February 15, 2015 THE CHURCH AT WORSHIP Welcome & Announcements Bill Davis Congregational Worship “Forever” “Glorify” & “Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord” Children’s Sermon (Children dismissed for Children’s Church) Prayer Congregational Worship “Shine, Jesus, Shine” “We Worship and Adore You” Offering Special Music Sermon – Bill Davis “God Sends Us” Acts 10:23-‐35 Invitation “He Leadeth Me! Oh Blessed Thought” Benediction GETTING PLUGGED-IN AT LAUREL HILL EWOMEN’S CONFERENCE – The EWomens conference this year is in Roanoke on Oct 2-‐3. Early registration has begun and you’ll need to get on the website and purchase your tickets by February 27th if you want the group discount. Pass the code around to others, anyone can use is. The website is ewomen.net and then find the Roanoke conference. Use this code when completing your registration for the discount clevelandlroa15. KISSN - KISSN is an interactive, fast-‐paced abstinence program, designed for ages from middle school to young adulthood. Begins tonight, February 15 and the 22 and March 1 Time: 6:00-‐7:30 p.m. at Laurel Hill Baptist Church. GALS -‐ The"GALS" will be meeting at Kings Daughters Rehab on February 17th at 6:30 for a Hymn sing and fellowship time with residents. This will be on the second floor in main dining room. Then the "gals" will meet at the Dairy Queen for hot chocolate or ice cream cone. See you there!! SENIOR ADULT BANQUET – The Augusta Baptist Association is sponsoring a Celebrating New Life Senior Banquet on March 20 at 6:00 pm at Memorial Baptist Church in Staunton. The cost is $17 per person. Reservations are required by sending in your check payable to ABA Association and mail it to Charlie Downs at 109 Gloucester Court Waynesboro VA 22980 by March 16th or calling him at 540-‐949-‐6752. DEACONS – There will be a deacons meeting on Monday, February 16 at 7:00 pm. PRAYER BLANKETS – Stop by and tie a knot and say a prayer for Ryan and Keri Rankin who lost their baby and Bobbie Howell’s stepfather who lost everything in a fire. NEW KEYBOARD -‐ Thanks to a generous donation, we have purchased a new keyboard that will enhance worship. It is not yet “hooked up” and ready to go, but will be in about 1 week. It will be able to add additional instruments and sounds to the music, and is also just a lot of fun to play and listen to!!! OPERATION INASMUCH – A second planning meeting has been scheduled for February 24 at Laurel Hill Baptist Church. During this meeting, we will begin to identify specific projects and start the process of matching up volunteers with these projects. MISSION TEAM MEETING -‐ There will be a brief meeting of the mission committee after worship this Sunday, February 15. The meeting will start at about 11:45 am in the family room. CHILDREN’S CHURCH WORKERS -‐ Everyone involved with Children’s church is encouraged to attend a meeting this Sunday, February 15 immediately following Worship. The purpose is to introduce some new plans to help improve the Children’s Church Worship experience. A small lunch will be provided. WILLING WITNESS -‐ Dr. Al Peverall, Jr. will lead a training session on how to be a willing witness. The program is sponsored by the Virginia Baptist Mission Board and will help the individual learn “how-‐to’s” of practical faith sharing. The session costs is $20 and includes materials and lunch. Please contact Bill Davis if you are interested in attending this seminar. Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Time: 9:00 am -‐ 3:30 p.m. Place: Enon Baptist Church, Roanoke SOFTBALL-‐ It’s sign up time!!! If your interested in playing softball this year please see Lisa Cleveland. We will combine with Middle River Church again. UPCOMING EVENTS February 15: KISSN program begins for the Youth February 16: Deacon’s Meeting, 7pm February 17: GALS at Kings Daughter Rehab 6:30 February 18: Acteens Febraury 19: Financial Audit Meeting, 6:30pm February 28: Youth clean the church March 29: Uganda Kids Choir, 6:00am April 18: Operation Inasmuch, 7:00am to 1pm June 14-‐18: Vacation Bible School, 6:30-‐8:30 pm PRAYER CONCERNS Rachel Acres-‐Chris Peter’s grandmother, has cancer. Roger Alexander – friend of Charlene McAllister; passed away Mary Jane Ayers-‐ cousin to McAllister family, has extensive cancer. Receiving radiation treatments. Betty Bottenfield-‐Cataracts worse and Blood pressure is high. Knee & back problems; had a normal stress test for heart. Brian Bottenfield – taken to hospital by ambulance on 2/11/15. In AH. Norma Carter-‐Doris Scruggs sister. Recovering from surgery; deciding treatment options for lung cancer. Miles “Cap” Everard –friend and neighbor of Kevin and Ellen Matheny; Has inoperable esophageal cancer. Receiving chemotherapy. Pat Finley – Friend of Charlotte McAllister; breast cancer. Mary Pat and Toby Fleming – family 0f Dave and Barbara Alexander; Southern Baptist missionaries to India. LaVanne Garber – former member; bladder cancer. Brother-‐in-‐ law died. Charles Hall – Cousin of McAllisters; bladder cancer Chuck Hall – Cousin of McAllisters, son of Charles Hall; throat cancer Dottie Hall – Cousin of McAllisters, wife of Charles; bone cancer Mel Hanna – former church member; mother passed away 2/12/15. Arlene Hayslett-‐Glory Millers aunt. Fell and is in hospital in Roanoke on life support. Millie Hendricks – friend of John Hulvey; doing well after open heart surgery; in ICU. Jason Jacobs – friend of Jennifer Hulvey; wife died of cancer, 2 young children. Ellen Matheny,s uncle has cancer in his lung and it is spreading. Larry Miller – Jon & Dwayne’s father; has treatable cancer; will receive chemotherapy and radiation. Jan Nuckoles – Phyllis Western’s sister-‐in-‐law (Joy Hoover’s aunt); her daughter died suddenly 2/1/15. Julian & Eleanor Orrell– Shenandoah Home; stable condition Keri and Ryan Rankin – granddaughter of Brian and Betty Bottenfield; their baby, who was due In March, died In utero on Feb 2. Louise Roadcap -‐ Dave Roadcap’s mother, Kings Daughters Home Tom Ross – released from hospital in FL after having flu and pneumonia. Better. Mary Beth & Sam Snyder– missionaries; in Texas for language school. Granddaughter of Elwood & Betty Meyerhoeffer Martha Strole– Shenandoah Nursing Home Linda Tapia-‐Joy Crickenberger’s great aunt. Has lymphoma James Thomas – stepfather of Bobbie Howell; house burned down on 1/9/15. Four year old relative of Kevin and Ellen Matheny-‐ has rare form of Leukemia. He has been sent to St Jude’s for treatment.. Troops in Afghanistan and their families Pray for our country and our leaders Pray for Israel and persecuted Christians in Iraq & Syria and around the world WHO’S ON DECK FOR TODAY Greeters – John Hulvey & Jeff Cleveland Media-‐ Tammy Lockridge & Harold McAllister Ushers – Bryan Bottenfield, Ernie Clay, Dale Crowe & Steve Riley Nursery – Sunday School – Cindy Roadcap Next Sunday – Pat Fahrney Nursery – Worship – Megan Dull Next Sunday – Tracy & Joy Crickenberger Children’s Church – Megan Dull & Noah CONTACT INFORMATION Laurel Hill Baptist Church 129 Old Laurel Hill Road Verona VA 24482 540-‐248-‐3841-‐Church Pastor – Bill Davis 540-‐560-‐2440 Music Director, Brenda Salcedo www.laurelhillbaptist.org Laurel Hill Baptist Church FEBRUARY 15, 2015
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