Pasta Supper and Talent Night Sign up sheet for the Spaghetti Dinner (Mar 6) is now available. Please sign up as seats are limited. Don't forget to sign up for the talent portion as well. Maybe you have a good joke, poem or a good story to share. Maybe you have a song to sing or you'd like to dance. Can you whistle? Do you play and instrument? Let's hear it. Don't have a solo act? Try doing something with your friend, your family members or a group of like minded persons. No acts will be refused. See Jake Veenstra if you should have any questions. Unity is proud to announce that the Wizard of Oz will be our school annual play of 2015.Individuals who are interested in reserving tickets for the play to contact the main office at Unity by phone or email. Phone: (705) 792-6915 Email: Looking for Christ-Center Christian Education for Your Children? Timothy Christian School delivers a dynamic, vibrant learning environment offering leading edge programs that inspire children to be alive in Christ. Parents choose Timothy Christian School because they want that same Christian worldview that is taught on the home front and at church to be reinforced everyday in the classroom and throughout the academics. Join us for our open house dates: March 4 – 9am—noon April 13 – 9am—noon & 7—8:30pm, May 11 – 9am—noon & 7—8:30pm June 3 – 9am—noon For more information please visit our website or contact the office at 705.726.6621 Covenant Christian Reformed Church Duty Schedule: March 1 AM Nursery Teresa H Charlotte H MG K PM Nursery Derek VB Debbie VB Sunday School 3-5 year Becky H Jenna V 6-10 year old Samantha K Helpers Peter F March 8 AM Nursery Teresa Harris Victoria K Elissa F PM Nursery Donna V Derek V Sunday School 3-5 year Tamara H Jeremy V 6-10 year old Jan Helpers Meghan H March 15 AM Nursery Greta Leanne Meghan PM Nursery Rita V Ambrosia Sunday School 3-5 year Jessica H Avery K 6-10 year old Michelle M Helpers Ambrosia W Greeters Greeters Greeters Jan & Kathrin V Rhonda & Greg D Ushers Ushers Laura & Colin Walton Ushers Peter & Evelyn H Isaiah F/Isaac W Hank & Sonya Coffee Servers Coffee Servers Coffee Servers Peter & Evelyn H Greg & Rhonda D Morning Offering College & Careers Adults Morning Offering Jim & Dorothy Steyn Family Morning Offering Loaves & Fishes General Fund Calvin Sem Evening Offering Evening Offering Evening Offering Timothy Christian Covenant Ministries Library Library Indwell (formerly Homestead) Library Teresa Leanne Kailee Pastor :Harry Frielink: Phone Numbers: Study: 705-734-0651 Home: 705-726-8772 Cell: 705 627 0656 Email: Secretaries: Bulletin: (announcements due by Wed 9 pm) Jan & Kathrin Veenstra Tel: 720-2399 Email: Church: John Kloosterman Tel: 458-9206 Musicians: Pianist: Bernice Huitema Tel:733-7705, Ike Veenstra, Organist: Rachel Houter Nursery Offered during both services – Coordinator Tamara Kloosterman – Tel: 705.725.0341 Sunday School – all year round for ages 3 – 10. Coordinators – Lisa& Samantha Kort and Leanne Vanderboor Sound System – Coordinator Luke Veenstra Tel;705.720.7338 (assisted hearing aid products and copies of services are available upon request) Large print bulletins are also available thru our ushers – head usher Hank Veenstra Tel: 705.737.2647 Council Chairman – Jeff Houter 705.733.2921 Council Clerk – Martin Veenstra – 705.329.0131 Deacon Chair – Steve Sommers Email: Pastor Harry Frielink The Lord’s Day Sunday, March 1, 2015 We begin a new week here in God’s House of Prayer to seek His blessings. May God grant to all of us all we need both spiritually and physically. Pastor Harry will be preaching on finding God’s strength in our weakness. Pray that God would call us to seek Him in areas of weakness in our lives, and that we would find His grace there. We welcome The Unity and Smithville Christian High choirs who will be joining us in worship for this service! We look forward to their ministry among us and worshipping our Great God together this morning. CHURCH FAMILY Be an intercessor. All of us, young or old, can have an active ministry of prayer. Lift up your fellow Christians before God’s throne of grace. • Continue to uphold Connie Kistler in prayer as she continues to heal from recent heart and lung issues. Pray for continued healing and renewed strength • Clara Bierman, at the time of writing, had been transferred to Princess Margaret Hospital to resume chemo treatments. If all went according to schedule, she may be able to return home for a weekend pass. We pray for strength and healing. • We continue to pray through our church directory. We are now starting District 5 and uphold in prayer this week: We uphold Luke & Ike Veenstra, Martin & Donna Veenstra, and Wayne & Neinke Veenstra CHURCH MEETINGS & BIBLE STUDY Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:00 PM 7:15 PM 7:30 PM 6:00 AM 9:30 AM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 6:00 PM Cadets and Gems YPS College & Careers Covenant Prayer Time Morning Coffee Break Evening Coffee Break Catechism Choir Pasta Dinner & Talent Night College and Careers: For questions and confirmation of location contact Ginny at 705-795-1271. Hope to see you there! CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS YPS will meet in regular session on Tuesday at 715pm. We'll review a number of subjects and will reflect on our performance at the Alliston Ball Hockey Tournament. YPS will meet in regular session on Tuesday at 715pm. We'll review a number of subjects and will reflect on our performance at the Alliston Ball Hockey Tournament. VBS co-ordinators needed to get this years program started. The sooner we get organized the better we can be prepared to serve our neighbourhood youngsters. Please give this your prayerful consideration. Call Harry Brands 705 436-5386 or email at Cross Country Skiing - What a month we've had! At this rate we should be skiing until the end of March. Yeah! Come on out, it is not too late to start. March 3 at Marja's, March 6 at Bernice. Order of Worship -Morning Service 9:30 am Welcome & Announcements "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?" - Unity Choir CALL TO WORSHIP *God’s Call to Worship: -based on: Psalm 143:1-2,8 *Silent Prayer – concluded by *C21 There Is A Redeemer *Opening Hymn of Praise Song of Adoration (Congregation with Choirs) 483 How Great Thou Art "Lean on Everlasting Arms" - Smithville Choir CONFESSION, FORGIVENESS & SERVICE Call to Prayer: Isaiah 55:6-7 Prayer of Confession Song of Response: 384 When I Survey /The Wonderful Cross God's Will for Our Lives: Keep in Step with the Spirit (#51 p.1068,1354) Galatians 5:16–25 p.1068,1354 Children’s Hymn: Happiness is the Lord Children’s Message: Children leave for Sunday School (ages 3yrs – 10 yrs) GOD’s HOLY WORD Prayer for Understanding. Scripture: Exodus 4:10-17 p.47,60 Sermon: Find God's Strength in Your Weakness Hymn of Response: Meekness and Majesty DEPART TO SERVE Congregational Prayer Thank Offerings: Loaves and Fishes Offertory: "Amani" - Smithville Choir *Doxology- 603 Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service Benediction: Philemon 6 - Choir- Let the Morning Bring (Ps 143) - Choir Selections: Put a Little Love in Your Heart / Rejoice Order of Worship -Evening Service 6:30 pm Welcome & Announcements Pre-Service Hymn: What the Lord has done in me CALL TO WORSHIP *The Lord’s Call to Worship: Hebrews 12:1-2; 13:8 Lent *Silent Prayer: *C34 You Are My King *God’s Greeting *Opening Hymn of Praise: 72 Hail to the LORD's Anointed (Use Tune 555) FAITH & PRAISE Responsive Psalm Psalm24 (Selection 15 p.1052, 1139) Congregational Songs of Praise Professing Our Faith: Professing Our Faith: Why we call Him Lord - Heidelberg QA 034 GOD’S HOLY WORD Prayer for Understanding OT Scripture: 2 Samuel: 23:1-5 p.275, 350 NT Scripture: Acts 2:22-36 p.910, 1158 - 00:00:00 Sermon: Take Me to Your Leader - Is Christ Your King? Our Response: 110 The LORD unto My Lord Has Said WE DEPART TO SERVE Congregational Prayer Thank Offerings: Timothy Christian *C35 Therefore The Redeemed Benediction: 1 Kings 8:56–58 -*Denotes Standing - if able
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