In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your

Serving Jesus, Building His Church
February 15, 2015
Next Week
P Team
Jon O Team
Lorena, Novi, Robyn
Rozine, Esther, Jessica
Children’s Church
Mike S, Rebeca,
Angie, Anna, Linda,
Paulette, Robyn, Katherine,
Scottie, Joseph, Simone
Hall Monitor
Wayne G
Bill K
Welcome & Info
Kwaku, Simone
Deniese, Kofi
Gareth, Clint
Wayne, Olu
R. Campbell
H Team
Food Bank, February 18th: J ar vis, Don, Kim, Winnie
If you do not have access to the
internet, please indicate your request for a
CD on a green card and hand it in at the
Welcome & Information Centre.
Office Hours
Tuesday: 9 am - 1 pm
Wednesday: 9 am - 3 pm
Thursday: 9 am - 1 pm
Friday: 9 am - noon
In God we make our boast all
day long, and we will praise your
name forever.
West Edmonton Baptist Church
Psalm 44:8 (NIV)
Worship Service: 10:45 am - noon
Pastors: Rev. Kim Bauer and Ryan Campbell
Deacons: Wayne Gr einer , Clint Honecker (Chair ), Cyr il Mitr a,
Art Peterson, Phil Richardson and Jhun Sol
Deaconesses: Alyce De Haan, Mar jor ie Ebanks, Cynthia Gor don,
Ruth Richardson, Carol Thomas and Kelsey Wray
Facility Director: Ar t Peter son
Administration: Pr iscilla Ander son, Amanda Lea
17821 98 Ave., Edmonton, AB T5T 4W3
Telephone (780) 489-7714
Fax (780) 443-1283
February 15, 2015
West Edmonton Baptist Church
West Edmonton Baptist Church
February 15, 2015
Thank you for choosing to wor ship the Living God with us!
If you have children up to 35 months old, you are invited to take
advantage of our ably staffed Nursery.
Children ages 3 to grade six will have the oppor tunity to
participate in our Children’s Church program. They will be
dismissed during the Worship Service.
Celebrate with Us!
On Saturday, February 21 at 4:00 pm Art and
Janet will be married at Century Meadows Baptist
Church in Camrose.
Plan to stay on to celebrate and visit with them in the church gym
as they host a light reception immediately following the ceremony.
Please reply to if you will attend.
This Week At WEB
9:30 am
10:45 am
Adult & Teen Choir Practice
Worship Service
7:00 pm
Drop-in Basketball
10:00 am Playgroup
3:00 pm
Food Bank Ministry (until 5:30 pm)
7:00 pm
Ladies PSC
5:45 pm
6:30 pm
Kids Choir
Kidz Club
7:30 pm
WEB Youth @ Galaxyland
Next Sunday
9:30 am
Adult & Teen Choir
10:45 am Worship Service
Please, no gifts. Your presence is a gift to us!
WEB Youth will be going to Galaxyland February
20. Please contact the Church Office for information.
Serious dating, engaged or newly weds - Looking to connect with
people in the same stage of life as you? Please contact the
Church Office for more information.
We are looking for volunteers to help with food bank distribution. The Food Bank Ministry is Wednesdays from 3:00
until 5:30 pm. If you are able to help with this ministry please
contact the Church Office.