Tues Wed 10.30-4pm Thurs 10.30am 8pm Fri Sun 10.00-12.00 8pm 11.00am 6.30pm Food Bank, Open -Doors &… Cyber Café Looking ahead Ladies Meeting Prayer Meeting persecuted in Sri Lanka David will lead the meeting Chatterbox—pre-schoolers and relatives Youth Group Steve Williams (10.30am Prayer Meeting) David Hadlum (6.15pm Prayer Meeting 16th November, 2014 WARM WELCOME TO YOU ALL CONTACT DETAILS- we will updating our Database very soon. We plan to meet with you all on your way in so thank you in advance for your help & patience CHRISTMAS WRAP OUTREACH, 2nd December 1-5pm at Hempstead Shopping Centre. Please see Suzanne if you can help, or donate tags, sellotape, or wrapping paper REMEMBRANCE OUTLINE FROM LAST SUNDAY’S SERMON: Sunday: Heb. 8:12 ‘For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more Monday: Eccl. 12:1 ‘Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth’ Tuesday: Psalm 77:11 ‘I will remember the works of the Lord, surely I will remember your wonders of old’ Wednesday: Acts 1:16 ‘Then I remembered the Word of the Lord’ Thursday: Heb 12:13 ‘Remember the prisoners as if chained with them and those who are mistreated’ Friday: Deut. 7:18 ‘You shall not be afraid of them, but shall remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt Saturday: Deut. 8:18 ‘And you shall remember the Lord your God for it is He who gives power to get wealth’ BY LOVE LET US SERVE ONE ANOTHER: PRAYER SUPPORT: Please ring the Prayer Line on 01634 844230 or 07800806688 & leave a message UNWELL, NEED HELP OR A VISIT? Email: pastoral.care@cec4u.co.uk …..OR Phone: 01634 865393-leave message, name & phone no 11.00am Service ‘ God Will Provide’ Chris Jenkins Reading: Hebrews 3 6.30pm Service David Hadlum Reading John 4:1 -14 This mountain that you’re facing now, so strange, so cold, and bare I’ll turn around to bless, for I have secrets now to share Gems of truth, My presence, My strength to be your guide I’m using this that feels so rough to draw you to my side I’ll comfort you, reveal my love and open up My Word, So real will be to you the things that up till now you’ve heard I will give increasing insight in what seems an awful test But remember I am Father, God, I DO know what is best Chatham Evangelical Church, Ordnance Street, Chatham, Kent, ME4 6SE Fort Pitt Grammar School, Fort Pitt Hill, Chatham, ME4 6TJ on Sundays at 11 am. Tel: 01634 405548 Email: church@cec4u.co.uk web: www.cec4u.co.uk Pastor: David Hadlum Registered Charity No. 1054454
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