Latest Newsletter - Columbus Baptist Association

Columbus Baptist News
“Resourcing a Network of Churches Fulfilling Acts 1:8.”
December 2014
Mission Columbus
Christmas Toy Shop
For unto you is born this day in the city
of David a Savior, which is Christ
the Lord.
Luke 2:11
December 18th & December 19th, 2014
9:00AM— 4:00PM
Columbus Baptist Association
3679 Steam Mill Road
Columbus, GA 31906
This is a yearly project to assist families in providing
gifts for their children. If you would like to help with this
ministry, begin by gathering unwrapped new toys and
delivering them to Mission Columbus, 3679 Steam Mill
Road, Columbus.
For more information, please call David Lix at 706322-7757 or Mike Scrimpshire at 706-322-0357.
Columbus Baptist Association
Secretaries Organization
December 1
JOY Ministries Christmas Party 10AM @ Miles
December 1
Minister’s Prayer & Fellowship @ CBA 11AM
December 1
Pastor/Staff Christmas Luncheon @ CBA
December 2
Job Club 10AM @ CBA
December 8
Minister’s Prayer & Fellowship @ Crystal
Valley Baptist Church 11AM
December 9
CWJCGC Graduation 7PM @ CBA
December 11
Leadership Ministry Team Meeting 10:30AM
December 15
Minister’s Prayer & Fellowship @ Calvary
Baptist Church 11AM
December 18 & 19 CBA Christmas Toy Shop 9AM—4PM
December 18
CoBASO Luncheon @ Lula Marlowe’s home
December 22
Minister’s Prayer & Fellowship @ Schomburg
Road Baptist Church 11AM
December 24—
January 1
CBA closed for Christmas & New Years
Thank you Columbus Baptists for
providing Thanksgiving Dinner for 137
Please join this group for lunch on Thursday,
December 18, 2014 at 12:30PM at the home of Lula
Marlowe, 3724 Maryland Circle, Columbus.
The Mission Project for December is undergarments for Christian Women’s Job Corps. See you
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
November 30—December 7
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of
all nations baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them
to observe everything I have
commanded you. And remember, I
am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:
The Columbus Baptist Association staff would like to wish you all a
very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
Our offices will be closed
Wednesday, December 24 through Thursday, January 1.
Columbus Baptist News
“Resourcing a Network of Churches Fulfilling Acts 1:8”
December 2014
Pastor’s Retreat
Sponsored by the
Columbus Baptist Association
February 16—February 19, 2015
Georgia Baptist Conference Center
Toccoa, GA
Dr. John Bryan—GBC State Missionary,
Cooperative Program, Stewardship &
Mission GA. John has led in many retreats
with pastors and others dealing with
subjects that deal with a full and
meaningful life.
Dr. Steve Parr—Staff Coordinator and
Development—Steve is gifted in
evangelism and will share various
avenues in our personal and church
ministry on making evangelism a major
For more information and cost, and to let them
know you are coming, please call the Columbus
Baptist Association at 706-322-7757.
Scholarships, to honor your service, are available
upon request.
2015 Senior Adult Leadership Conference
February 9-10, 2015
Mabel White Baptist Church
1415 Bass Road, Macon, GA
For more information please email: or call 770-936-5274
David Apple
Starla Harbin
GBC Church Financial Services
Church Financial Compliance Seminar
Monday, January 12, 2015
Columbus Baptist Association
3679 Steam Mill Road, Columbus
Topic: Handling the Church’s Money Correctly & Legally.
For church treasurers, financial secretaries, church staff and
financial leaders.
The seminar will focus on complying with IRS and GA
Department of Revenue regulations concerning handling the
church’s money correctly, designated and love offerings,
governmental budget requirements, treasurer responsibilities,
and church financial policies. Other topics being highlighted
will include discussing church contribution credits, outside
groups using the church’s property, preventing embezzlement
of church funds, bank accounts, and church insurance
Seminar leaders: Dr. Keith Hamilton and Rev. Tony Neal
Join us for an exciting experience of Inspirational
Preaching, Music and Worship as we gather to
celebrate the Gospel and Renew a call to
Evangelism in our state!
Beginning on Monday, February 16, 2015 at
1:30PM through Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at
Piedmont Church
570 Piedmont Road
Marietta, GA 30066
For more information go to: