The Midweek Second Baptist Church 525 N 58 th Street — Lincoln NE 68505-2304 Phone: 402.464.8398 Fax: 402.464.8399 E-Mail: Web: A Word From Pastor Steve "For we are God's worksmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10 Imagine a workplace where the president of the company works for the employees on the production line. The president or CEO arrives in the morning and sits in the briefing room with the employees to take their direction. One employee says, "Today I want you to do my hardest work for me. When I come to a certain point in my assembling of the product, I will go on break and you come down from your plush office and finish it for me." Another tells the president, "I want you to buy my lunch today in the company cafeteria." Another says, "Will you double my salary?" Yet another employee speaks up demanding a shorter work day so she can go grocery shopping on the way home from work when the traffic is less busy. It seems kind of silly, doesn't it. Employees demanding that their corporate boss conform to their wishes and demands. Isn't that what we often do when we pray to God in heaven? He created us and made us his children, but we often pray like God is a gloried butler. We think He is there by our side to do what we demand. That's fine because God does promise to answer our prayers. Even a good corporate president listens to the concerns of the workers. However, when the tables are completely turned, we tend to believe that we are entitled to service. Somehow, the kingdom of God is there to do our bidding. Paul reminds the readers that we are workman ordained by God to do good works. We have a task before us and the Bible is clear to lay out the details of that task. Are we listening? Are we only interested in our prayers being answered, or are we also interested in being a true workman for the kingdom? What calling has God placed on your life? In Him, Pastor Steve October 23, 2014 OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm (not open over noon hour) CHURCH STAFF Senior Pastor: Rev. Steve Wisthoff 402.430.8308 Director of Music: Michael Kitt Accompanist: Kay Byers Secretary: Luann Gorgen Child Care: Becky Brennfoerder Custodian: Kimberly Brick INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Upcoming Events pg. 2 News You Can Use pg. 2 Ministry Partners pg. 3 Prayer Focus pg. 3 But seriously... pg. 4 Worship Volunteers pg. 4 Page 2 The Midweek Weekly Activities at SBC Sundays Childcare available from 9:15 am to end of Worship (age 6 weeks thru Pre-K) 9:00 am – Prayer Time (Lounge) 9:30 am – Sunday School for all ages (Preschool – Adults) 10:45 am – Worship Service – Children’s Church (not on 1st Sundays) Mondays 12:15 pm – Capitol Prayer (14th & K) 8:00 pm – A.A. (Fellowship Hall) Wednesdays 10:00 am – Adult Bible Study (Multi-Purpose Rm) 11:00am – Women’s Prayer & Share Time (following Bible Study) (Lounge) Wednesdays during September - May only: 6:00 pm – Fellowship Dinner (FH) $3.00 donation per person suggested 6:30 pm – Adult Bible Study (FH) – Handbell Choir Rehearsal (Sanc) 7:15 pm – Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanc) Saturdays 9:00 am – A.A. – Women Only (Lounge) See articles for all other happenings! Upcoming Events AB/Women’s Fall Retreat – Weekend of October 24 - 26 at Moses Merrill Camp & Conference Center. All women and their friends are invited to this spiritual retreat, put on by ABW/NE. Sunday, November, 2nd — Daylight Savings Time ends. Set your clocks back 1 hr. Monday, November 3rd, 7:00 pm – Trustee Bd. Mtg. – Multi-purpose Rm Wednesday, November 5th ,12:00 pm – ABW Luncheon – FH Friday, Nov. 7th, 9:30 pm – Church Women United. Activities are at Christ United Methodist Church. Saturday, November 8th, 8:00 pm – AB Men’s Breakfast – FH Looking Ahead . . . (mark your calendar) 11-12 —Diaconate Mtg 8:15 pm (Multi-Purpose room) C.E. Bd Mtg 8:15 pm (lounge) 11-18 — O’Tillie Pechous Circle 1:00 pm (lounge) 11-19 — Ex Bd Mtg 8:15 (Multi-Purpose Room) 11-20 — Alice Findlay Circle 9:30 am ( Home of Joyce Howe) Potato Bake – Friday, October 24th from 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm at Belmont Baptist Church, 3424 N. 14th Street. Baked potato with all the trimmings, salad, pie and beverage. Adults – $6.50 ,Children under 12 – $3.50. Take out available. All children and their families are invited to join us for an afternoon at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch on Sunday, Oct. 26. Meet at the church at 1:45 for a 2:00 departure. Cost will be $5 per person or a maximum of $20 per family to attend. Come and have a fun time with us! Moses Merrill Camp & Conference Center Holidays with the Merrill’s, Nov. 15th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Free Admission. Lunch Served 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. Homemade Soup & Pie, kids menu too. Adults – $7, Kids (4-7) $3 All proceeds benefit summer camp for kids. FOOD FOR THOUGHT News You Can Use In addition to doing things better, do better things. Second Baptist Church will be 125 years old in 2015. Laughter is the sound of heaven. If you would like to help co -ordinate and delegate a There is nothing stronger in the celebration, please contact WallisAnn world than God’s love. Blunt – 402-613-2772. Prayer Focus Our Missionaries & Our National, State, & Local Leaders General – Our church (SBC), Samaritan’s Wheels, Missionaries, Persecuted church around the world Health – Shaun Blunt (Curtis’ son), WallisAnn Blunt, Bob & Gretchen Bridges, Joe Daugherty (Marge’s brother-in-law), Diana Hodge, Michael Kitt, Sue (Waldron) Koenig, Arel Lewis, Lorrisa Roepke (Marilyn Waldron’s great-niece), Gary Samples, Leslie Samples (Gary & Linda’s daughter), Don Schleining, Sara Maruna (Lew Baker’s aunt) Grief – Edgar Stillwell, grandfather of Chris & Becky Brennfoerder Physical Therapy – Enid Schreier Hospice – Luetta Peterson (Alice Eastman’s sister) Ongoing – Destinee Juber, Andy Siedband (in Japan) Homebound – Mary Chase, Marge Covert, Raeleen Formanek, Lois Papke, Irma Trott, Leland Willett Serving In the Military – Troy Froistad (Sally VanZandt’s grandson), Adam Tyler Hill (Hill’s grandson), Tim Morris (Marge Daugherty’s nephew) We have an updated website, and a new website address! Check us out at Ministry Partners Tailgate Straight! – Satur- day, November 15th, one (1) hour before the Huskers kickoff, at The Bridge, 721 K Street. Plan to join their staff and clients for their annual chili contest and sober tailgate party! Watch the Huskers play at Wisconsin on TV, enjoy food and tailgate fun! This is a great way to get to know our partners in ministry, for which we provide clients rides to medical appointments through our Samaritan’s Wheels ministry. Starry Nights Christmas Tree Festival for People’s City Mission At Pinnacle Bank Arena Friday, Nov. 7th — Adults only, dress up evening. Saturday, Nov. 8th , 10th, & 11th — see brochure on bulletin board in the Gathering place . Page 3 The Midweek Community Needs Northeast Food Pantry: canned vegetables Matt Talbot: For serving our monthly meals—Cake mix, Frosting, Red jello, monetary donations People’s City Mission: winter clothing Items can be dropped off in the designated baskets under the table in Reminder Even though the GARAGE SALE is months away, start saving all types of computer cables, electrical cords (can be cut off of broken appliances), Christmas light strings (with bulbs removed), and put them in the designated box in the Foyer. Also, any item, large or small, can be picked up and stored for next year's Big One. To make arrangements, call Debbie Boltz at 402.430.7569. Every bit helps— turn in all scrap metal so we can out-do the 318 pounds recycled this year. Thank You!!! Thank you for the cards & prayers during this time of grief. The family of Richard Schwarzenbach Van Ministry Rides to church are available on Sundays. If you need a ride, contact the church office by noon on Fridays. Midweek Schedule Thursdays: ? Nov. 6 ? Nov. 20 Articles are due by NOON on Tuesday of above weeks. Church events/ changes to the calendar are due by the 15th of the month before the event occurs. Second Baptist Church 525 N 58 th Street Lincoln NE 68505-2304 Address Service Requested Page 4 The Midweek Worship Volunteers PASTOR (DO NOT SHOOT) But Seriously . . . October is Pastor’s Appreciation Month. Please share a personal word, send a card or note, or in some way be a blessing to Pastor Steve, Grace, and Stephanie during this month of October (and the coming year), for their ministry here at Second Baptist. October 26: Ushers – King Little, Tyler Pope, Mickey Waldron, Terry Weber Greeters – LeAnna Carr, Sally Van Zandt Worship Leader – David Shaw Scripture Reader – Myron Pudwill Children’s Church – Terry Weber, Hannah Perry November 2: Ushers – Curtis Blunt, Dean Lobsinger, Ron Schwarzenbach, Terry Weber Greeters – Donna Caricaburu, Glenys Tabor Worship Leader – David Shaw Scripture Reader – Marilyn Waldron Communion Servers – Kathy Krogh, David Shaw, Connie Sauer, Judy Martin
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