“Heroes Unite” PRC Walk for Life

“Heroes Unite” PRC Walk for Life
Saturday, October 11th
Registration: 8-8:45 a.m. / Walk: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Columbia Park, 10 Strauss St., Park Hills,
For more information, please see
Donna McMullan.
October 12 is World Hunger Day. We will collect
canned goods and nonperishable items for the
Madison Co. Food Pantry that day.
We will have a silent diaper shower for
Travis & Tiffany Parker
on October 12th and 19th. Gifts may be left in the
boxes marked at the top of the stairs.
October 12th we will attend the evening worship
service and leave immediately following for Kenny
and Sue Alley’s for a bon fire. The bon fire will end at
9:00 p.m. and we will then return to the church.
 We will be going to “The Beautiful Offerings
Tour” at Calvary Temple on October 16th. We
will be leaving at 5:45 p.m. The cost is $10.00.
 Judgment House: October 25th at Potosi
Southern Baptist Church. More details
to come.
October 18th at 5:00 p.m.– Pastor
Appreciation/Church Wide Fish Fry.
The fish, chicken, hushpuppies and
drinks will be provided. Bring a side
dish and let’s show Bro. Tom we
appreciate all that he does for us.
November 9 – Church Wide Thanksgiving
October 12th & 26th at 5:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to join!
WMU: October 13
at 1:00 p.m. Mary Henson will
be leading the program.
There are several items in the lost and found. Please check
the shelf above the coat rack on the landing by the office if
you have misplaced items. If you cannot find your item there,
please see Becky Tucker. Unclaimed items will be donated on
November 1st if not picked up.
The Parkland PRC is currently looking for a Client
Services Coordinator. This is a part time position. For
more information, please contact the PRC.
I would like to express my thanks to the
church for the flowers, also to all who sent
cards, prayed, came to visitation and the
funeral. I want to thank the ladies who
prepared the dinner for our family. First
Baptist is a wonderful family.
Mindy Moore
Welcome Babies!!
Karis Eleanor Weyand
born to Daniel & Heather Weyand
on September 17th at 8lbs. 6oz. and 20.5”
Gemma Rae Bales
born to Kyle & Ashley Bales
October 29 – Fall Party
on October 3rd at 5 lbs. 14 oz. and 19.3”
Bud Branum
Linda Mull
Irene Tesreau
Frosty Brotherton
Charlie Chambers (health concerns)
Corky Colaneri (health concerns)
Leah Ann Govreau (health concerns)
Ilerea Hamilton (health concerns)
Hannah Rehkop (dgt of Jeremy & Lori Rehkop-lymphoma)
Jeanna Tiefenauer (cancer)
Roger & Delores Graham--undisclosed
Stephen & Cheryl Parris--El Salvador
Rob & Sarah Sheldon--Silver Creek, NY
Dan & Lorie Upchurch
Jesse & Wilma Kidd--Retired
Phil & Retha Brewster--Retired
Bill & Elba Womack—Retired
October 7, 2014
In the last year God has blessed
our church with 5 little babies, Curtis Gipson,
Hadassah Thomasson, Kate Sullivan, Karis
Weyand and just last week, Gemma Bales.
Later this month we expect Travis and
Tiffany’s baby girl and in January, Lee and
Jessica’s baby boy will join this group of First
Baptist babies. I hope we are praying for
these little ones and for their parents as they
bring them up to know and follow our Lord,
Jesus. This also puts a little strain on our
nursery workers. So, if you are able, but
haven’t yet volunteered to help in nursery,
give it some thought.
Our Sunday school children’s Christmas
play is now underway. The children seem
excited about their parts and are practicing
every week. I hope to have the program on
December 14th, so set that date aside and be
ready for a great program.
Lastly, I want to encourage you to be
faithful on the Lord’s day. Sunday belongs
to God and we should honor Him on that day
and wait to do our own things. As God
Himself put it, “Remember the Sabbath day
to keep it holy”. With that in mind, we will
see you Sunday!!
Address Service Requested
Maxine Bollinger
Florence Morrow
Lenora Schmidt
Hattie Thal
Allene Moore
First Baptist Church
115 East College
P.O. Box 228
Fredericktown, Mo. 63645
U. S. Postage PAID
Fredericktown, MO 63645
Permit #22
First Baptist
Church - NEWS
Contact Information
Pastor: Tom Johnson
Associate Pastor: Daniel Weyand
Music Director: Erin Sullivan
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (573) 783-6322
Fax: (573) 783-5513
Email: fbcfredericktown@gmail.com
Website: firstbaptistfredericktown.org
Bro. Tom