Dry Ridge Christian Church May 31, 2015 “Did You Notice That The Bush Beside You Is Burning?” Sunday Services 8:30 a.m. Early Service 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Service Dry Ridge Christian Church Week 1: The Life You’ve Always Wanted! WE GATHER TOGETHER CHIMES CALL THE COMMUNITY TOGETHER PRELUDE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS HYMN OF GATHERING “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” Tom Teater Pastor Bob Silvanik #5 *CALL TO WORSHIP Worship Leader One: Lord, you are transforming us to be your people; Many: By showing us how to love as you yourself loved us; One: By giving us your hope; Many: By filling us with patience to endure and persevere through the hard times; One: By teaching us how to welcome and love strangers, Many: By pouring your grace into us so that we become generous to those in need; One: By giving us your joy, so we can rejoice with those who rejoice; Many: By weeping for your friend Lazarus, so we can weep with those who weep; One: By forgiving us, so we can forgive others; Many: By feeding us, so we can feed the hungry; One: By filling up our inner thirst, so we can give the cup of cold water to those who thirst; Many: And by your power to overcome evil, so we can also overcome evil with good. All: We do all these things to glorify you and to bring your kingdom here on earth. *HYMN OF PRAISE “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” WE JOIN IN PRAYER *INVOCATION AND LORD’S PRAYER (using “sins”) #16 Worship Leader “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen” * THE GLORIA PATRI #35 CHILDREN’S MOMENT BENEDICTION TO CHILDREN’S CHURCH (All children ages 4-8 are invited to attend) HYMN OF PRAYER “Creator God, Creating Still” #62 PASTORAL PRAYER Pastor Bob Silvanik *PRAYER RESPONSE “Holy Ground” #112 WE HEAR THE WORD SCRIPTURE Exodus 3: 1-12 SERMON “Did You Notice That The Bush Beside You Is Burning?” Pastor Bob Silvanik *HYMN OF COMMITMENT “Come and Find the Quiet Center” #575 WE COME TO THE TABLE INVITATION TO COMMUNION COMMUNION “Fill My Cup, Lord” WORDS OF INSTITUTION, PRAYER FOR THE BREAD AND CUP Pastor Bob Silvanik HYMN OF #351 Elders (The bread and the cup will be distributed together. Partake of the bread as it is passed. Offer personal prayer and partake of the cup in unison.) RECEIVING THE TITHES AND OFFERINGS *THE DOXOLOGY AND DEDICATION OF GIFTS WE DEPART TO SERVE HYMN OF DEPARTING “He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought!” BENEDICTION AND LIGHT OF CHRIST POSTLUDE #46 #545 Worship Matters! Etiquette for Using Mobile Devices in Our Sanctuary First & foremost, your utmost discretion is called upon in all sacred places! Distractions of any kind should be kept to a bare minimum if not eliminated altogether. Any mobile device in our sanctuary should ONLY be used for worship purposes (e.g.; reading the scripture, recording the service). For that reason, all electronic devices must be silenced in the sanctuary. If one does choose to use a device, in addition to silencing it, please lower the intensity of the backlight and keep any fiddling with the device to an absolute minimum. Your pew neighbors are attempting to communicate with God. This is very serious and sacred time together that we share in God’s house of worship. God wishes us to have a transformative experience. Let us keep that foremost in our hearts and minds as we come into this holy space. This week we begin our summer sermon series: “The Life You’ve Always Wanted.” The messages for this series will be based on a book by John Ortberg that was published several years ago. The premise of his book is that, deep down, all of us want more … more than the status quo. But the key question for anyone wanting more quickly becomes, “More of what” And there are many options available to each of us to answer that question, “More of what?” For followers of Jesus, the answer should be, “More Jesus!” But as we know from our own life experiences, saying we want more Jesus is a lot easier than figuring out how to get it! And, since figuring that out often seems complex and, well, hard, we often turn instead to the quick and easy ways of the world. Which, of course, lead us all back to wanting more Jesus! So today we begin a sermon series that addresses the “More Jesus” conundrum of our daily lives. We all have an inner-sense that there’s more to Christianity than what we know so far. We all have a spiritual hunger within us that we believe, when fed, will lead us to the life we have always wanted. And Jesus agrees! And He has given us some “good news” as to how we can achieve such a life. For the life we have always wanted is the life that God created us for. Today we start with Moses. He also knew that there must be more to like than what he was experiencing. He too was looking for a “road to transformation and spiritual vigor.” And one day, as he walked in search of this life, he “turned aside” and encountered God in a bush that he had probably passed by many times before. But on this day, God’s presence became real for him in the burning of the bush, and he removed his shoes as he came to realize that holy ground was all around him. Jesus says to you today, “the Kingdom of God has come near.” He calls you to see the bush that is burning with His presence in your midst. He is showing you He has situated your life on holy ground. And he promises that when you remove your shoes, He will show you the way! This week starts the new summer sermon series “The Life You’ve Always Wanted” “Summer Sundays Alive” Tonight at 6 p.m. we begin our special Sunday summer evening event “Summer Sundays Alive”. The movie “God’s Not Dead” will be shown in the santuary. Mark your calendars for the remaining Sundays in this series: June 28th, July 26th, Aug. 16th and Aug. 30th! Help needed to cook and serve on June 7th at Fairhaven. Sign-up sheets for food are on the bulletin board in the sanctuary and in the hall. Volunteers needed to cut the church lawn this summer. Signup sheet is in the sanctuary. Volunteers needed to complete the list of repairs and cleaning for the spring. Children’s Church will be on “Summer Break” starting June 14th until August ? Fellowship Breakfast on June 14th at 9:30 a.m. Bring a breakfast item to share! Serving Schedule Early Service Greeters Worship Leader Elders Deacons Children’s Church 5/31/15 6/7/15 Tom Conrad John Fulks Clara Jones Elaine Thomas Jim Thomas Rita Snow Ann Stanchina Karen Dills Hannah Colson Cameron Beavers Elnora Howe Marylee Willoby Michelle Willoby Janet Landrum Karen Middleton Missy Colson Arlene Griffin Judy Slayback Nora Lee Shipp Gwen Dills Norma Hedges Janet Howe Dena Johnson Mallory Johnson Abbi Baxter Alissa Baxter Carolyn Thompson Jonathan Creech ELDER OF THE WEEK Home: 428-1249 Elnora Howe Cell: 322-0272 FOLLOW PASTOR BOB ON TWITTER: TWITTER@PastorBobSil DRCC on Facebook! Dry Ridge Christian Church is on Facebook at Facebook.com/dryridgechristian. Make us more visible by going to our page and “like” us. Want to contact us? DRCC office hours: 9am-3pm Wednesday. To contact the church, call 859-823-1303 or email dryridgechristian@insightbb.com To contact or to arrange a visit with Pastor Bob, call 859-351-9585 or email silvanik@twc.com To contact Tom Teater, call 859-492-8330 or email tteater@lextheo.edu Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 31 Scholarship Meeting 2pm “Summer Sunday Alive” 6pm June 1 2 3 AA 10 am 4 5 6 CWF Banquet 7 Fairhaven 4:30pm 8 9 10 AA 10 am 11 12 13 CWF Banquet 14 Fellowship Breakfast 9:30 am 15 16 CWF 7 pm 17 AA 10 am 18 19 20 Wedding 21 FATHER’S DAY 22 23 24 AA 10 am 25 26 27 Full Plate 5-6:30 pm Cane Ridge Day Happy Belated Birthday – May 28th – Nora Lee and Kline Shipp Happy Birthday – June 5th – Steve Thompson Happy Anniversary – June 2nd – Goodloe and Vi McMurtry
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