Save the Date: Next Sunday, March 8 at 12:15 pm for the Congregational Life Committee’s spring program. This unique and informative workshop will help participants address these topics with the legal advice of Robert Bohan, Attorney. Lunch provided. MARCH 21-22: SAVE THE DATES Spring Clean-Up Day - Saturday, March 21, 9:00-11:30 am Choir Cantata - Sunday, March 22 at both services Youth Auction & Luncheon - Rescheduled for Sunday, March 22 at noon. INTERESTED IN OUR CHURCH HISTORY? We are seeking someone to organize and catalog the th archives on our 6 floor of the Kinhart Center. If interested, please email CALLING ALL YOUTH: YOUTH SUNDAY APRIL 12! We need your participation to make this successful. Join us Sunday evenings now through Easter from 5:00-7:00 pm in the KC Youth Fellowship room. Don't miss the fun! Evening schedule: 5:00-6:00 pm - Gather together for Prep of service led by Martha Johnson 6:00-6:15 pm - Eat together 6:15-7:00 pm - Choose one: “Art/Sanctuary Design” in Kinhart Center or “Vocal/Music Rehearsal”* in adult Music Room. *Please note that mandatory rehearsal is required on the following dates in order to sing or play an instrument in the service: March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.
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