Newsletter - FBC

(1,1) -1- dec 21 issue.indd 12/16/2014 3:15:46 PM
First Family
volume 42 • number 49
December 21, 2014
First Baptist Church of Salisbury, North Carolina
Christmas Eve
Candlelight Communion Service
Wed., December 24 5:30 p.m.
No childcare available - Your whole family is welcome
There will be one unified service
Sun., December 28 at 11 a.m.
Office Closures
The church office will be closed the following days
in honor of the Christmas and New Year's holidays:
• Wed., December 24 thru Fri., December 26
• Wed., December 31 thru Fri., January 2
There will be no newsletter published next week.
‘Dress for Success’
Clothes Closet
Do you have gently used suits, sport coats, dress shirts,
dresses, dress shoes, work boots? We will be collecting
items for our Jobs for Life clients for interviewing and work
related wear. Bring your items for men and women to the
racks in the Fellowship Hall. All sizes needed. Several of our
volunteers will be in the Fellowship Hall before our services
to hang the clothes on the racks provided. (Oh, by the way,
we need hangers, too!)
FBC Goal: $35,000.00
Collected: $11,563.50
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A Year To Remember
Second Act Ministries
Dear Friends,
With the arrival of Christmas next week, 2014 will soon come to an
end. We can look back and see that God has blessed our church
family in a variety of ways. We have welcomed over 39 new souls to
our congregation. We have met or exceeded every special offering
goal that we have set, improved our facilities to accommodate those
with special needs, and we are now completely debt free! There are
many other ministries and events that I could point to and say that God
has blessed and used us to make Himself known in our community.
So many, in fact, that I fear that I may miss mentioning one that you
were involved in and have a particular interest toward. The most
important thing is that our congregation is unified and focused upon
offering a faithful witness toward our community.
Spring Time Jubilee
SAM is gauging interest in participating in the Spring Time Jubilee
April 27th-30th in Myrtle Beach, SC. This is another week of
Southern gospel music, and preaching hosted by Dr. Johnny Hunt
(much like the Fall Jubilee). We will also spend an additional night
to go to the Carolina Opry. The approximate cost per person is
$355.00 (the cost of four meals are not included). If you are
interested please call the church office or contact Pastor Lance.
Glory to God!
I have no predictions about 2015… except one! God has been
faithful, and I know that He will be faithful to His church in the future. If
we seek God’s heart and mind regarding where and how our witness
should be applied, and if we trust God’s hand to provide what we need
in order to accomplish His work… I believe that 2015 is going to be a
wonderful year. Make that principal personal! Trust God’s hand and
heart in your life and you will find that it will be a year to remember.
Mission Opportunities
Honduras Mission Trip 2015
The annual mission trip to Honduras is tentatively scheduled for the first
week of August 2015. Activities include medical, VBS, construction,
prayer walking and evangelism. If you are interested in participating
or have questions, please contact Pete Teague.
Beginning in February. This
8-week class is a Biblically
based, relationship centered,
character driven ministry that helps people find dignity, value, and hope
in meaningful work which honors and glorifies God and shows the power
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This community-wide ministry needs
volunteers for instructors, mentors, business and church relationship
team members. Training is available. Contact Rod Kerr at 704-633-0431
Jobs for Life Meeting
Mon., January 5 6:30 p.m.
With Rick & Pat Royals from Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh.
Rick has been a JfL business partner for many years and
Pat has been a mentor in the Trinity Church program for
14 years. They will be here to talk about the week by week
operations of this exciting ministry.
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There will be
no business meeting this month.
Tithing Envelopes
The 2015 tithe envelopes are now available for pickup outside the
library. Members will have new numbers next year.
End-of-the-Year Gifts
If you wish to make an end-of-the year gift to the ministry of First
Baptist please remember to do so before December 31, 2014.
All gifts must be postmarked before 12/31/2014. Your prompt
attention will be a tremendous help to our Financial Manager in
making sure that your contributions are up-to-date and can be
reported accurately for tax purposes. Your end-of-the year gift is
also a tremendous help to our ministry and enables us to start the
year financially healthy and ready to meet the many challenges we
face. If you have any questions about the year-end giving, please
speak to Wendy Carlton in the church office.
Singled Out Christmas Party
Sat., December 20 6 p.m.
In the Fellowship Hall
Catered meal: Sliced roast beef au jus, baked chicken breast,
rice pilaf, broccoli florets with garlic, candied yams, roll, dessert,
coffee and tea. Includes Comedienne Aunt Gert.
Give Yourself A Gift
Treat yourself to the Spring Beach Retreat at Caswell on May
1-3, 2015. $45 deposits are being collected now. Limited space,
so get your reservation in to Rod ASAP. Cost is $145 for the
weekend (2 nights lodging, 4 meals and conference fee).
Attention all Singled Out folks...
An Evening of Enlightenment
Your dinner is already planned for you on Sat., January 17th in
the Fellowship Hall. Be there to enjoy at 5 p.m. More details will
follow. Oh did I mention? The dinner is FREE.
1st Annual Human Trafficking Awareness Gala
Saturday, January 10, 2015
7:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Historic Rowan Museum • 202 N. Main St., Salisbury, North Carolina
Tickets are priced as follows:
$30 individual $50 couple $15 law enforcement, military, teachers
For more information, go to
Reserve Your Tickets Now! Go to:
Emails are Needed
Parents, we need the email for your college student
(during school and at home). Please send them to or call the church office. Retreats,
fellowships and mission projects are being planned and we want
to make sure we get the word out!
New Series
Youth/Parents Christmas
Sun., December 21
5-7 p.m.
Brian and Betsy Farmer’s house.
“I Want That Recipe” Cookbook Sale
Now, while supplies last, “I Want That Recipe”
Cookbook (sponsored by the Singled Out Ministry)
is on sale at a special Holiday price of $10. All
proceeds will go to local, regional and global
mission projects. Limited copies are available in
Rod’s office.
Subversive Kingdom: Lessons in Rebellion from the
Parables of Jesus - Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. in FMC Room
124. You may also sign up for events Wednesday night or
Sunday morning with Ron Moose.
Christmas Gathering
Tues., December 23 6:30 p.m. @ Casa Grande
Cost is $5. All college students invited. Call Rod or email rod@
College Pizza Bowl
Fri., January 2 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Woodleaf Lanes
$5 for pizza, drinks, shoes, and two hours of bowling. Contact
Rod or Ron Moose.
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December 21, 2014
Minister on Call: Kenneth Lance, 704-638-3571
Sound: Gary Allen
Usher Team: Philip Spohn, Rodney Burns,
Gordon Correll, Richard Farrar, Charlie Fry,
Brian Miller, Bill Peeler, Stu Stepp, Jeff Vail,
Leo Walton
Worship Greeters: Gail Foltz, Cynthia Correll
Sunday School Greeters: Carl Morner, Glenn
Security Duty: Lynn Hauss, Terry Ardoin, Josh
Offertory Prayer: Mike Hounshell
Prayer Room Intercessor:
8:30 - Scharlene Rabon
11:00 - Mary K Byerly
Worship KidStyle: Brian & Shanna Hinson
Babies: Tam Powers, Barbara Hattaway,
Brenda Chambers
Creepers/Toddlers: Wendy Cato, Ashley
Twos: Ann Heard, Drew Long
Threes: Sonya Perry, Jenny Kizer
for December 14, 2014
This Week’s Gifts to the Budget .............................................. $23,387.78
YTD Budget Gifts................................................................ $1,175,618.14
YTD Budget Goal ............................................................... $1,197,528.50
Over/Under Budget............................................................... $(21,910.36)
New Non-fiction for Check Out:
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream Author David Platt challenges Christians to live as Jesus taught
rather than trying to “manipulate the gospel to fit our cultural
God will Carry You Through - Max Lucado uses the experiences of Joseph to
demonstrate the need for Christians to trust in God to see them through the difficult
challenges of life.
Boundaries in Marriage: Understanding the Choices that Make or Break Loving
Relationships - “Boundaries are the ‘property lines’ that define and protect husbands
and wives as individuals.” Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend teach couples
how to establish those boundaries for a better marriage relationship.
Be the Dad She Needs You to Be: The Indelible Imprint a Father Leaves on His
Daughter’s Life - Kevin Leman shows fathers how to fulfill their responsibility of being
the source their daughter’s impressions of men, which relates to the choices they
make, their self-esteem, and future relationships with men.
POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to FIRST FAMILY, 223
N. Fulton Street, Salisbury, NC
First Baptist Church
of Salisbury, North Carolina
Wed., December 24 - Christmas Eve
Candlelight Communion, 5:30 p.m.
No Activities
There will be one unified service
on Sun., December 28 at 11 a.m.
The church office will be closed the following dates in
honor of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays:
Wed., December 24 thru Fri., December 26
Wed., December 31 thru Fri., January 2
The purpose of the Salisbury First Baptist family is to intimately know Christ and increasingly make Him known through
authentic worship, intentional nurture, spirited fellowship, and compassionate witness in our community and around the
First Baptist Church  223 N. Fulton Street  Salisbury, NC 28144  Phone 704-633-0431  Fax 704-633-0670