M U LBER R Y S T R EET U N IT ED M ET HO D IS T C HUR C H May 17, 2015 www.mulberrymethodist.org \ \\ \\ Gl o r i f i e d —A Re fle ctio n o n Jo hn 1 7 :6 -1 9 This we e k’s pa ssa g e in Jo hn is a pra ye r Je sus o ffe rs to G o d in the pre se nce o f a nd fo r his disciple s sho rtly be fo re his a rre st. It include s this sta te me nt: “I have be e n glorifie d in the m.” This is a n une xpe cte d re ve rsa l. Wha t I e xpe ct to he a r is tha t the disciple s, the o ne s who spe nt thre e ye a rs with Je sus, are g lo rifie d by be ing with Je sus. The y a re the o ne s who have be e n “in scho o l,” be ing tra ine d by the M a ste r Te a che r to ca rry o n wha t he ha d be g un. Ye t he re is Jesus, pa ssing the to rch, sa ying tha t the lig ht in him shine s be ca use o f the lig ht in his disciple s, no t the o the r wa y a ro und. M e iste r Eckha rt a tte sts tha t we ca rry this g lo ry: Now conside r this: G od is in e ve rything but G od is nowhe re as much as he is in the soul. The re , whe re time ne ve r e nte rs, whe re no image shine s in, in the inne rmost and de e pe st aspe ct of the soul G od cre ate s the whole cosmos.” To co nside r this a s true fo r e ve ry sing le huma n be ing me a ns tha t the fa ce s o f the mig ra nt, the ma rg ina lize d o r the murde re r sho uld be a s pre cio us in my sig ht a s tho se o f the pe o ple de a re st to me . In e ve ry pe rso n is pla nte d a G o d se e d, a spa rk o f g lo ry. Pa ul sa ys we ha ve this tre a sure in cla y ja rs (2 C o rinthia ns 4 ). We a re fra g ile , te mpte d, pro ne to be swa ye d by e g o ra the r tha n by wha t Je sus ha s ta ug ht us, but tha t do e sn’t re mo ve the tre a sure fro m us. In a mo me nt o f insig ht, in a busy city, Tho ma s M e rto n sa w it, sa w C hrist’s g lo ry in e ve ry pe rso n o n the stre e t: It is a glorious de stiny to be a me mbe r of the human race , though it is a race de dicate d to many absurditie s and one which make s many te rrible mistake s: ye t, with all that, G od Himse lf glorie d in be coming a me mbe r of the human race . A me mbe r of the human race ! To think that such a commonplace re alization should sudde nly se e m like ne ws that one holds the winning ticke t in a cosmic swe e pstake . I have the imme nse joy of be ing a me mbe r of a race in which G od be came incarnate . . . now I re alize what we all are . And if only e ve rybody could re alize this! But it cannot be e xplaine d. The re is no way of te lling pe ople that the y are all walking around shining like the sun.” C hrist is g lo rifie d in us! We ha ve be e n g ive n bo th a n a ma zing g ift a nd a n a we so me re spo nsibility– to se e o urse lve s a nd a ll o the rs in this wa y. Ann Smith, Spiritua l Dire cto r Sunday Wo rsh ip May 17, 2015 Scampers 9:00 am Chapel 11:00 am Sanctuary 999 Mem orial Fund Pantry N eeds UMW Sunday Given in Mem ory of George Jones by Mrs. Rev. Grace Guyton, preaching Given in Mem ory of Frances Kite by Janice C anned Tomatoes/Sauce C anned Greens C anned Fruit ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Janice R. Nordan R. Nordan Assisting with Worsh ip Given in Mem ory of Wendell W. Barnes by Usher for Nine O’clock Warren Dunn & Scott Wangen Ushers for Eleven O’clock Charlie Bridges, Austin Carter, Kenneth Harper, Jason Hawkins, Baxter James, David Mann, Don Ream, Bob Veto & Jim Wilson Mr. Carter M. Stout Mrs. Martha B. Swann Given in Memory of William H. Hurdle by Children’s Church 2K/3K Aubrey and Cameron Bishop 4K/5K Amy and Steve Moretti ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Macon O utreach Fund Given in Mem ory of Al Greenway by: Lyndakay and T homas Myers Jamie Cockfield Given in Mem ory of Mary Jane League by Julie and Denny Julius Given in Mem ory of Bishop Handy Hancock by Julie and Denny Julius Given in mem ory of George Jones by : Julie and Denny Julius Esther Circle Given in Mem ory of Wendell Barnes by Joann Kendrick-Holmes Given in Mem ory of Frances Kite by: The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Anne and James Berg by Jimbo and Martha Berg. The flowers in the chapel are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of John Ray Wilson by his family, Margaret, Vickie, Patty, Ellen, Susan, John, James, and Seth. Mark 6:45‐56 Attendance Last Week Nine O’clock Worship Eleven O’clock Worship Total Worship Attendance 48 270 318 If you’d like to volunteer call Robin or Debbie at 478‐743‐8026 or email dtowson@mulberrymethodist.org Freeda and Harold Chapman Lanier and Nancy Anderson Dr. and Mrs. G.E. Johnson, Jr. Patricia and Christopher Brown Albert and Bebe Reichert Frank and Gloria Hall Dr. and Mrs. William B.Dasher, Jr. Joe and Evelyn Adams Ruel and Frankie Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Ben Garland McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks and Co. Dr. and Mrs. Charlie Cloaninger Lynn M. Schuessler and Mary S. Mercer Kay Greer Ann Dunwoody Inspirit Class of Ingleside Baptist Church Betty and T ommy T albot Mrs. Linda Browne Anne Dunlap Youmans Nancy R. Rehberg Gene and Clare Allen Dr. and Mrs. David Rozier Joann Kendrick-Holmes Deborah, Caroline and Ben Lowery Bob and Cornealia Patton Sally McLemore Mr. and Mrs. John Barrow Kathy and Bill Marbut Jackson Springs Garden Club Gospel of Mark "Part II of our journey through Mark‐‐Eastertide/Trinitytide" Tuesday, May 5th – Tuesday, June 2nd Facilitated by Rev. Tommy Perkins 7:00am‐8:00am Taste and See Café (546 Poplar Street) Ret i r em en t Pa r t y f o r t h e M a so n s! When: Sunday, May 31 st at 12:15 Where: The Fellowship Hall What to bring : Yourselves Come give Tommy and Karen a grand send-off! R.S.V.P to Church Office Pam John ston , Di rector of Chi l dren & Fami l y Mi n i stri es Vacat ion Bible School J une 8- 12 9: 00 am – 12: 30 pm. Rev. Bill Culpepper, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries Sundays Anchored - 5:00 pm Upcoming Events Youth Night Out 6 pm May 21 @ Youth Week June 22-26 Youth Summer Retreat July 9-12 Many volunt eer s ar e needed f or our VBS t his year . The t heme is G-For ce, God’s Love in Act ion, wit h all t ypes of spor t s and f un act ivit ies included. I f you ar e able t o pr ovide snacks, help decor at e, lead a classr oom or be an assist ant , t hen let Pam know as soon as possible. Time for Prayer during Transition “I want to be ready" We will be losing our senior pastor, Rev. Tommy Mason and receiving our new senior pastor, Rev. Jimmy Towson. Let us come together and seek God's guidance and blessing during this time of change. Come to pray in the sanctuary or walk the labyrinth, Wednesday May 20, from 10‐ 12 am. The altar will be open and prayers and meditations will be offered as you come and go. Come on May 20th or agree to pray at home, but let us prepare together and "get ready". Yan cey an d Wh itn ey Moon ey 230 Hines Terrace Macon, GA 31202 Kim Bon n er 2485 Carlton Way Macon, GA Taylor Brou n 1245 Jefferson Terrace Macon, GA 31201 Geraldin e Hogu e 210 Tobler Creek Rd Juliette, GA 31046 Tim oth y Math ew s 1955 Broadw ay St. Macon, GA 31206 Living Water Well Mission Trip to Nicaragua Budget Report 2015 Endowment Month Revenue Jan 65,946 Feb 83,166 March 102,146 Total YTD 149,112 Expense 96,592 105,627 113,483 202,219 Net (30,646) (22,462) (11,337) (53,108) Revenue 0 0 6,000 6,000 Net__ (30,646) (22,462) (5,337) (58,445) October 2015 we return to Nicaragua to help a community in need. Our team is forming with a (prefundraising) cost per person of $1400 + $30 online LWI background check.If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Drew Mercer (478) 919-3842 or drewmercer@gmail.com and visit www.water.cc. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID MACON, GA PERMIT NO. 417 Mulberry Street United Methodist Church 719 Mulberry Street, Macon, GA 31201 P.O. Box 149, Macon, GA 31202 Office (478) 745-8601 www.mulberrymethodist.org NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED WEEKLY Our 11 a.m. service is broadcast live over Radio Station AM 940 WMAC. Rev. Tommy Mason (960-8140) Rev. Tommy Perkins (615-691-3171) Rev. Bill Culpepper (803-673-7860) Th is Week a t Mu lb er r y Sunday, May 17 9:00 am Worship/Chapel 9:40 am KIDSPRAISE 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship/Sanctuary Monday, May 18 10:00 am Disciples of 1812/Parlor 12:00 pm Disciples of 1812/F-Hall 2:30 pm CCM Graduation Practice/Sanctuary 4:45 pm Finance Committee Mtg/ Conf Rm a a Tuesday, May 19 8:30 am Prayer Group/Prayer Rm 9:15 am CCM Graduation Practice/Sanctuary 10:30 am Staff Meeting/Conf Rm 12:00 pm Kiwanis/F-Hall 7:00 pm Young Adult Bible Study Wednesday, May 20 9:15 am CCM Chapel 10:30 am M/O Worship 12:30 pm Centering Prayer 2:30 pm CCM Graduation Practice/Sanctuary 6:00 pm Ainsworth Choir Thursday, May 21 9:30 am Circle of Friends Sewing Group/Rm 232 10:30 am DAR Mtg/Conf Rm 11:30 am Fuller Housing Mtg/Rm 323 12:00 pm DAR Luncheon/F-Hall 1:00 pm Carlyle Place Communion 2:30 pm CCM Graduation Practice/Sanctuary 6:00 pm Youth Night Out 6:30 pm CCM Graduation/Sanctuary Sunday, May 24 9:00 am Worship/Chapel 9:40 am KIDSPRAISE 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship/Sanctuary 5:00 pm ANCHORED Mu lb er r y S t r eet U MC S t a ff Tommy Mason, Senior Pastor Tommy Perkins, Associate Pastor Bill Culpepper, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries Creede Hinshaw, Senior Pastor Emeritus Bruce Bishop, Church Administrator Camille Bishop, Music Director/Organist Pam Johnston, Director of Children & Family Ministries Betsy Abbott, Director of Hospitality Erin Frazier, Director, Children’s Center Ann Smith, Spiritual Director Johnny Hathcock, Director, Macon Outreach Sara Colvin, Financial Secretary Linda Parker, Administrative Secretary Doris Andrews, Church Cook/Custodian Custodians Clifton Carswell Jeffrey Smith
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