THEWEEKLY Welcome To Main Street! Thanks for choosing to worship with us today. For information about our Church please go to the Welcome Centre in the foyer. Following our morning worship service, please join us for a social time in Raymond Hall (right behind the sanctuary). A nursery for babies and toddlers is available at all worship services. Children age 4 through Grade 5 may leave for their SonCity program when the slide appears on the screen. TAB IT - If you want to communicate anything with the pastoral staff, please use the tab on the side of the bulletin. Fill it in, tear it off and put it in the offering plate! We look forward to hearing from you. Child Dedication We will be having a Child Dedication service on Sunday April 14th. If you are interested please speak to Pastor Rob, or fill out a tab and put it in the offering plate. Giving by Debit we are pleased to be offering debit as another option for giving at Main Street. This opportunity will be available after both morning services. Thank You for Your Faithful Giving Our Church Missions Last Week 12,230 1,472 Greater Things Capital Last Week 5,311 Easter 11,339 Weekly Budget 13,382 1,231 Giving To Date 138,758 16,313 2013 Giving 72,820 Budget To Date 183,966 16,003 Total to Date 1,642,714 12,094 ° ° ° This Week At Main Street Equipping For Change—April 21, 2013—As we aim to be a community that welcomes our city to our church, volunteers and those interested in volunteering are invited to “Equipping for Change”. On Sunday, April 21 we’ll discuss your area of ministry and tour our new facility on Forbes Drive. By the end of this day, you as a volunteer will be ready to welcome our city and will be able to answer any questions of someone walking into our new site for the first time. This is an essential day for all our volunteers to be ready for our move to Forbes Drive. Pre-registration is required for this event. Registration is open after the services today as well as on our website. Sunday, April 7th 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:10 a.m. Sunday School 11:10 a.m. Worship 2:30 p.m. 中文青年团契 Chinese Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Creative Teams 6:30 p.m. J-Walkers Youth 7:30 p.m. 中文查经班 Mandarin Bible Study @ the Tong’s Easter Offering Our Easter Offering will go toward the purchase of nice chairs for our new Worship Centre on Forbes Drive. We want to provide welcoming and comfortable seats for our regular attenders and guests. The cost of each chair is approximately $40 and we will need around 500 chairs. We are over halfway there, would you consider purchasing one, two, or maybe a row of chairs, so we could provide our guests with comfortable seating in our new Worship Centre? Tuesday 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Helpers Needed We are looking for people who are able to help do some cleaning at Forbes Drive. We need about 20 helpers on Saturday April 20th who can sweep, clean windows and dust. We will also need some shop-vacs and extension chords. If you are able to help please signup in Raymond Hall today or speak with Pastor Joe. BLOG: Pastor Rob has started a blog on the new church website. Take some time to check it out and also leave some comments. The family of Dr. Sandee Hicks-Moore would like to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone for their kindness, support and prayers shown them when Sandee was ill and when she passed away. Craft & Bible Study Hope Mission Transformers (Middle School youth) Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Staff Devotions 6:15 p.m. Worship Team 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Thursday 10:30 a.m. Friday 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Morning Bible Study Hope Mission “JOY” - Raymond Hall 中文祷告会 Mandarin Prayer Meeting at the Tong’s Attendance Last Week Easter Worship: 634 April 7th, 2013 TALK BACK Rob Nylen – Senior Pastor ° ___________________ Name ___________________ Phone Renée Embree – Associate Pastor Joe Page – Worship Pastor John Knight – Community Outreach Pastor ___________________ °°° Main Street WEEKLY eMail Melissa Hetherington ___________________ Address Children's Mobilizer I am: ☐ New to Main Street ☐ An occasional attender ☐ A regular attender Area of interest: ☐ meet with a pastor ☐ discuss Christian Life ☐ Join a Life Group ☐ ways to serve/connect ☐ baptism ☐ membership Caitlin Corkum Hospitality Co-ordinator Norine Long – Administrative Assistant Main Street Church 211 Main Street Saint John, NB E2K 1H7 How can we serve you? °CONTACT US 506.642.8060 ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ On-line MainStrChurch ___________________ °°° °Celebrate °Connect °Contribute
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