Covenant Christian Reformed Church Covenant SERVE Team May 31 AM Nursery June 7 AM Nursery June 14 AM Nursery Greta VB Leanne VB Meghan PM Nursery Kim K Michelle V Leah V PM Nursery Kerry Lynn S Kristen H Olivia PM Nursery Rita Ambrosia Sunday School 3-5 year Jessica H Avery k 6-10 year old Jeannette Kailee Sunday School 3-5 year Neinke V Aaron K 6-10 year old Donna V Derek V Sunday School 3-5 year Sonya H Elissa F 6-10 year old Lisa K Helpers Lori M Helpers Tina H Helpers Chris V Peter F Meghan H Greeters Leon & Anne Radder Greeters Martin & Donna Greeters Jan & Kathrin V Ushers Ushers Ushers Isaiah & Isaac Coffee Servers Lori & Rita Coffee Servers Peter & Evelyn H Coffee Servers • Steve & Kerry Lyn Clarence & Lisa Morning Offering John & Kim & fam Mark K & fam Morning Offering Jan & Kathrin Vince & Tamara Morning Offering • Unity Evening Offering Cross Roads Library Leanne CRC World Missions Evening Offering Garage Sale, Bake Sale and BBQ!!! June 6th, 2015 Come out and support our SERVE Team as they raise funds for their SERVE Trip to London, ON this summer! Garage Sale starts at 8 AM and BBQ begins at 10:30 AM . If you have treasures at your house that you are willing to donate to the cause - Good Quality donated items, can be brought to the Church on Thursday, June 4 from 7 – 9 PM for screening and pricing. We are looking for sellable items, and therefore reserve the right to refuse items. Thank-you for your Support! For more information, please contact Dorothy Armstrong 705.424.1626 or Kathrin Veenstra 705-720-2399 The Lord’s Day Sunday, May 31, 2015 Pastor Harry Frielink - Study: 705-734-0651 Home: 705-726-8772 Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Each of us has reasons to praise the Lord. Let us all then join in worship that offers a true sacrifice of praise to the Almighty. If you are visiting with us, please join us for a time of fellowship and tea & coffee after the morning service in the fellowship hall. CHURCH FAMILY Be a blessing- make it a prayer priority to uphold your fellow believers in faithful intercessions to the Lord. Share the joys and burdens of one another here at Covenant Church. • • Back to God Min. Library SIM Evening Offering Edu Deo Library Teresa Kailee Dear friends: You are cordially invited for a night of good cheer and gourmet delights. Unity Christian High School will be holding their annual DINE & DASH PROGRESSIVE DINNER on Saturday, June 6, 2015. You will be chauffeured from Unity Christian High School to your first destination for delectable appetizers. From there you will be escorted to a second host for a delicious dinner. Finally, you will be whisked back to Unity, where you will enjoy a decadent dessert and fabulous company.For reservations as a guest or information on being a host or chauffeur, please call the Unity office 705-7926915. Suggested donation of $50/person. Tickets are limited so please RSVP ASAP. Final date to purchase tickets is Wednesday, June 3, 2015. • Pastor :Harry Frielink: Phone Numbers: Study: 705-734-0651 Home: 705-726-8772 Cell: 705 627 0656 Email: Secretaries: Bulletin: (announcements due by Wed 9 pm) Jan & Kathrin Veenstra Tel: 720-2399 Email: Church: John Kloosterman Tel: 458-9206 Musicians: Pianist: Bernice Huitema Tel:733-7705, Ike Veenstra, Organist: Rachel Houter Nursery Offered during both services – Coordinator Tamara Kloosterman – Tel: 705.725.0341 Sunday School – all year round for ages 3 – 10. Coordinators – Lisa& Samantha Kort and Leanne Vanderboor Sound System – Coordinator Luke Veenstra Tel;705.720.7338 (assisted hearing aid products and copies of services are available upon request) Large print bulletins are also available thru our ushers – head usher Hank Veenstra Tel: 705.737.2647 Council Chairman – Jeff Houter 705.733.2921 Council Clerk – Martin Veenstra – 705.329.0131 Deacon Chair – Steve Sommers Email: We uphold those who are recovering from health issues: John Kloosterman Jr, Al Hammers, Connie Kistler, Effie Van Leusen and Darren Kloosterman. We pray that God will grant healing and strength to His people in need Remember Ellen Scheepsta in prayer, as she goes in for hip replacement surgery on Tuesday this week. We continue to uphold in prayer those families who have recently lost loved ones. We pray that they will be strengthened and upheld by the God of mercy and love. As high school students finish up their term, we uphold them in prayer as they prepare for exams. As we pray for and support the local ministries of this church, this week we pray for the Young Adult Group/College & Careers. We give thanks for this group of young adults who come together to study, praise and fellowship. May they continue to grow and nurture their faith together! CHURCH MEETING & BIBLE STUDY Sunday After AM Fellowship Sunday After AM Fellowship- - Profession of Faith Class - SERVE Team Meeting(Library) Tuesday Tuesday Covenant Prayer Time College and Careers 6:00 AM 6:30 PM TUESDAY Morning Prayer: (note the change in date) Come pray for this church! If you are able to join us for ½ hour before the work day please meet us between 6-6:45am on Tuesday. If you don’t feel comfortable praying out loud, you are still more than welcome to join us. College and Careers will be meeting at 6:30pm, Tuesday, June 2 at Ike & Luke Veenstra’s (1847 Highway 26, Minesing). Please bring a salad, appetizer, or dessert item to share . All young adults are invited to come for dinner, games, and Bible study. Bible study starts at 8pm. Questions can be directed to Rachel Houter ( CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Vacation Bible School - 5 more weeks before we set sail!!!! Thank you to all the volunteers who have already signed up for the HIGH SEAS EXPEDITION!! The crew still needs people willing to assist with crafts and games and to lead snacks. Also looking for someone who would be willing to lead a short devotion with the volunteers each morning before the ship leaves port. Talk to Rachel Houter for more information or to answer any questions. Serve TEAM – There will be a short meeting after the morning service. Please meet in the Library to discuss the upcoming Garage Sale Fundraising. Secret Sister Event – Please mark Thursday, June 11th at 7:PM on your calendar! The women of the church are invited to the home of Illyse Steyn for a dessert potluck and fellowship evening. You don’t need to be an official “Secret Sister” to attend, just a sister in the faith!! We will be revealing the secret sister pairing this evening and having a wonderful time of fellowship together. c “There is no greater mistake than to suppose that a Christian has nothing to do with the law and the 10 commandments, because he can’t be justified by keeping them. The same Holy Ghost who convinces the believe of sin by the law, and leads him to Jesus for justification, will always lead him to a spiritual use of the law, as a friendly guide in the pursuit of sanctification” JC Ryle c Sunday AM – Order of Worship Welcome & Announcements Pre-Service Hymn: 244 God Himself Is with Us CALL TO WORSHIP*God’s Call to Worship: -based on Psalm 27; John 4:23 Let us worship God, our light and our salvation. THE LORD IS THE STRONGHOLD OF OUR LIVES. We desire to live in God's house and to seek God in his holy temple. WE HAVE COME WITH SHOUTS OF JOY, to sing and to make music to the Lord. Let us worship God in spirit and in truth. TEACH US YOUR WAYS AND MAKE OUR PATHS STRAIGHT IN THIS HOUR OF WORSHIP AND ALWAYS. *Silent Prayer – Concluded byA52:2 O Bless Our God with One Accord *God’s Greeting *Opening Hymn of Praise- 184 LORD, You Have Searched CONFESSION, FORGIVENESS & SERVICE Call to Confession - John 14:15-17,21 Prayer of Confession Prayer of Confession: Hymn of Response Speak O Lord God's Will: Romans 13:9-10 Time for the Children Children’s Message: Smooth Sailing Children's Song – C6 We Want to See Jesus Lifted High Children Ages 3 – 10 Sunday School Dismissal GOD’s HOLY WORD Prayer for Understanding. Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3, 19-21; James 1:22-25 SERMON: God's Law Fulfilled in You Series: Life's Sinkers & Swimmers *Our Response – 264 Lord, I Want to Be a Christian DEPART TO SERVE Congregational Prayer Thank Offerings: Unity *Doxology- We Will Glorify *Charge & Blessing: Colossians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 13:14and *Three-Fold Amen Sunday PM– Order of Worship Welcome & Announcements Pre-Service Hymn: By Faith CALL TO WORSHIP *The Lord’s Call to Worship: Psalm 124:8 *Silent Prayer, concluded by - 164:1-2 O LORD, You are My Light *God’s Greeting *Opening Hymn of Praise: 408 Rejoice, the Lord is King FAITH & PRAISE Responsive Reading: Responsive Psalm 119:17-32 (Gimmel & Daleth) Congregational Songs of Praise Confession of Faith: Lord's Day 25 (QA65-68) GOD’S HOLY WORD Prayer for Understanding Scripture: Romans 4:1-16 Sermon: Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs *Our Response: 248 I Greet My Sure Redeemer WE DEPART TO SERVE Congregational Prayer Thank Offerings: Cross Roads Bible Institute *Doxology 322 God, the Father of Your People Benediction: & *Three-Fold Amen
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