MAY 24, 2015 10:45AM WORSHIP (MEMORIAL DAY 2015) Remembering our Fallen Heroes....................................................God is Nigh Welcome...............................................................Jeff Neelands, Associate Pastor Worship..........................................................................................Holy Holy Holy I See the Lord Prayer.................................................Colby Coren, Worship & Creative Arts Pastor Worship Choir.........................................................I Can Pray (Cheryl Coren, Alto) Worship...................................................................................Worthy of Worship We Fall Down Message......................“Lord How Long?” God Replied, “Until...” (Isaiah 6:1-13) Response.......................................................................Take My Life & Let It Be Closing Prayer TAKING THE NEXT STEP Are you ready to take the next step on your walk of faith? We want to join you on your journey. To speak with one of our staff members about how God is working in your life, make a note on a CARE card (located in the pews) and place it in the CARE boxes or offering plate today. A staff member will contact you this week to set up a time to meet with you and talk about your next steps. WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE 10:30: Prayer Time with Pastor Jeff 11:00: Spiritual Simplicity with Pastor Jeff (Fellowship Hall) 5:30-6:15: Wednesday Night Meal 6:30-7:30: Preschool, Children, & Youth Activities CARE Ministry (Library) Adults: Spiritual Simplicity with Pastor Jeff (Room 315) The Gospel Project with Pastor Brent (Room 308) WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL MENU (FINAL MEAL BEFORE SUMMER SCHEDULE) Make Reservations before Tuesday at Noon by calling the church office or filling out a CARE card today and dropping it in the CARE boxes at the end of service. Menu: Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast, Yellow Rice, Green Beans, & Roll Kids Entrée: Chicken Nuggets UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS • Deacon’s Meeting: This Afternoon @ 4:30. Pastor’s Study. • Softball Game: 5/26 (6pm Field #8) • Worship Choir: Wednesday Night @ 7:30. Worship Center. DEACONS ON CALL: David Jones (828.329.1006) • Eric Gillespie (828.505.1675) May 2015 Missions Focus: Open Arms is a non-profit, Christ-centered, nondenominational organization designed to meet the needs of women and teens who require pregnancy support in Hendersonville, North Carolina, and its surrounding counties. The center is manned by volunteers and an executive director who consults with professionals such as doctors, lawyers, psychologists, clergymen and social workers. Clients are also referred to other community agencies as needed. The essence of this ministry is love; the aim is to support and guide; the purpose is to serve God and preserve life. How Can We Help?! Through the month of May we will be collecting diapers in sizes 3, 4, and 5’s for Open Arms. We have set a goal of 3000 diapers to be collected by the end of the month. This is going to be a friendly competition between the men and the women. The winner will be revealed Wednesday, June 10th by Colby or Lindsey. The losing team (men or women) will have to spray their hair the color of winning teams choosing. Drop off diapers in the respective cribs in the overflow of the sanctuary by May 31. See Denise Williams with any questions. FBC TSHIRT ORDERS • ORDERS THORUGH MAY 31ST Have you ever wanted to wear one of the trendiest shirts around?! Now’s your chance! Sign up sheets are located on the blue board in the hallway. Payment can be placed in the offering and designated as “t-shirts”. EVEREST VBS VOLUNTEER SIGN UP & REGISTRATION In just a few months, our church will be getting a mountain makeover! On our adventure we need lots of volunteers who can give some time, energy, and love! See Lindsey or check out Facebook to sign up. CHURCH OFFICES CLOSED • TOMORROW Church offices will be closed tomorrow in observance of Memorial Day. In the event of an emergency, call the church line and listen for the emergency phone number. Church offices will open at 9:00 on May 26th. BENEVOLENCE OFFERING • MAY 31ST Sunday, May 31st, we will collect our quarterly benevolence offering. Your gift allows us to partner with Interfaith Assistance Ministry to provide emergency funding to those in our community in need. HIS KIDS GRADUATION CEREMONY • JUNE 3RD Join us Wednesday, June 3rd @ 6:30pm as His Kids students lead in a time of worship and celebration. We will finish the night celebrating our graduates who will enter kindergarten next year! We hope to see you there! 2227 Spartanburg Hwy. E Flat Rock, NC 28726 • 828.692.0765 • • • Brent Thomas, Senior Pastor (336.339.1747)
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