LAST WEEK Joys Donna had a health scare, but everything is fine. Thankful for the church’s prayers. Craig and Alicia’s meeting with the social worker went well and they are eager to continue the process of adoption. Pastor Matthew Olson (518)658-2868 (home/office) (518)649-5723 (cell) Office Hours: M-F, 7:00am-3:30pm What, me worry? Paula Dibble, Secretary (518)733-0699 (home) Office Hours: M: 3-4:30 pm, F: 9-11 am THIS WEEK Seventh Day Seventh Day Baptist Church Of Berlin 41 North Main PO Box 284 Berlin, NY 12022 (518)658-2868 Baptist Church of Berlin Dealing With Anxiety in a Mad, Mad World MAY 16, 2015 TIME OF MEDITATION CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 107:1-9 (OT, pg. 440) CALENDAR Today CHORUSES CHILDREN’S MESSAGE** *HYMN “There’s Not a Friend” 307 TIME OF PRAYER Praises & Concerns Pastoral Prayer TITHES & OFFERINGS Prayer of Thanksgiving Offertory “Doxology” 572 SCRIPTURE LESSON Exodus 18:13-27 (OT, p. 54) SERMON “Control Your Plate” *HYMN “Whiter Than Snow” BENEDICTION Praise Time, 10:00 a.m. Sabbath Worship, 10:30 a.m. Sabbath School, 11:50 am -12:40 pm SCRIPTURE MEMORY “I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices…” Psalm 16:8-9 SHARE POINT Weekly Mondays YF, grades 3-12, 7-8:30 pm Tuesdays Unchained, 7-8:30 pm Wednesdays Ladies’ Bible Study, 9:30 am Thursdays (2nd & 4th) Men’s Bible Study, 7 pm Events May 15-17 Eastern Association of Seventh Day Baptist Churches, Washington, DC DIRECTORY 386 Choruses: Praise Band Worship Leader: Craig Mosher Children’s Message: Trish Gerstel REFRESHMENTS Youth 5/11: Teresa Zema Church 5/16: Maddison D & Evelyn D **CHILDREN’S CHURCH We encourage family worship where our church family praises God together—from the youngest of children to the oldest of adults. We look forward to the participation of everyone throughout the entire worship service. At the same time, child care is available for children ages 2-8 following the Children’s Message if this is a fit for your family’s worship style and needs.
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