(1,1) -1- jan 11 issue - 1 pg.indd 1/8/2015 11:11:09 AM First Family volume 43 • number 2 January 11, 2015 First Baptist Church of Salisbury, North Carolina Ordination Service Sun., January 11 @ 6pm In the Chapel Christian Parenting/ Grandparenting Workshops Wednesdays beginning January 7, 2015 6:30-7:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall January 7 January 14 January 21 January 28 Parents of Children Transition to Youth and Beyond 10 Commandments of Grandparents Questions & Answers Topics include: • Be a Unified Front • Discipline/Managing Behavior • Setting Boundaries/Freedom • Family devotions • Networking with other parents • Approaching the topic of sex • Technology Tithing Envelopes Beginning in February. This 8-week class is a Biblically based, relationship centered, character driven ministry that helps people find dignity, value, and hope in meaningful work which honors and glorifies God and shows the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This community-wide ministry needs volunteers for instructors, mentors, business and church relationship team members. Training is available. Contact Rod Kerr at 704-6330431 or rod@fbcsalisbury.org. Classes Begin Wed., February 4, 2015 Interviews for Potential Students Thurs., January 8 & Thurs., January 15 Contact Rod at 704-633-0431 for further information and to set up an interview. ‘Dress for Success’ Clothes Closet Do you have gently used suits, sport coats, dress shirts, dresses, dress shoes, work boots? We will be collecting items for our Jobs for Life clients for interviewing and work related wear through January 11. Bring your items for men and women to the racks in the Fellowship Hall. All sizes needed. Several of our volunteers will be in the Fellowship Hall before our services to hang the clothes on the racks provided. (Oh, by the way, we need hangers, too!) The 2015 tithe envelopes are now available for pickup outside the library. Members will have new numbers next year. SAVE THE DATE An Evening of Enlightenment 1st Annual Human Trafficking Awareness Gala Saturday, January 10, 2015 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. Historic Rowan Museum 202 N. Main St., Salisbury, North Carolina Tickets are priced as follows: $30 individual - $50 couple - $15 law enforcement, military, teachers For more information, go to www.triadladderofhope.org Reserve Your Tickets Now! Go to: http://tinyurl.com/TLH-GALA-2015 FBC Goal: $35,000.00 Collected: $30,172.83 (1,1) -2- jan 11 issue - 1 pg.indd 1/8/2015 11:10:54 AM Offering Changes Dear Friends, With the arrival of 2015 comes a change in our policy regarding undesignated offerings. It’s a change that I hope you will take seriously and prayerfully. If I fall short in making this change understandable, I hope that you will ask me or our Financial Secretary (Wendy Carlton) for further clarification. The church family has approved that 10% of one’s offering can be designated in the following ways: The Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 100% of your offering to go toward church’s ministry budget “Church Only” Each time you make a contribution with your offering envelope and wish the 10% to go to the SBC or CBF you must mark you choice each time you use the envelope. If you wish for 100% of your offering to go toward our ministry budget, you must mark that choice…each time you use the offering envelope. Here’s the BIG change. Monies that are collected without an envelope or envelopes where no selection has been made are described as “undesignated.” Beginning in 2105, 10% of undesignated monies will be divided equally and given to both the International Mission Board of the SBC and the North American Mission Board of the SBC. Let’s prayerfully consider how the Lord desires His resources to be used, be responsible in making your wishes known by correctly identifying your choices, and continue to be generous givers to the Lord’s work for the Lord’s glory! Peace, Kenneth Mission Opportunities Honduras Mission Trip 2015 Second Act Ministries Gold and Silver Mon., January 12 “Beth Moore” Prevent Child Abuse Rowan Spencer Doll and Toy Museum & Lunch at Emma’s Thurs., February 26 Dutch lunch at Emma’s. Museum cost $7.00, due 2/9/15. Songs and Stories of the Civil War Wingate University Fri., March 27 Dinner at K&W (dutch). Leaving @ 4:30 p.m., Return approx. 11:00 p.m. (note late return). Cost $20.00, due March 9. Spring Time Jubilee April 27-30, 2015 Myrtle Beach, SC This is another week of Southern gospel music, and preaching hosted by Dr. Johnny Hunt (much like the Fall Jubilee). We will also spend an additional night to go to the Carolina Opry. The approximate cost per person is $355.00 (the cost of four meals are not included). $150 deposit due January 26th. If you are interested please call the church office or contact Pastor Lance. The annual mission trip to Honduras is scheduled for July 31 – August 7. Activities include medical, VBS, construction, prayer walking and evangelism. If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact Pete Teague. Knitting Club Resumes Wee Center Registration The knitting and hat ladies will resume weekly meetings beginning January 13. Join us for good fellowship as we knit hats for local school children and other ministries. Over 300 hats have been distributed. Contact Rod Kerr at 704-633-0431 for more information. Registration for the 2015-16 school year will begin Mon., January 19 for 2-yearolds through 5-yearolds. Spots will become open to the public at the end of February. Call Jessica Casey at 704-639-1062. Tues., January 13 1-3 p.m. In the Fellowship Hall Phyllis Byrd ................ January 3, 2015 (1,1) -2- jan 11 issue - 1 pg.indd 1/8/2015 11:11:13 AM JOIN US FOR Spring Beach Retreat - For All Ages Each Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. Caswell May 1-3, 2015 $45 deposits are being collected now. Limited space, so get your reservation in to Rod ASAP. Cost is $145 for the weekend (2 nights lodging, 4 meals and conference fee). Babies ..........................................Rm 132 Creepers ......................................Rm 128 Twos ............................................Rm 127 & 130 Threes..........................................Rm 126 Fours ...........................................Rm 124 Fives ............................................Rm 125 Grades 1-5...................................Third Floor Depot Grades 6-12.................................FMC Rm 111 Agape ..........................................FMC Rm 123 Apocalypse Now .......................Rm 308 College / Young Singles ............FMC Rm 124 Faithful Workers .......................Parlor Emmanuel ..................................FMC Rm 128 Explore the Bible .......................Rm 114 Jeremiah 29:11 ............................Rm 328 Kings Daughters ........................Rm 216 Whitehead Men’s Class ............Whitehead Rm Singled Out ................................FMC Rm 125 Sojourners...................................Rm 115 Summa Petenda .........................Rm 107 Travelers .....................................Rm 117 Choir / Worship Team ..............Choir Room Poor Man’s Supper Sat., January 17 5 p.m. In the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Marc Sanders of Chatham County will be sharing his personal story about Boxes of Hope and how they have impacted many needy children. The supper is free but reservations are needed. Sign up sheet available at greeter station in FMC or contact Joyce (704-636-0061) or Rod (704-6330431) before January 15. A class business meeting will follow the presentation. Widow’s Might Mon., January 19 10:30 a.m. A new beginning -- Visitors please consider joining. Members, thanks for your faithfulness in the past. We will meet at Barbara Thomasons’ home -- call if you need directions, 704-636-5084. Bring a luncheon dish to be shared around noon. FirstServe Forms are available outside Rod’s office Time & Talent Survey The Gospel of John gives us the essence of stewardship when Jesus tells Peter if he loves him, then he should feed his sheep. In this 3-part conversation, our Lord twice uses a verb meaning to feed as in providing sustenance, but the third time he uses a word meaning to care, guide, govern and defend. His message being that it is not sufficient to merely offer the bread of life to the congregation of the Lord, but we must do more. The members of our church have many diverse skills and experiences that collectively are of enormous value to our church and its mission. Please take a moment to provide us with information that will help us to connect you with the outreach opportunities that best fit your skills, interests and schedule. This is not a hard commitment on your part, only a way to let us know a little more about your gifts and where they might be used to serve God’s purpose. Thank you for your willingness to serve the First Baptist Church community. FirstServe Time & Talen t Survey Every disciple needs to express practical ways, their faith in a not only for the ministry. God benefit of others gives us both tale but for our own growth and dev nts and gifts, as well as space Prayerfully rev elopment. and circumstan iew each opportu ces, to live out nity below, kee His love in ping in mind you r personality and your spiritual gift Place an “E” nex s as well as you r time and talents. t to each area in which you 1 Which age gro _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 3 up(s) would you Babies—nursery Preschool Children Youth College have experience Most important . Place an “I” in ly, rank 1-2-3 for your top three inte the areas you find interesting . rests. prefer to work wit ADULTS _____ _____ _____ _____ Single Median Senior Homebound h? 2 At what time _____ _____ _____ _____ Office / Cleric al _____ Office volu _____ Data inpu nteer/receptionist t _____ Bulletin stuffer _____ Mailing s _____ Typing _____ Publicit y/Advertising _____ Supplie s gathering _____ Filing Hospitality _____ Desser ts / _____ Meal Min Baking istry / Christian Ser vice K are you most available? (ch eck all that app ly) Sundays am ______ pm ______ Wednesdays Weekdays Mo rning ______ Afternoon ______ Evenings ______ Saturdays am ______ pm ___ ___ Arts _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Drawing Painting Clay / Pottery Clowning Crafts Drama ______ Set design ______ Costum e ______ Makeup Graphic Arts Painting Puppets Knitting Q Missions _____ Good Neighbor Visitati on _____ Shephe rd’s Pantry _____ Operati on Christmas Chi ld Shoeboxes _____ Appalac hian Coal Country Project _____ Medica l Missions _____ Mission Bible School _____ School Tools Drive _____ Rowan Helping Ministry _____ Meals on Wheels Pregnancy S (1,1) -1- jan 11 issue - 1 pg.indd 1/8/2015 11:10:33 AM Serving THIS WEEK... January 11, 2015 Minister on Call: Russ Robbins, 704-638-0131 Sound: 8:30 - Graham Carlton 11:00 - Chad Kiser Ushers: Wayne Dover, Jay Baker, Ron Bell, Andy Echerd, Wilson Graham, Carl Howell, Bill McCall, Steve Overcash, Johnny Ray, Gary Wood Worship Greeters: Lou Hamilton Sunday School Greeters: Raymond Elliott, Tim Miller, Luke Miller Security Duty: Raymond Elliott, Richard Farrar, Tim Burns Offertory Prayer: Sheila Prevatte Prayer Room Intercessor: 8:30 - Jolette Morrison 11:00 - Terry Ardoin Worship KidStyle: Brian & Shana Hinson Babies: Sylvia Moore, Melinda Burns Creepers/Toddlers: Cathy Kesler, Anna Holman Twos: Jake McDaniel, Robin Powell Threes: April Chandler, Gina Pinyan First Family FINANCIAL REPORT END OF YEAR REPORT December 31, 2014 YTD Budget Gifts................................................................ $1,266,051.39 YTD Budget Goal ............................................................... $1,245,429.64 Over/Under Budget.................................................................. $20,621.75 Men’s Choir on Baptist Men’s Day Sunday, January 18 Rehearsal this Sunday, January 11 after 11:00 worship Calling all men! We will be having a men’s choir in our worship services on Baptist Men’s Day, Sunday, January 18. This is for all men in the church, their sons, and grandsons (middle school and up). We’ll have a short (30-minute) rehearsal immediately following the 11:00 worship service this Sunday, January 11, from 12:15-12:45 pm in the Choir Room. See you there! POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FIRST FAMILY, 223 N. Fulton Street, Salisbury, NC 28144-4223. First Baptist Church of Salisbury, North Carolina CHURCH SUPPER January 14, 2015 Pork Loin Macaroni & Cheese Green Beans Salad • Rolls Dessert Reservations are required. Call the church office, 704-633-0431 by Monday at 4:30 p.m. Meal Cashier: Gail Ice OUR MISSION The purpose of the Salisbury First Baptist family is to intimately know Christ and increasingly make Him known through authentic worship, intentional nurture, spirited fellowship, and compassionate witness in our community and around the world. First Baptist Church 223 N. Fulton Street Salisbury, NC 28144 Phone 704-633-0431 Fax 704-633-0670
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