Mar 22, 2015 - Mulberry Street United Methodist Church

March 22, 2015
Cherry Blossom Organ Concerts
March 23-27, 2015
Mulberry Street United Methodist Church
Daily Concerts at 12 Noon
Monday, March 23
Gerald Carper, Organist
Highland Hills Baptist, Macon
Tuesday, March 24
Robin Jenkins Ericksen, Organist-Choirmaster
St. Stephen’s Episcopal, Milledgeville
Wednesday, March 25
José Reyes-Ortiz, Organist-Choirmaster
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Macon
Graduate Organ Student at Mercer University
Thursday, March 26
Jonathan Poe, Assistant Organist-Choirmaster
Christ Episcopal, Macon
Graduate Organ Student at Mercer University
Friday, March 27
Dr. Craig E. Soaries, Organist
Senior Pastor of The Global Empowerment Fellowship of Churches and Ministers, Atlanta
Graduate Organ Student at Mercer University
Co-sponsored by Mulberry Street UMC and Macon Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
Sunday Worship
March 22, 2015
9:00 am Chapel
Cam Bishop, Director of Music/Organist
am Sanctuary
“Lent: Living in Crisis”
John 12:20-33
Rev. Tommy Perkins
Assisting with Worship
Usher for Nine O’clock
Clay Washburn
Ushers for Eleven O’clock
Art Banks, Waverly Golson, Mel Jamison, Martin
Magda, Darin McClure, Ian McMullen,
Jason Mott, Ed Powell, Doyle Powers,
Bert Thompson, Ben Vaughn & Tom Woodcock
Children’s Church
Jim & Candi Wilson (4K/5K)
The flowers in the chapel are given
to the glory of God and loving memory of
Mrs. Jean Chafin
by her daughter Marty Chafin.
The flowers in the sanctuary are given
to the glory of God and in loving memory of
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Grace,
Mrs. Dorothy G. Martin,
Mr. Charles B. Grace, Jr.,
Mr. Loyd A. Grace, Leonard Grace,
Mr. Bobby R. Grace,
and Mrs. Nancy G. Orphan
by Harry Lee and Hazel Couch.
We are blessed at Mulberry to have over 35 devoted
choir members who meet faithfully each Wednesday
evening to prepare music for our Sunday worship
services. The Ainsworth Choir has been busy since the
middle of January preparing Faure’s beautiful Requiem,
which will be sung on March 29, Palm Sunday in the
11:00 service. The choir will be accompanied by strings,
harp, horns and organ, and will be conducted by Dr.
David Keith. I think you’ll find this music to be a most
meaningful way to begin our walk through Holy Week.
This year’s service will be dedicated to the glory of God
and in memory of Rev. Bill Hurdle, beloved former pastor
of Mulberry who died this past January. I know that
many of you will want to be present on Palm Sunday to
hear the music and, in so doing, remember the life of this
great saint of our church. Let me also say how much the
choir appreciates your presence and your support.
Thank you for coming and for inviting others to join us in
this worship experience.
Our children have had a wonderful year in
children’s choir and are excited about sharing
their music with you on Wednesday evening,
March 25 at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall. I hope
that many of you will come and celebrate these
children and their accomplishments. I’m
especially proud of the members of the Wesley
Choir (Grades 1-5) who have memorized hymns
throughout the year and will be receiving a
United Methodist Hymnal with their name
imprinted on it. Please mark your calendar now
for a great evening of singing and fun.
Caitlin Dowling extends an invitation to any students in
grades 6-12 who would like to join her in choir on
March 22, April 12 & April 19 to prepare music for
Youth Sunday which will be held April 26.
Bill Culpepper will be preaching that Sunday. It would be
wonderful to have a youth group sing for this special
service. Rehearsals will begin at 4:00 on these 3
Sundays. Please contact Caitlin for more information.
Rev. Bill Culpepper, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries
5:00 pm
Youth Room
6:15 pm
To Shirley and Allene Griffin upon the
death of her sister, Zelda R. Henderson
of Ocilla, GA on March 3, 2015.
To Vaughan & Beth Smith upon the death of Beth’s mother,
Charlotte L. Nunnally on March 9, 2015.
Flowering of the Easter Cross
On Easter Sunday morning members of
Mulberry are asked to bring flowers from
their yards or gardens to place on the
cross in Mulberry’s courtyard. The cross
will be covered in greenery and chicken
wire and flowers will be easily placed on
the cross. Please bring flowers to the
courtyard prior to Sunday school. This
beautiful blooming cross will symbolize
our risen Christ to all who pass by our
church home after Easter.
Mark 4:21‐34 March 25
Attendance Last Week
Nine O’clock Worship
Eleven O’clock Worship
Total Worship Attendance
5:30 pm
Fellowship Hall
Menu: Chicken Tenders Al Greenway
March 13, 2015
Handy Hancock
March 13, 2015
Wendell Barnes
March 15, 2015
Macon Outreach
Vienna Sausage & Beef Stew
Pam Johnston, Director of Children & Family Ministries
Lent Mission Project
The Children’s Department is collecting shaving cream
for Macon Outreach during Lent.
Palm Sunday Processional
March 29
All kids (under 3 need a parent to accompany them) meet on
the church steps at 10:45 am for our annual procession with
palm fronds.
Pizza, Pretzels and Prayers Tween Night
March 29
Kids grades 3-5 are invited to bring their friends for a fun
night of learning about the significance of Holy Week.
At 7:00 pm we will leave Mulberry for a group Latern Tour
of the Ocmulgee Indian Mounds.
There is a bucket in the atrium to receive donations to Daybreak.
Supply Needs:
Sugar powdered creamer spray deodorant shower supplies
toilet tissue paper towels
Living Water Well
Mission Trip to Nicaragua
Millions of people still lack safe, clean drinking water,
which cripples their ability to survive and thrive.
In recent years Mulberry has helped fund a water well in
Swaziland and has funded and sent teams to drill wells
and teach hygiene for communities in Honduras,
Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. October 2015 we
October 2015 we return to Nicaragua to help a community in need. Our team is
forming with a (pre-fundraising) cost per person of $1400 + $30 online LWI
background check.
If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Drew Mercer (478) 9193842 or and visit
Need Candy and Dads!
Please bring individually wrapped, non-chocolate candy or
stuffed plastic Easter eggs and place in the container near
Pam’s office. Also, we need 3-5 dads to commit to help from
8:30-10:00 am and/or from 1:00-2:00 pm on Saturday, April 4,
for set up and clean up of the egg hunt. Let Pam know!
March 29
Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 4
11:00 am – 1:00 pm - Coleman Hill
Join is on Coleman Hill for inflatables, pony rides, prizes and
games, with the Egg Hunt starting at 11:15 and open to all kids
up to age 12. Even if you can’t make the hunt,
blankets and picnics are encouraged!
Palm Sunday
Gabriel Fauré
Ainsworth Choir and Chamber Orchestra
Dr. C. David Keith, Conductor
March 30-April 3
Holy Week
Rev. Tommy Martin,
Holy Week Preacher
Theme: Between Passion & Resurrection:
Paradox And Promise Of The Good News
12:00 Noon – Sanctuary (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday)
April 2
Maundy Thursday Communion
6:00 pm – Sanctuary
Memorial Fund
April 4
In memory of Dr. William Hurdle by
Mrs. Frances Dixon Mrs. Frances H. Inzer
In memory of Jim Lawton by
Mrs. Frances Inzer Mr. & Mrs. Ed Loomis
Easter Egg Hunt
Coleman Hill - 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
April 5
In memory of Bill Hurdle by Mr. & Mrs. Ed Loomis
Music Fund
Easter Sunrise Service
Coleman Hill – 7:00 am
Tommy Mason, preaching
Budget Report 2015
Flowering of the Easter Cross
Total YTD
Easter Worship
9:00 am & 11:00 am
Rev. Tommy Mason, preaching
Mulberry Street United Methodist Church
719 Mulberry Street, Macon, GA 31201
P.O. Box 149, Macon, GA 31202
Office (478) 745-8601
Our 11 a.m. service is broadcast live
over Radio Station AM 940 WMAC.
Rev. Tommy Mason (960-8140)
Rev. Tommy Perkins (615-691-3171)
Rev. Bill Culpepper (803-673-7860)
This Week at Mulberry
Sunday, March 22
9:00 am Worship/Chapel
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship/Sanctuary
12:00-2:00 pm Care Ministry Group Mtg/Parlor
5:00 pm Anchored
5:00 pm Lenten Study/Parlor
Monday, March 23
11:00 am Young Harris Luncheon/Parlor
1:00 pm Cottages on Wesleyan Communion
5:00 pm Finance Committee Mtg/Conf Rm
Tuesday, March 24
8:30 am Prayer Group/Prayer Rm
10:30 am Staff Meeting/Conf Rm
12:00 pm Kiwanis/F-Hall
Wednesday, March 25
9:15 am CCM Chapel
10:30 am M/O Worship
12:30 pm Centering Prayer
5:30 pm Wednesday Night Supper
6:15 pm Children’s Choir Spring Celebration
7:15 pm Ainsworth Choir
Thursday, March 26
9:30 am Circle of Friends Sewing Group/Room 232
Saturday-Sunday, March 28 & 29
Youth Cherry Blossom Ice Cream Sale
Sunday, March 29
9:00 am Worship/Chapel
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship/Sanctuary
5:00 pm Anchored
5:00 pm Lenten Study/Parlor
5:00 pm Pizza, Pretzels & Prayers Tween Night
An Eastertide of Wisdom
Daily Insights from the Desert
The desert fathers and mothers have inspired Christian spirituality since the fourth
century. These men and women, mostly uneducated, were sought out for their
wisdom, which was collected in writing and has been shared throughout the
During the Easter season (the fifty days from Easter to Pentecost) you are invited to
join an e-mail community to receive a daily dose of desert wisdom. Contact Ann
Smith at to be included.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
5K & 10K @ 8:15,
1 Mile Run/Walk @ 9:15
Howard Middle School,
6600 Forsyth Rd
Please join us for the 13th annual running of the Cherry Blossom Road Race for Wesley Glen
Ministries during Macon’s Cherry Blossom Festival. A flat course will take you through the
scenic Cherry Blossom Trail, starting at Howard Middle School running through the horse
farms of Rivoli Drive. The 1 Mile event is held on the school campus. Plan to stay after the
race to enjoy a kid’s corral with inflatable’s, face painting, popcorn, sno-cones & other
activities. Early Registration is $13 for the 1 Mile Walk, $23 for the 5K & 10K.
For more information please call Tom Adrien, 478-972-9188.
Mulberry Street UMC Staff
Tommy Mason, Senior Pastor
Tommy Perkins, Associate Pastor
Bill Culpepper, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries
Creede Hinshaw, Senior Pastor Emeritus
Bruce Bishop, Church Administrator Camille Bishop, Music Director/Organist
Pam Johnston, Director of Children & Family Ministries
Betsy Abbott, Director of Hospitality Erin Frazier, Director, Children’s Center
Ann Smith, Spiritual Director Johnny Hathcock, Director, Macon Outreach
Sara Colvin, Financial Secretary Linda Parker, Administrative Secretary
Doris Andrews, Church Cook/Custodian
Clifton Carswell
Jeffrey Smith