On The Team "Serving Together to Equip and Enable Churches to make Disciples of Christ from Neighborhoods to Nations for the GLORY OF GOD." VOLUME 41, ISSUE 4 April 2015 “And that He was buried, and that He rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures” BASELA Contact Information website: www.basela.org Dr. Stanley L. Statham Director of Missions Cell: 985-515-4368 domstan@basela.org Ronnie Chiasson Compassion Missionary 985-714-0353 acmronnie@basela.org Kim Gill Ministry Assistant Phone: 985-839-3827 Fax: 985-839-3843 missions@basela.org P.O. Box 581 2116 Washington St. Franklinton, LA 70438 «PASTOR/NAME» «Address» «City», «State» «Zip Code» BASELA PO Box 581 Franklinton, LA 70438 NON-PROFIT Organization U.S. Postage PAID Franklinton, LA Permit No. 5 Baptistassociations Southeastlouisiana (Search as one word) Rev. Mike Shumock, Moderator shumockdad01@aol.com Rev. Darryl Miller, Vice Moderator brodarryl@msn.com Rev. Don Meadows, Pastor’s Conference President TLCkentwood@aol.com Pray for our churches without a pastor: Two Rivers Chappapeela Greenlaw Lewiston Line Creek New Zion Pleasant Hill Westview April 13th Red Bluff Baptist Church 10:30 am **Executive Board Mtg. William Wallace Bluff Creek Galilee Refuge Worship Center Sandy Creek Enjoy free breakfast with hot coffee, biscuits, and sausage near a warm fire at the newly built gazebo. Message by Dr. Gibbie McMillan Music by “Lori” and the “By Faith” Singers Please bring lawn chair. Call the park at 985-229-8595 for more information. Senior Adult Day Camp Living Waters Tuesday, April 14th We will start at 10:00 am with a great time of fellowship, information, prizes and worship. We will hear a special message just for senior adults. Then a great Living Waters lunch to further enjoy the fellowship together. Our speaker is Dr Gary Dennis, Pastor of Old Zion Hill Baptist Church. Cost is $10 per person and includes Lunch. Washington Highland Mt. Pisgah SBC Varnado Sunny Hill EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE INSPIRATION PARK Kentwood, LA April 5, 2015 7:00 am Page 2 You can register at www.camplivingwaters.net or Email: brokeith@camplivingwaters.net or call at 985-345-1831 We look Forward to having you with us! Cost: $6.00 per person (Lunch included) New Zion Baptist Church 3841 Hwy 38 W Kentwood, LA 70444 Registration at 8:00 am Event begins at 9:00 am Entry forms are available at the BASELA office. For more information, call Aubrey McMillan at (985) 514-0044 Rev. Paul Watts, Moderator fbcpaulwatts@gmail.com Page 3 Rev. Chad Jenkins, Vice Moderator preacherdawg@bellsouth.net Rev. Tony Hicks, Pastor’s Conference President tony@cliftonbaptistchurch.org April 20th BASELA office 10:30 am ** Executive Board Mtg. Administrative Team Meeting Monday, April 13th 3:00 pm BASELA office Franklinton Area Senior Adult Reconnect Conference “Reconnect with: God, The Word, Prayer, Missions & Ministry” May 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th Devotional Thought: Learning to live out "The Lord's Prayer" (Part 1 of 3) Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven...(Matthew 6:9a ESV) Before we can truly pray in earnest and with pure hearts we must first understand a few things. In the first part of Matthew 6:9 we find the phrase "Our Father in heaven", this phrase recognizes relationship. Our relationship to God is a Father/Son relationship in which God is the Father, this implies that God is the authority. In order to have an effective prayer life we must first recognize God is totally in control of all things... Next month we will see three things that we must accept from heaven to earth in order to have God-centered and spiritually effective prayer lives. - Pastor Shadd Pittman, Thomas First Baptist Church & Prayer Team Leader (WBA) Washington Baptist Association would like to congratulate Ben Fussell, pictured center. He recently received the Freddie Arnold Lifetime Achievement Award in Disaster Relief. Bro. Ben serves as the Team leader for Disaster Relief for the association. Pictured left is Dr. Gibbie McMillan and on the right is Freddie Arnold. WASHINGTON PARISH FOOD BANK MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY AT LAST It's planting time in Washington Parish. If you are a gardener like me, and I know many of you are, there is always extra produce when the crops come in (you know, like the squash and cucumbers!). If you are willing to bring your excess crops by the food bank, we would love to have them. The folks who come to the food bank would really appreciate getting your extra fresh fruits and vegetables. So please think about this and pass this idea along to other local gardeners that might not know about this program. Questions, call Trinity Church or come by the food bank (located 2009 Main St., Franklinton) on the morning of April 1st and ask for Debbie. For more information, call 8393705. THANKS for considering this community volunteer opportunity. www.facebook.com/WashingtonParishFoodBank Rev. Tony Hand, Moderator machtd@aol.com Rev. Clark Fooshee, Vice-Moderator papafoosh@gmail.com Rev. Jim Gross, Pastor’s Conference President jimjo1965@gmail.com April 6th Feliciana Baptist Church 10:30 am **Executive Board Meeting Date April 4th 11th 18th 28th Group FBC Wilson Open Forum Providence #1 Redwood Page 4 Senior Adult Day Judson Baptist Retreat Center Tuesday, April 28th 8:45 am—until Global Maritime Ministries & BASELA Partnership There are still dates open if your church would like to volunteer. Please contact the BASELA office at 985-839 -3827 if you would like to volunteer. Ministry Schedule: April 5, 2015: Bro. Stan & Volunteers May 3, 2015: Osyka Baptist Church, MS June 7, 2015: open July 5, 2015: Palestine Baptist Church August 2, 2015: open September 6, 2015: open October 4, 2015: East Fork Baptist Church November 1, 2015: open December 6, 2015: open The Credentials Committee from William Wallace Association met with Pastor Jay Avance, seated right, who serves First Baptist Church Baker. FBC Baker has petitioned William Wallace to join the association. We look forward to working with FBC and Bro. Jay. Please pray for the Credentials Committee and FBC Baker as we move through the process.
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