June 7, 2015 We are so grateful that you have chosen to worship with us today. At Parkway we are committed to providing a warm and safe place of worship for those who are hungry for a closer walk with God. If today is your first time to worship with us, we extend a warm welcome and invite you to worship with us again soon! Parkway Christian Academ y Parkway Christian Academy (PCA), a ministry of Parkway House of Prayer, is committed to excellence in all areas of student growth. In order to enhance our programs and provide the best education to our students, PCA is currently accredited by AdvancED/SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools) and by Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). The mission of the school is to “equip kids for College, Career, and Christ!” Proverbs 1:7 indicates that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge”. All learning must be integrated from this starting point and is meaningful only in the context of man’s acknowledgement of God’s existence. PCA is accepting enrollment for the 2015/2016 school year for three years old through 12th grade. Please contact Jane Huff at 540-982-2400 for more information. Pastor Dave Calhoun Guatemala Trip Needs Pastor Dave & Sybil Calhoun will lead a medical mission’s trip to Comitancilo, Guatemala leaving June 12th. They still need children and adult flip-flops, children and adult vitamins, and Tums. If you can help out, please bring the items by Wednesday, June 10th, and give them to Pastor Dave. The team will be commissioned during the service. VBS - Meeting Monday, June 15 th @ 6p.m. Our team is starting to come together, but we still need supplies donated and more volunteers. We will need snacks for each night and supplies for crafts donated. Also, we are looking for some creative people willing to help build sets. Our second meeting is Monday, June 15th, at 6pm here at the church, please come if you can. If you cannot make it but would still like to help, please call Melanie at the church office. Capital Campaign Update: Total Pledged: $74,706.88 Total Given: $64,711.00 3230 King Street NE Roanoke, VA 24012 ~ (540) 982-0115 ~ office@phoponline.com ~ www.phoponline.com Financial Snapshot Average Weekly Expenses: $7,000.00 May 31st Offering: $3,398.00 TNT Fireworks Volunteers The Missions Department needs YOU to volunteer for an hour, or two, during the daytime or nighttime hours. The sign up sheet is in the foyer. Help us share the news that we are at the Wal-Mart on King Street and Orange Avenue. Spread the word to your family and friends. All proceeds of the profit go to support missions both locally and internationally. Ladies Sm all Group – Sewing Ministry Ladies, do you sew? Do you want to use your abilities to be a blessing to others? Crystal Piper will be leading a small group focusing on sewing and the sign up sheet is in the foyer, or contact Crystal at 266-8967. The first meeting wil be July 20th. We will discuss what project we will work on and how often we will meet. Cookout at Jamestown – June 20 th at 12noon The Missions Department invites you to join us at Jamestown for an afternoon cookout. Bring your lawn chairs and meet some of our new friends! We need baked beans, chips and desserts. Food will be served until we run out. If you can help serve that day, please call the church office. Bake Sale for Soul Changers – June 20 th Soul Changers is having a bake sale on Saturday, June 20th, at Kroger in Vinton from 9 a.m. to noon. Please come help support our teens go to AYC. Donations are greatly appreciated! If you would like to donate some delicious baked goods please bring them to the church by 4 p.m. on Friday, June 19th. Mark Dubbeld Family – June 21 st at 10am The Mark Dubbeld Family from Moneta, Virginia are renowned for inspired originally penned songs, family harmony and a sincere desire to communicate the Gospel through their music. They have been impacting lives with a song to sing, a word to write, and a call to answer. Invite your family and friends to attend this amazing event! Staff Contact Information: Pastor Ray Campbell (540)589-1722~raycampbell777@gmail.com John Miller (540)354-9356 ~ john@phoponline.com Dave Calhoun (540)529-4101 ~ dgcalhoun67@gmail.com Todd Holloway (540)797-2182 ~ todd@phoponline.com Pastor Mike Summers (540)798-8146 ~ mcs_jr72@yahoo.com Melanie Thompson (540)589-5074 ~ office@phoponline.com Linda Thompson (540)798-9678 ~ thomp13060@aol.com 3230 King Street NE Roanoke, VA 24012 ~ (540) 982-0115 ~ office@phoponline.com ~ www.phoponline.com NE Roanoke, VA 24012 www.phoponline.com Main Office (540) 982-0115 Email: Office@phoponline.com Website:
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