St. Paul’s Church A UNITED METHODIST CONGREGATION 1314 FOULK ROAD | WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19803 WEBSITE: | OFFICE: 302.478.3135 | E-MAIL: Sunday | June 22, 2014 | 10:00 a.m. Second Sunday after Pentecost WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please sign the Friendship Pad and pass it along to your neighbor in the pew.) PRELUDE “Elfin Dance” Grieg *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. People: O send out your light and your truth; let them lead me to the throne of your grace. Leader: Hope in God; for I shall again praise the Lord, my help and my God. People: Then I will go to the altar of God and praise you with the harp, O Lord, my God. Leader: Let us worship God! *HYMN NO. 133 “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” *PRAYER OF PRAISE AND ADORATION (in unison) You incline your ear to hear us, O Lord, when we cry to you. You are a God of compassion who gently cares for our needs in times of distress. In Christ you teach us your ways that we may walk in your truth. Your Spirit directs the way we shall go. As we discern your word we hear how you are a God who can be trusted. Through the years you have never forsaken those who called on your name. Hear us now as we offer our praise and thanksgiving. May they be worthy of your gracious care. Amen. SCRIPTURE READING Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17 Leader: The word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God. O.T. pg. 544 CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Victor Ferzetti (After Children’s Message, children age 3—2nd grade are invited to attend “Children’s Hour” in the Luke Room.) RESPONSE “Jesus Loves Me” Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. MESSAGE “The Secret Chord” *HYMN NO. 186 David M. Finch “Alleluia” OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS OFFERTORY “Solfegietto” *OFFERTORY RESPONSE “Now Thank We All Our God” (vs. 1) Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things had done, in whom this world rejoices; who from our mothers’ arms has blessed us on our way for thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore. CPE Bach UMH No. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION (in unison) O God, we have been led to acknowledge Christ Jesus as the source of new life. With Hagar we have come to observe the wellsprings of your love. As you have called us to be your people, accept now the offerings we bring you. Use them to spread your message from east to west and from south to north, so that those who come after us may be led to proclaim you God of their lives. Amen. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER *HYMN NO. 539 “It Is Well with My Soul” BENEDICTION *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE *POSTLUDE “Let There Be Peace on Earth” “Gird Up” *Please stand as you are able. We thank Katya Linton and Evelyn Putri for sharing in our ministry of music this morning. UMH No. 431 McKenzie GIVE EAR, O LORD, TO MY PRAYER; LISTEN TO MY CRY OF SUPPLICATION. PSALM 86:6, NRSV Welcome Welcome to this warm and caring family of believers in Christ. If you are a first time visitor, we hope that you will return to worship with us again. God Bless. Prayer concerns may be placed on the prayer chain by calling Lucy Rawson, 475-0610, or Shirley Stout, 478-9495; or send an e-mail to Difficulty hearing? Hearing aids with telecoils (a “T” switch) can now serve as in-the -ear loudspeakers, or an usher can provide you with a portable receiver and headset. Need a wheelchair? One is available - speak to an usher. Large print bulletins and hymnals are available - ask an usher. Have a baby? Need nursery care? We have that! Please see an Usher for directions to the Nursery. Serving God and Us Today Greeters Bobbie & Tom Fort Acolyte Lector Bruce Spartz Sound Crew Roger Scorziello Altar Guild Jane Hindmarch, Susan Rothfuss Ushers James McClain, Jamie McClain, Betty Robinson, Dave Rothfuss, Brian Smith, Wayne Falk Altar Flowers Today the flowers are given to the Glory of God by Ken and Nicole Macturk in honor of their 19th wedding anniversary. The rose on the altar is to celebrate the birth of Myles Anthony Downing, son of Elizabeth and Andrew Downing, grandson of Lynn & Karl Bittner. Rev. Dr. Timothy Duchesne Senior Pastor Rob Kennan Director of Music Rev. David M. Finch Congregational Care & Development Kathleen Kennan Director of Youth & Family Ministries Barbara Barto Office Administrator Rev. Constance Hastings United Methodist Deacon Glenda Howell Administrative Assistant
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