*Hymn “Let All Things Now Living” TFWS 2008 Opening Prayer God, the encourager; God, the compassionate; God, the merciful, holy, blessed. Disturb us. Rouse us from our sleep. Lift us into the awareness of your presence. Change us, move us, mold us for the better, so that, at the sound of your voice, at the call of your name, we will never be the same. May our worship do this and so much more, in the name of Jesus. Amen. PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE Prayer for Illumination Psalter *Hymn Psalm 103 UMH 824 “Let Us Break Bread Together” UMH 618 (Children 3 years through 3rd grade may leave for children’s church AFTER this.) Gospel Lesson Sermon Matthew 18:21–35 How Many Times? Pastor Keith Ritchie *Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed UMH 7 Prayers of the people Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYER: THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Sally Hopkins, Dodie Bach, Carole Fisher, Sue Love Skeens, Clay Gravely, H. Kenneth Martin (Shirley Self’s brother-in-law), Cindy Custer, Bobby Thornton, Josh Pulliam, Emily Cope, Layla Schlieve (Laura Elkins’ grand-niece), Julie Gravely, Erette Bobbitt, Jerry Wright, Hazel Wampner, John Eason (Paul Eason’s father), G.W. Fisher, Jerry Wright, Del Martin, Gary Turner, Claudetta Woodard, Jack Price, Luwana Enalls, Christine Long (Diane Bassett’s aunt), Cheryl Martin, Carinda Soulos. Please call the church office to add or remove names on our prayer list. If we have removed someone you wished to remain on the prayer list, we are sorry. Please notify the church office to have the person added. THOSE WHO ARE SHUT-IN: Meta Roth, Dot Bowen, George Lavinder, Frances Fishel, Evelyn Barnes, Louise Grigg, Marlene Lopez, Helen Phipps, Evelyn Holmes, Gene Knight, Les Finney, Helen Alber, Roberta Marshall, Mabel Ingram, Ruth Bickling, Lucie Gravely, Bill Lewis THOSE IN THE MILITARY: Army PVC William Scott Barlow, Bernard Courtland Brooks, Steve Burton, YM2 Seth Buswell (son-in-law of Lil and Paul Geib), Army Private Michael Frazier (grandson of Lil and Paul Geib), Matthew Flint (Kelly Flint’s brother), Jacob T. Hall (Cindy Matherly’s nephew), Capt. Brad Heath, Michael Lewis (Rosie and Fred Lewis’ son), Evan McNeer, Beau Oakes, S. Sgts. David & Kimberly Peay, Douglas Blake Spencer, LTC Dana Stowell (great-nephew of Belle Lynskey), Stephen Patton, Private C. J. Emerson, CPL Patrick Connelly, Josh Turner (Lynn Shumate’s cousin) THOSE IN THE MISSION FIELD: Chase & Audrey Arndt Invitation Prayer of Confession Forgive us our wrongs, God. Forgive us as we do not deserve, And forgive our obsession that justice be done to those who have wronged us. May our worship lead us to the place where our hunger for grace and mercy may be filled, and where we may be freed from the desire of vengeance. In Christ we pray. Amen. MEMORIAL GIFTS were given in memory of Virginia Hodnett by Marian Myers, Jean Thompson, and Stacy P. Rice. A MEMORIAL GIFT was given in memory of Bill Hubble by Marian Myers. Church Council meeting is Thursday, July 16, at 6 pm in the fellowship hall. Staff Parish Meeting is Thursday, July 9, at 5 pm in the conference room. Assurance of Pardon Food Bank – We are collecting canned peaches/pears/fruit for July. *Passing the Peace *Hymn “Let Us Be Bread” The Giving of Our Gifts TFWS 2260 Vacation Bible School is July 13- 17 8:30 am until 11:30 am See God’s Love in Action as the kids MOVE, ACT, CARE, FOLLOW, and SHARE. The Open Arms class needs a teacher once a month and someone who is willing to sit with the class during morning worship. Please contact Rebecca Crabtree for more information (632-3150). Events There is a ladies’ book study in the fellowship hall at noon. This is a six-week study of the book Mother Roots: The Female Ancestors of Jesus. Each week we will discover why only four women were included in Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus – Ruth, Tamar, Bathsheba, and Rahab. Bring a lunch and join us! Youth Yard Sale - Saturday, July 11th Yard Sale will be Saturday, July 11, from 7 am-12 pm. All members of the congregation and community are encouraged to come and support our youth as they raise funds for their July mission trip to Columbus, GA. Ham Biscuits/Loaves of Bread Needed! Calling all church bakers and cooks. The youth are asking for donations of ham biscuits and loaves of homemade bread to be sold at the yard sale. If you are able to donate baked goods to the youth sale, please contact Maegan Mitchell. Offering Offertory *Doxology CHURCH CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK OF July 5, 2015 UMH 94 THANKSGIVING AND COMMUNION Taking the Bread and the Cup The Great Thanksgiving The Lord’s Prayer (from the hymnal) UMH 10 Breaking of the Bread Giving the Bread and Cup Prayer SENDING FORTH *Hymn UMH 671 “Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing” *Benediction *Postlude *Carrying Christ’s Light into the World The church office hours are 9 am – 5 pm Monday –Thursday, 9 am-12 pm Friday The church office will be closed 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm for lunch. Mon. July 6 Holiday Church office closed Tues. July 7 10:00 am 2:00 pm Lunch Bunch Staff Meeting Wed. July 8 12:00 pm Mother Roots Book Study Thur. July 9 10:00 am 5:00 pm Lunch Bunch Staff Parish Committee 12:00 pm Church office closed Friday July 10 Sat. July 11 7:00 am Youth Yard Sale USHERS: Woods Carter, J.C. Compton, Craig Dietrich, Donnie Eanes, Duke Easley, Alfredo Garcia, Hugh Gerlach, Will Gravely, Puck Kiser, Robert Lewis, David McConnell COUNTERS: Joe Philpott, Karen Pratt, Betsy Gravely ACOLYTE: Camille Underwood SOUND TECHNICIAN: Paul Huckfeldt & Lynn Dietrich VIDEO TECHNICIANS: Matthew Withers CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Annette Huckfeldt We have new equipment for the hearing impaired. If you wish to use this equipment, please see an usher. Senior Pastor, Keith Ritchie 146 East Main Street, Martinsville, Virginia 24112-2814 office: 276-638-8733 Fax: 276-638-8598 Email Address: office@fumcmartinsville.net WEBSITE: fumcmartinsville.net A cordial invitation is extended to you to worship with us regularly. If you would like to become a member of First Church, please speak to the pastor. First United Methodist Church Sunday July 5 *Indicates standing interval if you are able. Director of Programs/Children’s Ministries, Annette Huckfeldt Director of Music Ministries, Ken McDonald Director of Youth, Maegan Mitchell Organist, Rebecca Smith Accompanist, Beth Chapman Welcome to Early Learning Center Monday – Friday 6:30 am – 6:00 pm Nursery (beside the Read Robins class) available for infants through three-year olds for Sunday School and 11:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST July 5, 2015 8:45 am and 11:00 am WELCOME to this celebration of worship where we remember God’s saving grace in Jesus Christ! A cordial invitation is extended to you to worship with us regularly. If you would like to become a member of First Church, please speak to the pastor. Prelude Chimes Bringing in the Light of Christ Fellowship & Ministry Announcements Please let us know you worshipped with us today by signing the friendship pad and passing it down the pew. We welcome our visitors and are grateful for the active witness of our members. *Call to Worship I lift my eyes up to the mountains; from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. We look not to the mountains or valleys, even heaven or earth, For God is found among us. Wherever two or three are gathered in Christ’s name, God is here among us. Come; let us worship the God of Creation and the God of all peoples. Let us follow Jesus, for Jesus is the Way. Let us worship together in faith.
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