The Call to Worship is from “Feasting on the Word” and the sermon is significantly influenced by Walter Bruggemann’s book, “Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to the Culture of Now” (Westminster John Knox Press, 2014). THOSE ASSISTING THIS MORNING - Preacher: William L. Hathaway; Liturgists: Heather G. Shortlidge, Ann Campbell (8:30), Jesko Hagee (11:00); Time with Children: Miss Good; Ushers: Jane MacMurray, Barbara Morris (8:30), Doug & Karen Smith, Paul & Roberta Bennsky (11:00); Greeter: Abby Gardner (8:30) in honor of Girl Scout Sunday; Abby is the granddaughter of Craig & Maggie Leffler; Acolyte: Julia Chamberlin (11:00); Godly Play: Shelly Price (8:30), Jane Hudiburg, Joe & Kristin Thompson (11:00). First Presbyterian Church, Annapolis, Maryland March 8, 2015 – 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship Third Sunday in Lent PREPARATION FOR THE WORD Those who are able, please stand; bold print in unison. STAFF NEWS - Heather Shortlidge will be away March 12-17 to defend her D.Min. thesis and to participate in the NEXT Conference. FOR PRAYER - Holly Kleiderlein and family on the occasion of the death of Holly’s sister Jane Condi. Jane leaves behind her husband, Steve, and sons Chris (15) and James (12). BAPTISMS - are designated for May 10, June 21, July 19 and August 23. Please contact if interested. LOOKING AHEAD IN WORSHIP Lent: A Season of Reflection and Preparation for Easter “Spiritual Directions” Thursday, March 12 – 7:30 pm Lenten Taizé Prayer Service at St. Mary’s “Watch With Me,” a bi-lingual service sponsored jointly by St. Mary’s Church and First Presbyterian Church, will be offered on Thursday, March 12 at 7:30 pm at St. John Neumann, 620 N. Bestgate Road, Annapolis. This quiet, hour-long service will include meditative singing, intercessory prayer, readings, and periods of silence. The Renaissance Singers of Annapolis will offer selections by composers Cristóbal de Morales and Juan Gutiérrez de Padilla. All are welcome. Sunday, March 15 – Fourth Sunday in Lent “For the World” is the spiritual direction for this worship based upon John 3:14-21 with Dr. Hathaway preaching. Sunday, March 22 – Fifth Sunday of Lent, Youth Auction The Chancel Choir will present portions of “Elijah” by Felix Mendelsohn at both services of worship. The Youth Auction & Pancake Luncheon has been rescheduled for noon. PRELUDE - Andante J. S. Bach SILENT REFLECTION “Sabbath is not simply the pause that refreshes. It is the pause that transforms.” Walter Bruggemann NOTICES OF CONGREGATIONAL LIFE (Please sign the Greeter Pad and pass it along your pew and back again.) CHORAL INTROIT (11:00) - Lord of the Dance LORD OF THE DANCE CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 19:7-11) Pulpit side The law of the Lord is perfect, Lectern side reviving the soul; P. the decrees of the Lord are sure, L. making wise the simple; P. the precepts of the Lord are right, L. rejoicing the heart; P. the commandment of the Lord is clear, L. enlightening the eyes; P. the fear of the Lord is pure, L. enduring forever; P. the ordinances of the Lord are true L. and righteous altogether. All They are more desirable than gold, and sweeter than honey. HYMN 624 - I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art TOULON PRAYER OF CONFESSION Creating God, you call us to work six days then to take a day of rest. Forgive us when we join the rat race of continual work or uninterrupted electronic access. Wake us up to unhealthy demands and forgive us when we force others into unfair expectations. And, Lord, forgive us of the arrogance that we can and must “do it all” as if you and the community of faith were ineffective. Forgive us and free us for the sake of your kingdom; in Jesus’ name. Amen. (Silence.) RESPONSE TO THE LORD HYMN 693 - Though I May Speak GIFT OF LOVE PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER (Concluding with the Lord’s Prayer using “debts” and “debtors,” Hymnal, page 35.) OFFERINGS OF THE PEOPLE OFFERTORY - Jesus Lover of My Soul arr. Gerald Near DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION (11:00) OLD HUNDREDTH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ all creatures here below; praise Holy Spirit ever more; praise Triune God whom we adore. Amen. WORDS OF ASSURANCE RESPONSE OF PRAISE HYMN 544 - Bless the Lord Taizé HYMN 307 - God of Grace and God of Glory Bless the Lord, my soul and bless God’s holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, who leads me into life. PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD TIME WITH CHILDREN (Pre-k to second grades may leave for Godly Play offered at both services.) CWM RHONDDA CHARGE & BENEDICTION BENEDICTION RESPONSE (11:00) - Go with Us, Lord TALLIS CANON Go with us, Lord, and guide the way through this and every coming day, that in your Spirit strong and true our lives may be our gift to you POSTLUDE - Prelude and Fugue in B-flat Major CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER (11:00) God the Sculptor of the Mountains PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE - Psalm 19:7-14 ANTHEM (11:00) - Foundation John Ness Beck (The text to this morning’s anthem can be found in hymn 463.) SCRIPTURE - Exodus 20:8-11; John 2:13-17 SERMON - Spiritual Perspectives: “Sabbath’s Gift” J. S. Bach JENNINGS-HOUSTON HEARING AIDS, LARGE PRINT BULLETINS & BIBLES AVAILABLE FROM USHERS. William L. Hathaway, Pastor Heather G. Shortlidge, Associate Pastor Robert W. Muckenfuss, Director of Music Melissa “Miss” Good, Director of Children’s & Youth Ministry James G. Kirk, Parish Associate The National Naval Memorial of the Presbyterian Church (USA) An Earth Care Congregation of the PC (USA) Partner with Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren, Czech Republic 171 Duke of Gloucester Street, Annapolis MD 21401 / Phone: 410-267-8705 / Fax: 410-268-9643 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Date Sun, 3/8 Church THIRD LENT 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:00 12:15-2:00 5:00 Mon, 3/9 ANNOUNCEMENTS 10:00 1:00 Community Worship (Sanctuary) Education Hour Coffee Hour (FH) Worship (Sanctuary) “Wills, Directives & Preparing for Family Matters” Workshop & Lunch (FH) Youth Fellowship (Youth) Circle 2 (KC1a) Circle 3 (Derby home) 12:00 7:15 7:30 Noon AA (FH) GA (FH) ACOA (Music) Tues, 3/10 9:30 7:00 7:00 7:30 7:30 PWC Board (KC4a) Deacons (KC4a) Circle 5 (Gallaher home) Justice & Peace (Johnson home) Membership (KC1a) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) Wed, 3/11 12:00 6:00 7:00 Church Staff Meeting (KC1a) Covenant Circles Dinner (FH) Covenant Circles (campus-wide) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) Thurs, 3/12 2:00 6:15 7:30 7:30 Backpack Buddies (Anna. Elem.) 12:00 Handbell Rehearsal (Music) Choir Rehearsal (Music) Lenten Taizé Prayer Service (St. Mary’s) Noon AA (FH) Fri, 3/13 12:00 Noon AA (FH) Sat, 3/14 8:30 Sun, 3/15 Evening AA (FH) FOURTH LENT, NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 8:30 Worship (Sanctuary) 9:30 Education Hour 10:30 Coffee Hour (FH) 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) 12:15 YMC (Youth Fellowship Room) 5:00 Youth Fellowship (Youth Fellowship Room) CIRCLE 3 - will meet at 1:00 pm, Monday, March 9 at the home of Carolyn Derby, 1108 River Bay Road in Annapolis, MD 21409. Phone 410-974-4529. PLEASE READ CHAPTERS 10 & 11. TODAY: “WILLS, MEDICAL DIRECTIVES, PREPARING FOR FAMILY MATTERS” 12:15-2:00 pm with Robert Bohan, Attorney, LUNCH PROVIDED. Join us in Fellowship Hall! ARE YOU A PARENT, TEACHER, COVENANT PARTNER, OR JUST INTERESTED IN THE DIRECTION OF EDUCATION AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH? Christian Education and Youth ministries will hold our Second Annual Planning Session on Friday, March 20 (6:00-9:00 pm) to creatively address our strategy and direction for engaging and teaching our children from birth through high school. We seek input on curriculum, music and social programs. RSVP Debbie Mitchell. YOUTH AUCTION & PANCAKE BRUNCH - Sunday, March 22, 12:15-2:00 pm, Fellowship Hall. Support the youth! Both silent and live auction items will be available. Want a beach trip to look forward to after the terrible winter we have had? We got it! Need babysitting services to enjoy an evening out with your loved one? We got it! Want to take a sunset cruise on the Bay? We got it! Want some yummy baked goods? We got it! Plus much more! Check out our list of items on the church website. Can't be there? No problem - vote by proxy! Proceeds support youth trips, teen suicide prevention and the Rwandan Orphanage. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY ON MARCH 21 - Every spring the FPC Trustees have spear-headed a day to prepare the church and grounds for Easter. This year we will clean the courtyard, the exterior of the ZW House, and especially the sanctuary. Exterior clean-up begins at 9:00 am; interior clean-up at 12:30 pm (after choir rehearsal). LUNCH PROVIDED with RSVP to Linda Hanifin Bonner at CALLING ALL YOUTH: YOUTH SUNDAY APRIL 12! We need your participation to make this successful. Join us Sunday evenings now through Easter (mandatory: March 8, 15, 22 & 29) in the Youth Fellowship room. Don't miss the fun! Meet at 5:00 pm for preparation, dinner at 6:00 pm, and breakout groups (Art/Sanctuary Design OR Vocal/Music Rehearsal) until 7:00 pm.
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