M U LBER R Y S T R EET U N IT ED M ET HO D IS T C HUR C H April 5, 2015 www.mulberrymethodist.org This Easter w eekend, Come and w orship. Give thanks. Celebrate Life! East er Egg Hunt Saturday, April 4 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Everyone is invited to the fun on Coleman Hill. Bring picnic lunch, drinks, chairs and blankets. East er Sunrise Service 7:00 AM on Coleman Hill Rev. Tommy Mason, Preacher In the event of rain, the service will be held in Mulberry’s sanctuary. Flowering of t he East er Cross On Easter Sunday morning members of Mulberry are asked to bring flowers from their yards or gardens to place on the cross in Mulberry’s courtyard. The cross will be covered in greenery and chicken wire and flowers will be easily placed on the cross. Please bring flowers to the courtyard prior to Sunday school. This beautiful blooming cross will symbolize our risen Christ to all who pass by our church home after Easter. East er W orship (both services will be in the Sanctuary) 9:00 & 11:00 AM Sanctuary Rev. Tommy Mason, Preacher Ainsworth Choir Sunday Wo rsh ip April 5, 2015 Scampers 9:00 am Sanctuary 11:00 am Sanctuary 999 Cam Bishop, Director of Music/Organist Rev. Bill Culpepper, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries Renowned Organist Alan Morrison to Play at Mulberry “Shaken…and Stirred” Mark 16:1-8 Sundays Anchored 5:00 pm- Youth Room Sponsored by Mercer’s Townsend School of Music Joan Godsey Concert Series Monday, April 20 7:30 pm Free event! All are welcome. Rev. Tommy Mason ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Assisting with Wo rsh ip Usher for Nine O’clock Tim Anderson W ednesdays 6:15 pm The chu r ch office will be closed Monday, April 6 t h . Ushers for Eleven O’clock An Eastertide of W isdom Russ Barber, Gregory Bushway, Gary Dunn, Emory Dunn, Jim Manley, Drew Mercer, Don Ream, Vaughan Smith, Bill Sparks, Joe Stephens & Lee Stevens Daily Insights from the Desert The desert fathers and mothers have inspired Christian Children’s Church spirituality since the fourth century. These men and Joel & Mandie Respess (2K/3K) women, mostly uneducated, were sought out for their ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ wisdom, which was collected in writing and has been shared throughout the centuries. Thursday, April 9 During the Easter season (the fifty days from Easter to Pentecost) you are invited to join an e-mail community to receive a daily dose of desert wisdom. Contact A nn Smith at annsmith828@gmail.com to be included. 12:00 pm - $6.00 Fellowship Hall Call the church office 745-8601 for reservations by Tuesday, April 7. All are invited! Please invite guests! The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Dr. & Mrs. J. Milton Heard, Jr. by Mr. & Mrs. Milton Heard, III and family. Flowering of the Easter Cross O n Easter Sunday morning members of M ulberry are asked to bring flowers from their yards or gardens to place on the cross in M ulberry’s courtyard. The cross will be covered in greenery and chicken wire and flowers will be easily placed on the cross. Please bring flowers to the courtyard prior to Sunday school. This beautiful blooming cross will symbolize our risen Christ to all who pass by our church home after Easter. Mark 5:1‐20 Are you interested in becoming a Mulberry Gazelle? Attendance Last Week Nine O’clock Worship Eleven O’clock Worship Total Worship Attendance 39 361 400 Sunday School 255 April 8 Menu: Roast Beef Program: A Night with Mulberry Youth Gazelles are matched with our homebound to form friendships, emotional and physical support, and generally remember our church saints! If you are interested in becoming a Gazelle...or know someone who needs a Gazelle, please contact Marilyn Armstrong at: 478/335-8363 or marilynar@cox.net Pam John ston , Director of Children & Family Min istries East er Egg Hunt - Sat ur day, Apr il 4 11:00 am – 1:00 pm - Coleman Hill J oin is on Coleman Hill f or inf lat ables, pony r ides, pr izes and games, wit h t he Egg Hunt st ar t ing at 11:15 and open t o all kids up t o age 12. Even if you can’t make t he hunt , blanket s and picnics ar e encour aged! Mem o rial Fund In memory of Alton Greenway by Mr. Michael D. Hartzog Mr. & Mrs. William O. Walker Mr. & Mrs. G. Boone Smith, III Mr. & Mrs. Baldwin Martin, Jr. In memory of Wendell Barnes by Mrs. Gloria M. Wynn Mr. Charles E. Glass Mr. & Mrs. William O. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Donald Moore Mr. & Mrs. David F. Green, Sr. The Hall Family Mr. Zeke Rhodes In memory of Rev. Bill Hurdle by Mr. & Mrs. William O. Walker Mrs. Janice R. Nordan Mr. & Mrs. David Bell In memory of Jim Lawton by Mr. & Mrs. William O. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Howell Newton In memory of Handy & Mariam Hancock by Mr. Harold L. Downs In memory of Bishop Handy Hancock by Mrs. Janice R. Nordan In memory of Charlotte Nunnally by Mr. & Mrs. William O. Walker Music Fund In honor of Cam Bishop, Caitlin Dowling & Dr. David Keith by Rev. & Mrs. Samuel P. Lamback Office Volunteer Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - 10:30 am -12 noon Help work front office, answering phones and greeting clients. Also handing out hygiene bags if needed. Food Pickup Monday mornings at 10:00 am Carrabbas, BoneFish and Outback Steakhouse in the Riverside/Arkwright area. Each volunteer will have a refrigerated bag, place food in bag and drop off at Macon Outreach that day. Clothing Closet Tuesdays 8:45 am -12 noon Help stock clothes and help clients with shopping. If you'd like to volunteer, just call Debbie or Robin, 478-743-8026 or email dtowson@mulberrymethodist.org Pantry Needs Peanut Butter D AYB R E AK There is a bucket in the atrium to receive donations to Daybreak. Supply Needs: Sugar powdered creamer spray deodorant shower supplies toilet tissue paper towels Macon O utreach Fund In memory of Al Greenway by Janssen Retain Partners Jimmy & Jean Weatherford Social Security Administration Denny & Julie Julius Hannah Greene Cecil & Julia Baldwin Janet Frost In memory of Wendell Barnes by Heart of Georgia Insurance Brokers, Inc. Butch & Frankie Jean Beaty Charles H. Yates, Jr. In memory of Bishop Handy Hancock by Bob & Patsy Fountain Denny & Julie Julius Hannah Greene In honor of Hazel Couch’s Birthday by Harry Lee Couch In honor of Frances Inzer’s Birthday by Harry Lee & Hazel Couch In honor of deceased loved ones and friends and the helpful employees at Kroger and K-Mart on Tom Hill Sr. Boulevard by Joseph & Paulette Reeves Methodist Home Celebration Day Saturday, April 1 1 , 2 0 1 5 1 0 :3 0 am – 2 :0 0 pm Help Bring a SNOW DAY to the Kids of Middle GA! This year’s event will be a “Snow Day” with snow tubing, snow ball throwing, crafts, carnival games, food booths, auctions, etc. In order to make Celebration Day a success, we NEED YOU! We need volunteers for the following areas: Carnival Games Registration Food Sales/Serving Photography Set-up & Break-down Help with Auctions Parking & Transportation We also need the following: Bake sale goods (cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, candies, etc.) Auction items for live or silent auction (trips, restaurant gift cards, unique items, etc.) If you can help, please contact Julia Plonk, Special Events Manager, 751-2898 or julia.plonk@TheMethodistHome.org. Living Water Well Mission Trip to Nicaragua Millions of people still lack safe, clean drinking water, which cripples their ability to survive and thrive. In recent years Mulberry has helped fund a water well in Swaziland and has funded and sent teams to drill wells and teach hygiene for communities in Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. October 2015 we return to Nicaragua to help a community in need. Our team is forming with a (pre-fundraising) cost per person of $1400 + $30 online LWI background check. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Drew Mercer (478) 9193842 or drewmercer@gmail.com and visit www.water.cc. Budget Report 2015 Month Jan Total YTD Revenue 65,946 65,946 Expense 96,592 96,592 Net (30,646) (30,646) Circle Meetings Paula Motes Circle The Paula Motes Circle will meet Wednesday, April 8 at 4:00 pm in the Conference Room. Grace Circle The Grace Circle will meet Thursday, April 9 at 6:30 pm at the home of NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID MACON, GA PERMIT NO. 417 Mulberry Street United Methodist Church 719 Mulberry Street, Macon, GA 31201 P.O. Box 149, Macon, GA 31202 Office (478) 745-8601 www.mulberrymethodist.org NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED WEEKLY Our 11 a.m. service is broadcast live over Radio Station AM 940 WMAC. Rev. Tommy Mason (960-8140) Rev. Tommy Perkins (615-691-3171) Rev. Bill Culpepper (803-673-7860) Th is Week a t Mu lb er r y Sunday, April 5 7:00 am Sunrise Service/Coleman Hill 9:00 am Worship/Sanctuary 9:40 am KIDSPRAISE 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship/Sanctuary Monday, April 6 Church Office Will Be Closed Tuesday, April 7 8:30 am Prayer Group/Prayer Rm 10:30 am Staff Meeting/Conf Rm 12:00 pm Kiwanis/F-Hall 7:00 pm Young Adult Bible Study a a Wednesday, April 8 9:15 am CCM Chapel 10:30 am M/O Worship 12:30 pm Centering Prayer 4:00 pm Paula Motes Circle/Conf Rm 5:30 pm Wednesday Night Supper 7:15 pm Ainsworth Choir Thomas Sunday (April 12th) Easter Homebound Communion At 12 noon in the sanctuary the Second Sunday of Easter (Thomas Sunday) you are invited to participate in the extension our Lord's table to Mulberry's homebound. If you are willing to be part of this Communion Outreach on what will be a most meaningful and sacred event of the Eastertide following the 11:00 communion service, please contact Tommy Perkins at tperkins@mulberrymethodist.org or 745-8601 no later than Wednesday, April 8th. If you are a homebound member of Mulberry who would like to receive Communion on the second Sunday of Easter April 12th between 12:30 and 6:00 pm, please contact Tommy Perkins no later than Thursday, April 9th so he can coordinate your visit tperkins@mulberrymethodist.org or 745-8601. Thursday, April 9 9:30 am Circle of Friends Sewing Group/Room 232 12:00 pm Young at Heart Luncheon Stephen Ministry Introductory Workshop Saturday, April 18, 2015 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Johns Creek UMC, Johns Creek, GA Saturday, April 11 1:00-5:00 pm Vintage Macon/F-Hall ...after the divorce papers are served and the bottom falls out of your life. Stephen M inisters are the " after people"- there after ... the phone call you hoped you'd never get. ...after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions come crashing. Sunday, April 12 7:00 am Sunrise Service/Coleman Hill 9:00 am Worship/Chapel 9:40 am KIDSPRAISE 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship/Sanctuary 5:00 pm Anchored ...after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away--& the house seems empty. ...after the baby arrives demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible. Stephen ministers come along side & provide comfort and support after life's transitions when it is needed. Registration fee is $15. Questions? Contact Tommy Perkins tperkins@mulberrymethodist.org Mu lb er r y S t r eet U MC S t a ff Tommy Mason, Senior Pastor Tommy Perkins, Associate Pastor Bill Culpepper, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries Creede Hinshaw, Senior Pastor Emeritus Bruce Bishop, Church Administrator Camille Bishop, Music Director/Organist Pam Johnston, Director of Children & Family Ministries Betsy Abbott, Director of Hospitality Erin Frazier, Director, Children’s Center Ann Smith, Spiritual Director Johnny Hathcock, Director, Macon Outreach Sara Colvin, Financial Secretary Linda Parker, Administrative Secretary Doris Andrews, Church Cook/Custodian Custodians Clifton Carswell Jeffrey Smith
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