Sharing God’s Love in the Heart of the City First Baptist Church of Silver Spring 9727 Georgia Avenue ▪ Silver Spring, MD 20910-1458 ▪ 301-754-1100 ▪ Multi-national, -cultural & -generational, united in Christ to worship, grow & serve Volume 58 No. 19 October 12, 2014 MOVING FORWARD O n Sunday, October 5, 2014, the congregation adopted the revised building plan for our new facility and empowered the Trustees to obtain a mortgage of up to one million dollars. The meeting took place in less than 5 minutes. If you’re tempted to question the validity of such a short meeting for such a monumental decision, don’t forget to consider the amount of information that has been given over the past two months in two Saturday morning sessions as well as in other congregational settings and in the Tie Line. The congregation owes Tom Peddicord, Jim Reed, the Church Council, and the Trustees a huge debt of gratitude for their diligent work with the architect and developer to scale down our original dream of a 45,000 square foot building to the present facility of about 30,000 square feet but with adequate space for all current activities of the three congregations and some room for growth. And, on top of that, to follow the details of negotiation about cost and contract and then relay that to the congregation in open meetings with prepared handouts and computer visuals. Each meeting brought the congregation on board with all the development details so that the decision reached on October 5 was with full knowledge of what had been done and awareness of what still must be done. Now we move forward! Our lawyer is currently drafting OUR version of the final contract amendment which will be sent to the developer by October 10. Their lawyer will review it with their management team before we engage them to negotiate the form to be signed so that work can begin. Once the contract is signed, the developer will move forward to obtain the permits for abatement of the asbestos, demolition, then the start of excavation and building. It is likely that by next spring you will be able to see the foundation work on the retail/residential complex as well as for our new building. Then, a year later, the structure for our building will begin to rise. Our dream will start to come true. We certainly have much to praise God for! For the past decade, we were like the children of Israel in the desert! There was little cause for joy and much reason for doubt! It was not easy to see the hand of God in the change of developers, the economic downturn, the efforts of some members from the Silver Spring Historic Society, resistance of neighbors, and the slow pace of government procedures. We did not rejoice as we buried church member after church member who had greatly anticipated the new The Tie Line ▪ October 12, 2014 ▪ Page 2 building. We who remain prepare to move forward with the new facility to pass on to another generation who will continue to carry out God’s work in downtown Silver Spring for decades to come. Being part of the Dreamers and Builders has been an adventure! Being able to shape a future that will long outlive us has been frightfully exciting! But doing it with God at the helm has been an experience of faith, hope and love! I hope you have taken time to see that God has been with us and never failed us! Great is our God!!!!! Pastor Mac HARVEST PARTY Women In Action are sponsoring a Harvest Party for children on Saturday, October 25, in Montgomery Hills Baptist Church’s Fellowship Hall from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult. To sign up or for more information, contact Rayness Mayne at 301.592.0170 or Donna Snowden at 301.257.7967. The church is located at 9727 Georgia Avenue. Enter the parking lot from Forest Glen Road. CONTRIBUTING TO FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Your tax-deductible contributions to the church may be received three ways: Placing cash and checks in the offering plate on Sunday morning; ONLINE BILL PAY: You may contribute electronically through your bank’s ONLINE BILL PAY feature. The funds are withdrawn from your bank and sent to the church in the form of a paper check. You will need to check with your bank to see if there are any fees associated with this type of transaction. CYBER GIVING: You may contribute electronically through the church’s website, by clicking the Online Giving button. After setting up your personal profile, you may choose either to contribute a specific amount on a regular basis or make a one-time contribution. The fees associated with this transaction will be paid by the church so 100% of your contribution is deposited into the church’s account. Building Fund Contributions (as of September 21): $305,338.68 OCTOBER IS NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. The good news is that many women can survive breast cancer if it is found and treated early. A mammogram – the screening test for breast cancer – can help find breast cancer early when it’s easier to treat. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to raise awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Make a difference! Spread the word about mammograms and encourage communities, organizations, families, and individuals to get involved. The Tie Line ▪ October 12, 2014 ▪ Page 3 WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY GROUPS Mondays 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays Fridays 7:20 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Sundays 10:00 a.m. 10755 McGregor Dr., Columbia 301-307-0021 Led by Don Keuch, Bill Kreitlow, Bob Holt Online Bible Study (using Google Hangout) 9727 Georgia Ave. (Montgomery Hills Baptist) 301-221-2607 Led by Sharon Husic, Rayness Mayne @ Takoma Park Community Center KUDOS FOR THE ABW WOMEN’S DAY OBSERVANCE Thanks to everyone who helped on the occasion of the celebration of ABW Women’s Day September 21, 2014. Thanks to Pastor Mac for the script especially on the litany of those faithful women of biblical times, and for getting Rev. Dr. Copeland-Tune; to Valeria and the Women’s Ensemble; Abe Joseph for providing rehearsal space, Rosemary Piercey for assisting in getting the flowers and just about everybody who contributed no matter how small. From the feedback folks were spiritually blessed, so let us “Go forward in the service of our Lord.” Sincerely, Rayness Mayne DC BAPTIST CONVENTION ANNUAL GATHERING Monday, October 27 – Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at Clifton Park Baptist Church 8818 Piney Branch Road Silver Spring MD 20903 “The joy of the Lord is our strength.” Nehemiah 8:10 On Monday afternoon there will be a Ministry Summit (four concurrent sessions for senior pastors, associate pastors, and staff ministers); the Older Adult Ministries Convocation will present “Expressing God’s Joy through Music and Dance” with Minister Terry Carter. A continental breakfast will be provided at no cost to participants on Tuesday, October 28 at no cost to participants at 9:15 .m. Tuesday afternoon will consist of workshop sessions, such as “Be Whole;” Strength-based strategic thinking and planning; congregational renewal/transformation; “The Wireless Church: Technology for the 2014 Church;” bearing the burdens of Christian life, to name a few. There is NO COST for attendees of the Annual Gathering. You will receive a copy of the Annual Meeting program and access to all business meetings, plenary session, and worship services. For more information: 202-265-1526. If you would like to attend as one of First Baptist’s voting delegates, please let the Pastor or Jerry Orrell know as soon as possible so that your name may be submitted and the church pays your registration fee. Upon arrival you will receive a copy of the 2013 Book of Reports, an Annual Meeting program and name badge and have access to all activities. Meal reservations (Monday dinner, Tuesday lunch, Tuesday dinner) and payment are due by Friday, October 17. Youth Flash Mob & Choir We want all youth who sing, dance or play an instrument to join in! Students ages 12 to 21: With a few rehearsals during the month of October, we will put on a show that will inspire "shock and awe" to all the attendees. Send names and contact info to Rev. Maureen Freshour, In addition, we are putting together a Multi-Church Youth Choir to perform during the service on Tuesday, October 28. Please call DCBC or email if you are interested or know a young person who might be interested in participating. The Tie Line ▪ October 12, 2014 ▪ Page 4 Montgomery Hills Baptist Church: NO PARKING Sunday evening (October 12); all day Monday (October 13) due to driveway repairs. If you plan to come into the building, please make alternate parking arrangements. NOTE: If it rains on Sunday or there is a strong threat of precipitation Sunday /early Monday morning, the work will likely have to be rescheduled. 1 4 7 11 13 14 15 Jeanne Byrd David Joseph Jim Doolittle John Orr Jacqueline Robertson Charles Crowder, Jr. Todd Guise Carrie Nottingham Sara Reed 15 18 19 23 24 27 28 Michelle Robinson Gay Jackson Bruce Dutch Douglas Hooper Lisa Mutooni Charlotte Peddicord Merlene Horan Robert Seaton OCTOBER 2014 MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:20 p.m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 1:30 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 10:00 a.m.- Noon 11:00 a.m. Young Adults @ 10707 Amherst Avenue Bible Study @ 10755 McGregor Dr., Columbia Online Bible Study (using Google Hangout) @ MHBC Handbells Sanctuary Choir @ MHBC Bible Study @ MHBC Food Closet (Team B) Women in Action @ 1412 Woodside Parkway SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 @ Takoma Park Community Center 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Quarterly Business Meeting 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Worship Service 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Children’s Bible Study SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 @ MHBC 10:00 a.m. – Noon Food Closet (Team C) 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Children’s Harvest Party Ministers and Staff Duncan McIntosh, Proclamation Eric Walters, Associate Pastor Gareth Murray, Associate Pastor Marcellus Breach, Organist Valeria Foster, Worship & Administration, TL Editor Rosemary Piercey, Celebration Ringers Jerry Orrell, Administrative Assistant Jennifer Martin, The Tie Line Barbara Williams, Webmaster, Media Center Bill Smith, Listserve Moderator
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