May 10, 2015 - Mulberry Street United Methodist Church

May 10, 2015
This Sunday, during the 11 o’clock worship service, we
will recognize the children who have been born into
the Mulberry Family who are under 18 months of age.
Bethany Claire Borage
Braden Todd Burke
Avery Hollis Boza
Arden Joanna Culpepper
Adelyn Rose Dann
Payton Jennings Finney
Thomas Casey Gardner
Emma Jewel Heuman
Hattie Ann Lewis
Olivia Eugenia Mayfield
John Oliver McMullen
Mack Byrd Minton IV
Jameson Walden Weatherford
May 10, 2015
Rev. Bill Culpepper, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries
999 Memorial Fund
Sundays Anchored 5:00 pm Youth Room In memory of Frances Smith Kite by
T. Lynn Davis & Auction Co. Inc.
In memory of Frances Smith Kite by Mrs.
Wednesdays 6:15 pm Mary T. Mitchell
Upcoming Events Youth Week June 22 26 Youth Summer Retreat July 9 12
In memory of Frances Smith Kite by Dr.
and Mrs. William W. Baxley, Jr.
In memory of George Jones by Mr. and Mrs.
G. Boone Smith, III
Macon Outreach Fund
Usher for Nine O’clock
Warren Dunn & Scott Wangen
In memory of Frances Smith Kite by Mr.
Ushers for Eleven O’clock
Charlie Bridges, Austin Carter, Kenneth Harper, Jason Hawkins, Baxter James, David Mann, Don Ream, Bob Veto & Jim Wilson and Mrs. Robert F. Hatcher, Sr.
In memory of Frances Smith Kite by Mrs.
Betty Sweet Ladson
In memory of Frances Smith Kite by Mr.
and Mrs. Tim and Julie Adams
Children’s Church
2k/3k Amanda and Ken Smith 4k/5k – Brooke and Steve Kinross ララララララララララララララララララ
Thursday, May 14 The flowers in the sanctuary are given by
Mrs. Virginia Witherington to the glory of
God and in loving memory of her family.
12:00 pm $6.00 Fellowship Hall Program: Informational meeting on Identity Theft with Kelvin Collins from the Better Business Bureau. Call the church office for reservations by Monday, May 11. All are invited! The flowers in the chapel are given by
Denny and Julie Julius to the glory of God
and in honor of Hannah Greene and loving
memory of Marian Julius.
Gospel of Mark "Part II of our journey through Mark Eastertide/Trinitytide" Tuesday, May 5th – Tuesday, June 2nd Facilitated by Rev. Tommy Perkins 7:00am 8:00am Taste and See Café (546 Poplar Street)
Flower Opening The Flower Guild has one opening for flowers: Sunday, June 14 (sanctuary) If you would like to place flowers on this Sunday, please call Carolyn Dominy, 361 1012 or email her at Retirement Party for
the Masons!
Mark 6:30 44
Attendance Last Week
Nine O’clock Worship
Eleven O’clock Worship
Total Worship Attendance 270
Office Volunteer Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:30 am 12 noon Help is need in the front office, answering phones and greeting clients. We also need help handing out hygiene bags! If you'd like to Food Pickup volunteer, just Someone is needed to pick up donations at call Debbie or Fresh Market on Sundays after church and Robin, 478 743
bring it to Macon Outreach on Mondays. 8026 Clothing Closet or email Tuesdays 8:45 am 12 noon dtowson@mulbe
Help stock clothes and help clients with shopping. Pantry Needs –
Many volunteers are needed for our VBS this year.
The theme is G-Force, God’s Love in Action, with all
types of sports and fun activities included. If you are
able to provide snacks, help decorate, lead a
classroom or be an assistant, then let Pam know as
soon as possible.
Peanut Butter What’s Your Motivation: Love or Fear?
A Reflection on 1 John 4:7-21
Ann Smith, Spiritual Director
Time for Prayer during Transition “I want to be ready" We will be losing our senior pastor, Rev. Tommy Mason and receiving our new pastor, Rev. Jimmy Towson. Let us come together and seek God's guidance and blessing during this time of change. Come to pray in the sanctuary or walk the labyrinth, Wednesday May 20, from 10 12 am. The altar will be open and prayers and meditations will be offered as you come and go. Come on May 20th or agree to pray at home, but let us prepare together and "get ready". Living Water Well
Mission Trip to Nicaragua
October 2015 we return to Nicaragua to help a community in need. Our
team is forming with a (pre-fundraising) cost per person of $1400 +
$30 online LWI background check.
If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Drew Mercer
(478) 919-3842 or and visit
Budget Report 2015
Total YTD 149,112
Nestled among the familiar verses of 1 John 4:7-21 are
these bold words: This is how love has been perfected in us, so
that we can have confidence on the Judgment Day, because we
are exactly the same as God is in this world. There is no fear in
love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear expects
punishment. The person who is afraid has not been made perfect
in love.
As Christians, we serve, but what moves us to serve
others? Our reasons for serving may be obligation, peer pressure
or guilt. We may serve to feel useful, relevant or appreciated. At
the root of each of these is insecurity, a form of fear. If we do
what we do for God because we fear punishment, we are not free
to love God or others fully.
We are called to serve, but not for heavenly reward or
earthly recognition and not to be found worthy by God. We serve
because we love. These words from Thomas Merton show the
priority of love: Let go of all that seems to suggest getting
somewhere, being someone, having a name and a voice, following
a policy and directing people in “my” ways. What matters is to
Motivated by love, our service flows out of the very real
awareness that because God loves us, we have nothing to prove.
There are no more “oughts,” there is no more need to be relevant,
there is no more guilt, there is no more fear. We no longer care if
others notice our service or appreciate it. We don’t care if it is
measurable on some worldly scale of assessment. We simply love,
and we love because we are loved by God. When we love, John
boldly says, we are exactly the same as God is in this world. Can
you even imagine such a way of living?
As I have immersed myself in sayings of the Desert
Fathers and Mothers for an Eastertide daily email, I‘ve gained a
wider lens through which to see what it might look like to be
exactly the same as God is in the world. Their acts of grace,
forgiveness and generosity reveal that love motivated what these
very real people did. Every action, every word, every effort at
overcoming temptation was rooted in the knowledge that to be the
image of God in the world, one must always be guided by love.
Confident of God’s love for us, we are free of fear and free to
Mulberry Street United Methodist Church
719 Mulberry Street, Macon, GA 31201
P.O. Box 149, Macon, GA 31202
Office (478) 745-8601
Our 11 a.m. service is broadcast live
over Radio Station AM 940 WMAC.
Rev. Tommy Mason (960-8140)
Rev. Tommy Perkins (615-691-3171)
Rev. Bill Culpepper (803-673-7860)
This Week at Mulberry
Sunday, May 10
9:00 am Worship/Chapel
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship/Sanctuary
Tuesday, May 12
8:30 am Prayer Group/Prayer Rm
10:30 am Staff Meeting/Conf Rm
12:00 pm Kiwanis/F-Hall
7:00 pm Young Adult Bible Study
Wednesday, May 13
9:15 am CCM Chapel
10:30 am M/O Worship
12:30 pm Centering Prayer
4:00 pm Paula Motes Circle/Conf Rm
7:15 pm Ainsworth Choir
Thursday, May 14
9:30 am Circle of Friends Sewing Group/Rm 232
12:00 pm Young at Heart Luncheon/F-Hall
6:30 pm 4-H Meeting/F-Hall
Sunday, May 17
9:00 am Worship/Chapel
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship/Sanctuary
Mulberry Street UMC Staff
Tommy Mason, Senior Pastor
Tommy Perkins, Associate Pastor
Bill Culpepper, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries
Creede Hinshaw, Senior Pastor Emeritus
Bruce Bishop, Church Administrator Camille Bishop, Music Director/Organist
Pam Johnston, Director of Children & Family Ministries
Betsy Abbott, Director of Hospitality Erin Frazier, Director, Children’s Center
Ann Smith, Spiritual Director Johnny Hathcock, Director, Macon Outreach
Sara Colvin, Financial Secretary Linda Parker, Administrative Secretary
Doris Andrews, Church Cook/Custodian
Clifton Carswell
Jeffrey Smith